zAll pages – Page 2 – News media and globalization

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  • Northvolt [link]

    —-EU/EIB uses sek 6bn to invest in battery startup Northvolt in northern Sweden. 14 months after factory opening of production lines there is still no certain evidence that any batteries are produced and sold. At this time the factory allegedly has about 1500 workers. Before opening (Jan 1, 2022) news media reported frenetically about the…

  • Elon Musk, Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, Starship [link]

    —-Elon Musk has been presented in media as an extraordinary successful businessman. An African migrant becoming the world’s richest person. This is naturally not true. Musk has onöy been promoted as a “friendly face” for the networks that control US and the world. According to the official picture, spread in media, US government has conpletely…

  • Iran – part of the global networks [link]

    —-President Rouhani, doctorial dissertation in Glasgow Vice president Ebtekar, also spokesperson for the Iranian students that took US embassy staff hostage 1979 – her son studies in Los Angeles. Foreign minister Zarif, educated in Denver. US-Iran fake conflict ++++

  • Table of contents, all posts [link]

    —-Table of Contents in English ++++

  • summary 04 list of files [link]

    —-Welcome The six parts of Summary 04: 010 020 030 040 050 060 ++++

  • Greta, an EU operative with fake mental disorder [link]

    —-15 y.o. Greta Thunberg sat down outside parliament Aug 20, 2018 and started her manifestation for lowering CO2. Major media must have known beforehand since they started reporting the same day. Greta allegedly had Asperger syndrome (autism spectrum disorder) and anorexia. She became a media mega star world wide and went on tour to scold…

  • China – part of the global networks [link]

    —-China is part of the global networks. Wall Street helps China to undemocratic take over of Hong Kong: Wall St. + China Will the wealthy Chinese moving to Singapore contribute to Singapore’s wealth or are they part of a global-mainland-Chinese system that will bring an end to Singapore’s success? Jewish influence US senator gun on…

  • Russia – part of the global networks [link]

    —-Bill Clinton helped Yeltsin to power. Yeltsin chose Putin. All are part of the global networks. The Soviet Union had to be cancelled to build the EU. If people had seen the similarities between the EU and the Soviet Union, they would never have allowed the EU to be built. The global agenda focuses on…

  • The global coordination [link]

    —-Proof that democracy has been replaced by a global dictatorship. [ Continue reading ] ++++

  • least/worst affected countries, attack on Nordic countries [link]

    —-In a centralized system, peripherally located countries are affected the most. Some peripherally located countries had good wealth rating historically and have been affected worst, like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden. (Acronyms similar to CANS have been used, also relating to the expression “kicking the can down the road”, referring to accumulating (household) debt.)…

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