zAll pages – Page 3 – News media and globalization

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  • EU problems [link]

    —-The basic problem with EU is that it gets more power and authority the more it spends. This leads to overspending, in particular since finances are not transparent, a big difference from Nordic countries. [ Continue reading ] ++++

  • Join war, send weapons, few diplomatic efforts – unfortunately [link]

    —-US lost war to Afghanistan! Europe filled with refugees due to US wars. Fake evidence lead to second Iraq war. —- Russia can not beat Ukraine! Ukraine war means splitting up Ukraine between US and Russia, putting European countries on their knees due to EU:s self damaging sanctions, leading to energy crisis. Russia gets paid…

  • Boris Johnson [link]

    —-Russian-Jewish maternal heritage. Paternal great grandfather Ottoman minister, assassinated. Father studied economy at U. Columbia, NYC, worked for the European commission and in 2015 republished a 1982 novel on a pandemic. Johnson lived in Brussels for a couple of years during childhood. Returned to Brussels in his twenties as a reporter. Eurosceptic reporting but exaggerated…

  • Isolation, distraction, cohabitation, intolerance, gaslighting, diagnoses [link]

    —-Isolation and distraction is the norm (couple formation is promoted). Cohabitation is promoted. Rigid social patterns promote intolerance. “Gaslighting” in the sense of trying to diagnose people who do not share government views is common. Cancel culture and ostracizing independent thinkers is another aspect of confomity and intolerance used to transfer control from the people…

  • The anti-racists become racists; integration is fake; terminology [link]

    —- What started as anti-racism turned into racism. Compare George Orwell’s novel 1984: “War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength” or how the pigs (political leaders) started walking on their hind legs and behaving like the previous opressors, once the revolution/transition was over, in Orwell’s novel Animal Farm. Greta Thunberg defends the…

  • Earlier posts: [link]

    —-List of some earlier posts ++++

  • Ukraine war – superpower attack on Europe [link]

    —-War and lately terror attacks are main ways of channeling flows of refugees and assets. Lockerbie bombing PanAm103 → Ghadaffi accused and removed → African refugee crisis The bombing of Libya and torture/killing of Ghadaffi subsequently led to removal of Libya as a blockage of African refugees and the ensuing migrant crisis in Europe. Compare…

  • Religions were constructed to spread conflicts; fall of Rome [link]

    —- Religions were created to spread conflict and war. Through these wars they could spread their peoples and conflicts over the world. The refugees are not integrated in the host countries and conflicts with the host populations ensue. These conflicts are bolstered by the regime since a divided population can never raise common demands on…

  • The Green Sting, EU energy starvation, the population explosion [link]

    —-US uses environmental agenda to bring Europe under EU control. EU promotes an image that the climate problem is so complex that individual countries can not solve it themselves. Allegedly, only EU can do that and for this will need large resources and authority. The green sting has been peddled since the 1970’s but still…

  • Bill Gates’ actions show Covid response was planned [link]

    —-Bill Gates’ actions clearly show that society’s exaggerated response to Covid was planned Computer expert Bill Gates unexpectedly goes into the widely different field of infectious disease. He invests heavily in pharmaceutical industry. He warns of a large epidemic. Bill Gates’ TED talk 2015: “We’re not ready for the next epidemic” —- “The world is…

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