zAll pages – News media and globalization

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  • 00.5.100 chron 2024 03 28 –

    —- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…

  • (210) Tesla …; H2 Green Steel, H2GS …; hydrogen, vätgas …; railway, järnvägar, trains; Northvolt …; SIDA, developmental aid, ulandsbistånd, u-landsbistånd, bistånd

    —- TRANSLATE THIS PAGE:(can also use orange tab – zoom out page) Summary 04 front page Table of Contents, in English (previews) reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables opposite/misleading, contradictions national perspective consequences signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2- acquire wealth ok, not ok exaggerations cause hatred effects of the EU control conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts,…

  • Global take over through conflicts, crises, chaos, lack of competition, debt, dysfunction, isolation, self-hatred; free market … [link]

    —-In the 2010’s international networks threw Europe into a series of crises: financial, pandemic, climate, refugees, terrorism, energy, inflation, war … The European countries are small enough for democracy to still prevail. So to come under global control the countries must be weakened to be subjugated to the European Union and the multinational corporations that…

  • The Indians are coming [link]

    —-Rishi Sunak, Kamala Harris. First landing on lunar south pole. Sundar Pichai, Google. Jewish/Israeli twins, the Sikhs fighting muslims. Kashmir, nuclear wespons. Greta Thunberg Indian connections. Assange-Bini-Thoughtworks/Singham. Suella Braverman, NASA sub director, head of Perseverance landing tram India Sikhs … … … … … ++++

  • Privatization leading to disasterous consequences [link]

    —-Privatization naturally diasterous, selling out the country’s resources. Only some examples: -1- -2- -3- SpaceX has problem repeating lunar landings Enron 2 Enron 1 ++++

  • Table of contents for the summary [link]

    —-Headers for “Summary 04”. (If one heding has no link, just go to an adjacent heading instead.) ++++

  • Manipulating ethnicities and border areas to create conflict and war [link]

    —-By bolstering border conflicts, they can easily be turned into war that can serve as excuses for manipulating flows of people and assets. The politicians mostly talk about an open, borderless society where people and goods can flow freely, but when the politicians decide to create war in order to get a pretext for manipulating…

  • EU – Soviet Union comparison [link]

    —-EU – Soviet Union comparison * both have centralized authority * EU-commission corresponds to a politbureau * “Trotsky type” international socialism, broken borders * supranational control * based on making a revolution similar to the green transition (and neither communism nor green economy were realized) * after a period of left politics advancement in Europe…

  • France creating the perfect storm to conquer Europe

    —-Nuclear power, engagement in Africa, Common Agricultural Policy, EU asssembling 25% of the time in France, strong man leadership … France creating the perfect storm to conquer Europe France pink hydrogen Written for a Swedish forum, but just use translation button on the page, please.                                        …

  • Assange, downfall [link]

    —-Julian Assange and Wikileaks allegedly worked to expose war crimes. This does not seem likely. They are a front for the US to control leaks. Assange also took part in a scheme designed to show that whistleblowers will be prosecuted and war criminals will go free. One video (“collateral murder“) published by Wikileaks showed how…

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