The anti-racists become racists; integration is fake; terminology [link] – News media and globalization

The anti-racists become racists; integration is fake; terminology [link]

Art in the center of Stockholm.

What started as anti-racism turned into racism. Compare George Orwell’s novel 1984: “War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength” or how the pigs (political leaders) started walking on their hind legs and behaving like the previous opressors, once the revolution/transition was over, in Orwell’s novel Animal Farm.

Greta Thunberg defends the Samis right to their culture, but noone defended the Swedes. Greta refuses to accept people older than 25 in her organization. -2-

Fridays for Future, Stockholm, 2021

Greta Thunberg demonstration: Only young girls leading the demonstrations, all but one “ethnic”. Only people below 25 years of age allowed into “Fridays for Future”, the organization Greta founded.

NASA removes all white male astronauts from team Artemis.

Manisfestations where the Quran is burned are allowed in Sweden.

News media promoting quran burning by telling how “mothers, children, gangs, extremists” participate

Rasmus Paludan misstänks för hets mot folkgrupp, detta sker när Paludan redan bränt koraner offentligt under polisbeskydd i ett år!

MittMalmoe: 83756447

.. försök med samma argumentation där du byter ut Muslimer mot Judar.


diseuse: 83756860

Vill du veta huruvida du kan begå hets mot folkgrupp mot muslimer är det mindre relevant att kolla upp ordbokens definition av ordet ”folkgrupp”. Lämpligare är att kolla upp definitionen av brottet. Det hittar du i Brottsbalken (16 kap. 8 §, min fetning):


Den som i ett uttalande eller i ett annat meddelande som sprids hotar eller uttrycker missaktning för en folkgrupp eller en annan sådan grupp av personer med anspelning på ras, hudfärg, nationellt eller etniskt ursprung, trosbekännelse, sexuell läggning eller könsöverskridande identitet eller uttryck, döms för hets mot folkgrupp till fängelse i högst två år eller, om brottet är ringa, till böter.


Med andra ord går det att dömas för att ha utfört hets mot folkgrupp mot muslimer. Den stora frågan är snarare om han har ”hotat eller uttryckt missaktning” mot muslimer.


laserkanonen: 83756953

”Av utredningstekniska skäl kontaktades Paludan av polisen först nu, säger åklagaren Adrien Combier-Hogg till tidningen.”

Tillåt mig att skratta. Det är ju uppenbart att regeringen utövat påtryckningar mot rättsväsendet nu när Nato-ansökan ska behandlas.


A doll of Turkey muslim president Erodgan is hung upside down outside Stockholm town hall. No legal repercussions for the person doing it.

The Swedish government during Löfven was “feminist”, not “equal opportunities”.

Greta Thunberg promotes rapper 1.cuz in spite of his jail sentence for handling automatic weapons. The picture will also give some people negative feelings against immigrants since they are predominantly male. A gender imbalance will make it more difficult for some to find a partner.

Greta Thunberg “vaccination information”, promoting immigrant rapper (1.cuz) convicted of gun crime.

Major daily The Guardian wishes old, white men to die. [ ] —
Major daily The Guardian wishes old, white men to die. [ ] —

Major daily The Guardian ironically lets a cartoon character issue a Greta Thunberg award for “driving bitter, old men apoplectic and hopefully speeding up their demise”.

Greta Thunberg Helpline, promoted

[ gt ] [ mh ]

The networks promote “equality”, but by pitching groups against groups differences are highlighted and more conflict ensue, e.g. by demanding affirmative action instead of equal opoportunities.

The christians strongly support mass immigration of muslim refugees. But when the refugees are here the Christians do not mix with them and keep strong dividers between who is muslim and who is christian. The christians support import of people they can create opposition against.


Vocabulary totally biased. Any president that is not completely manipulated by the administration is called a dictator even if he is democratically elected. National socialism is a good filosophy that built the Nordic countries before globalization, but is connected to nazism in media. Women form networks that often exclude men and criticism of this is projected on the person criticizing the situation, sometimes by using the term misogyni. Any opposite term is hardly used. Racist is used about anyone pointing out discrimination of white people, like what NASA does, or just pointing out how society is split up by mass immigration without integration so that politicians avoid a people raising united demands and overpopulation will lead to corporations being able to lower wages and neglect worker demands.

NASA has apparently conducted a racist purge and removed all white men from Team Artemis. —







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