Religions were constructed to spread conflicts; fall of Rome [link] – News media and globalization

Religions were constructed to spread conflicts; fall of Rome [link]


Religions were created to spread conflict and war. Through these wars they could spread their peoples and conflicts over the world. The refugees are not integrated in the host countries and conflicts with the host populations ensue. These conflicts are bolstered by the regime since a divided population can never raise common demands on the politicians.

Rasmus Paludan receiving police protection during a manifestation to burn the Quran, in Sweden. This activity likely is and should be illegal.

Christians in the West and often Jewish owned newspapers promote the acceptance of muslim refugees. But Christians are of a faith different to Islam and do not mix readily with the Muslims. And Jewish people are often in conflict with muslim people, Israel in frequent wars with its muslim neighbors. (Jewish people going on holiday to comparatively muslim free areas like Latin America and India.) This is a strong contradiction. It is very obvious how the Christian and Jewish actors bring in the muslims to create conflicts.

Religions cooperate, links:

religious conflicts to create refugees and split the population

early Jew-Muslim conflicts

Ukrainian refugees not welcome!

Fall of Rome, links:

the fall of Rome as a mismanaged crisis of Goth migrants

fall of Rome 003

fall of Rome lgbt

fall of Rome Johnson

Splitting the population into groups is pivotal to creating conflicts that weaken a country and makes it possible to overtake. The immigrants seem very aware of this. They stick to their groups and do not seek contact with the host population, which is unexpected. In a new country you would expect immigrants to try to contact the howt population. On the contrary, in many areas where immigrants dominate, like in some suburban shoppping centers, they try to create problems and distance towards the host population.

The politicians of the host country spoke much about integration when mass immigration started, but no action was taken. After a few years, when mass immigration was established, the politicians stopped talking about integration and society splits in parts. The immigrants themselves sometimes talk about the division in groups among themselves. The Kurds describe how hated they are by other muslims and other groups describe how they dislike Kurds. Christians do not mix with muslims and sometimes relate problems they have had with immigrant groups but the Church as a whole supports mass immigration.

It is notable how Christian churches and Jewish owned newpapers support mass immigration even though both Christians and Jews historically have had much conflict with muslims. It is obvious to see that the three religions are using conflicts to spread themselves and the conflicts between their groups.

The Swedish government and media support Kurds who wish to establish their own state in an area that covers four other countries (Iraq, Iran, Tuukey, and Syria). This inevitably leads to conflicts. But in Ukraine the Swedish government and Western actors all argue for the absolute control of Donbas by the government in Kiev and elections held in Dopnbas are considered illegal. Tens of thousands of people have died in a conflict based on Kievs absolute demands on control of an aree that repeatedly has voted for independence. [ref.]

It is also notable that some immigrant groups are dominated by men whereas refugees are expected to be women, children and elderly while the men fight the war.
Vad hände med de afghanska kvinnorna? En flyktingström består av kvinnor och barn, samt några pensionärer. … Tok-Frans

Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, The Swedish PM treats Kurdistan as a recognized country which inevitably will lead to more conflicts that can be used for creating further wars.

Greta promotes rapper 1.cuz although he has been convicted for the possession of automatic weapons. This is intended to promote conflict between immigrant groups and the native population.

Rasmus Paludan receiving police protection during a manifestation to burn the Quran, in Sweden. This activity likely is and should be illegal.

Kurdish activist hanging an effigy of Turkey president Erdogan, resembling the execution of Italian dictator Mussolini. No arrest for threat or incitation against Turkey or muslims. Positive articles in Swedish media. [ref.]

Kurdish activist hangs an effigy of Turkey president Erdogan in Stockholm city. Much publicity. No arrest for threat or inciting people against Turks or muslims. —

The peoples are split apart through cold war and groups of people are split apart by mass immigration, feminism and the division into various groups. But the politicians and large enterprise have united and use this division among the population to stay in power. – A ship loaded with Russian gas sailing for Sweden on year after the outbreak of Ukraine war, contrary to paliamentary decision to stop import of Russian energy. Russians still working at the Internaitonal Space Station, contrary to Russias earlier decision to withdraw.
Jan 23, 2023: Sweden continues to import Russian gas, one year after war started! Jättefartyg med rysk gas på väg till Sverige – på krigets årsdag — I maj beslutade en enig riksdag att Sverige ska upphöra med att importera rysk energi. Trots det har handeln fortsatt. Bara sedan årsskiftet har flera fartyg lastade med flytande rysk fossilgas anlänt till Sverige, uppger Rolf Lindahl, kampanjledare på miljöorganisationen Greenpeace. —

Sanctions against Russia mostly weakening European countries, making them easier for EU to control and Russia also getting richer due to increased prices of commodities.

