Category: jewish networks
- Media: The New York Times, US East Coast
—- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…
- The Fall of Rome, Roman Empire, Jewish and other networks; Judaism, the first Muslims, islam, how religions were constructed; Mayflower
—- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…
03.2 (01) Sionism
—- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…
05. Methods: 5.010.02: Jewish vs Israeli
—- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…