EU imports of Russian energy
1. Oil (black)
Jan. – Jun. 2021: EUR 31 bn
Jan. – Jun. 2022: EUR 52 bn
=> +70%
2. Natural gas (blue)
Jan. – Jun. 2021: EUR 7 bn
Jan. – Jun. 2022: EUR 24 bn
=> +240%
3. Coal (red)
Jan. – Jun. 2021: EUR 1.8 bn
Jan. – Jun. 2022: EUR 4.9 bn
=> +170%
— Robin Brooks, Chief Economist, Institute of International Finance, Washington; Yale University —
When refugees are Christians, easy to integrate and come from areas in Europe, even refugee friendly Sweden refuses to accept them. Swedish PM surprisingly says that “other countries should accept the Ukrainian refugees”! It is obvious that Sweden only wishes to accept refugees that will not integrate. Some Ukrainians returned to Ukraine and now, one year into the Ukraine conflict, the media write very little about refugees from Ukraine.
Magdalena Andersson: Andra länder får ta ansvar för ukrainska flyktingar

Andersson: Om flyktingkris uppstår får andra ta ansvar
Om Ryssland går in militärt i Ukraina kan Sverige inte ta emot en lika stor andel flyktingar som man gjorde i samband med flyktingkrisen 2015. Det säger statsminister Magdalena Andersson (S) till DN.

Hon säger att EU-länderna måste ha en rimligare fördelning än 2015, och att Sverige då tog ett större ansvar är något annat land. Nu måste andra länder ”vara med och stötta”, säger hon till tidningen.

Statsministern: Ukrainska flyktingar får bli andra länders ansvar

DN Debatt. ”Vi måste ta bättre hand om våra ukrainska flyktingar”

Fler ukrainska flyktingar får rätt till svenskundervisning
De ukrainska flyktingar som kommer till Sverige via massflyktsdirektivet har inte rätt till svenska för invandrare, SFI.

Kriget i Ukraina har satt miljoner människor på flykt. Drygt ett hundratal har kommit till Kungsbacka hittills, men ingen av dem har rätt till SFI-undervisning

Hela världen i ett klassrum – ukrainska flyktingar saknas
Men inte alla människor får tillgång till SFI lika lätt som jag. De som flytt från det pågående kriget i Ukraina får uppehållstillstånd i Sverige men inte rätt till SFI. Det beror på att de räknas som massflyktingar enligt EU-lagen.

Bojanne: 84071173

Från Gaza och Libanon har 34 raketer avfyrats mot Israel. Fem av dem har slagit ner på israeliskt territorium. Det är den allvarligaste attacken från Libanon sedan 2006, skriver israeliska medier.

Det är oklart vem som ligger bakom attacken. Den libanesiska Hizbollahmilisen har nekat till inblandning, skriver Times of Israel med hänvisning till nyhetsbolaget Al-Arabiya.

Bara timmar innan raketerna avfyrades hade Hizbollah meddelat att man stöder ”alla åtgärder” som palestinska grupper kunde tänkas vidta efter sammandrabbningar mellan palestinier och israeliska säkerhetsstyrkor vid Al-Aqsa moskén i Jerusalem.


Krigsmuller efter våldsspiral – polis stormade al-Aqsa-moskén

orsaken sägs vara detta då.


wwr: 84086415

Raketanfall från Libanon och Gaza-remsan känns lite slitet men konflikterna mellan judar och muslimer driver ju hela attacken mot Europa, Kalergiplanen. De religiösa konflikterna får aldrig ta slut. Flyktingar skapas som fyller upp Europa och sprider sina konflikter hit, denna gång mot kristna. Våra politiker tillåter att konflikterna förvärras här genom t.ex. Paludans koranbränningar och hets mot muslimer.

De tre religionerna samverkar genom att sprida flyktingar och konflikter över Europa så att våra länder bryts ned och kan tas över av internationella nätverk. Dagens Nyheter ägs och leds av judiska intressen men propagerar starkt för att muslimska flyktingar skall tas emot! De kristna i Sverige är mycket positiva till flyktingmottagning men de kristna umgås inte med muslimer!

De tre religionerna samverkar och sprider sig själva och sitt hat mellan varandra genom sin krigföring i Mellanöstern och åtföljande massinvandring av flyktingar.

The Arab–Israeli conflict is an ongoing intercommunal phenomenon involving political tension, military conflicts, and other disputes between Arab countries and Israel, which escalated during the 20th century, but had mostly faded out by the early 21st century.


First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation lasting from December 1987 to 1993. Second Intifada or the Al-Aqsa Intifada, a period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence, which began in late September 2000 and ended around 2005.


December 9 marked the formal beginning of the intifada, but demonstrations, small-scale riots, and violence directed against Israelis had been steadily escalating for months. The year 1987 marked the 20-year anniversary of the Israeli conquest of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the formerly Egyptian- and Jordanian-controlled lands that the Palestinians called home. After the Six Day War of 1967, Israel set up military administrations in the occupied territories and permanently annexed East Jerusalem in the West Bank. With the support of the Israeli government, Israeli settlers moved into the occupied territories, seizing Arab land. By December 1987, 2,200 armed Jewish settlers occupied 40 percent of the Gaza Strip, while 650,000 impoverished Palestinians were crowded into the other 60 percent, making the Palestinian portion of the tiny Gaza Strip one of the most densely populated areas on earth








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