Summary 04, Welcome – News media and globalization

Summary 04, Welcome


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The text “Summary 04” ( has been divided into six parts. (The number 04 just shows that it is the 4:th effort to summarize this blog.)

The six parts of Summary 04:







A link to a table of contents is found at the beginning of every part and also here:

table of contents

The text describes how globalization changes the world. It is definitely the biggest change the world has undergone for a very long time.%

We live in the last days of the old world (around 2020 CE). The Internet made it possible to access enough information to see that the world is run by international networks, coordinating news flow, stock market and virtually all political activity. High finance controls big corporations, politicians and press. Countries are controlled through debt. Politicians at all levels have stopped competing with eachother, they instead cooperate to stay in power. Big chains have united, stopped competing and turned on their customers. Businesses can now set any level of price (a.k.a. “inflation”) or service they desire.


Competition has been eliminated from the system. Briefly said, the world is transforming into a new Soviet Union. (The original USSR had to be dismantled or its resemblance to the EU had been too obvious to allow for EU power build up.) This change is particularly strong in Europe where countries are smaller and the distances between people and politicians are shorter. Therefore democracy has been able to prevail. But as countries are subjugated to the European Union, politicians and large enterprise join against the peoples of Europe. Customer contact is more focused on maintaining conflicts in the population than attracting customers. The conflicts make it difficult for the population to form common demands on the politicians.

This blog studies how global coordination of countries will make them dysfunction and impoverish their cultures and people, since any local development will pose a threat to global control. Internet, travel, trade etc are all good things, but when political authority and control of enterprises/economy are moved abroad, the nations become pawns in a global game and will be sacrificed any time they improve and thereby compete with the global dictatorship.

The super powers use cold war and proxy wars to intimidate smaller, independent nations to seek support from another super power, just like the mob is offering protection from other mobsters. By cooperation the super powers scare smaller countries into the control of other super powers.

To rule the world, all countries must be made similar. Strong countries like Germany and Sweden have been brought down to make their inhabitants stop supporting their own country. Some countries like France are used to convey global orders. Therefore France is made somewhat stronger than other Eurooean countries to motivate EU orders to emanate from Brussels and in practice, France. France runs nuclear power whereas Sweden and Germany scraps reactors. This is done to motivate subjugation to France. But all is a surface, all countries are subjugated to global control.

What is needed is a strong UN and f.ex. peace negotiations in Ukraine and if needed an international coalition to kick out Russia (2023) but also demand free elections in Donbas, by the Ukraine government. UN should preserve peace, by military coalitions if needed and also human rights but not govern other countries. But to strengthen cold war, this does not happen and war is allowed to continue for years, resulting in tens of thousands of dead people.

This blog describes how the world is changing from a real world to a theatre stage. Before, you could walk into shops that were under competition and trying to supply your needs to keep you as a customer. Today authorities and enterprise have joined to control the people. The main way they can stop people from taking back control is to spread conflict among groups of people and to spread an image of conflict among leaders (that in fact act together). Earlier you could have real relations and receive straight replies and business service. Today you receive supplies and responses determined by a political agenda, often aimed at causing conflict between groups or moving control away from the people. What you experience today is a theatre play with the motive to influence your thinking. You do not experience real reactions from real people.


nwo, signs

Multinationals buy up start-ups and counteract technological invention to keep outdated systems going. Local initiative is demoted since it will threaten global leaders. Dysfunction is promoted since it destroys local and national pride.

Trump’s presidency revealed the chasm between administration and president/people. Information is constantly distorted to hide the true intent of activities, which is to promote centralization and to conquer independent nations. Enlightment and science are under attack. Crises are continuously invented, somtimes almost leading to mass hysteria, to manipulate flows of people and money. Wars were found to be fake tools to spread cold war (to coerce independent nations into blocks) and refugees (to divide and conquer countries) and to motivate manipulations of the flow of assets. The large restructuring and reconstruction of a country after a war will be used to collect assets, redistribute assets and build control structures, all for the reason of political control. Political control lies in money and leaders are bought. Financial interests only fear strong leaders. Political opposition is controlled and always agrees on important matters, like Orbán/EU, Erdogan/NATO or party SD/Swedish politics. Power is centralized. Within the EU: France and Belgium are given advantages and the Nordic countries are deprived of e.g. energy. This is because in a socialist system, the central power must be stronger than the peripheral areas, in order to control them.

Globalization includes many aspects e.g.

* Globalization of power – This is very harmful since global dictators use countries as pawns in a game. Dysfunction and conflicts between groups of people are promoted to keep countries weak and controllable.

* Globalization of business is harmful since multinationals enter and obliterate smaller business by forming mono- oligo-polies with no competition, prices rise.

* Inter people connections are NOT globalized. People are made to believe other nations are enemies whereas the businesses in fact cooperate to form multinational corporations.
– Nordic populations split up
– Nordic businesses joined

* Travel is a good, global activity, but it is demoted since it furthers understanding between people and the global agenda implies cold war.

* Research and student exchange are good aspects of globalization.

* Trade is good and mostly promoted by globalization except when cold war is created

Basically, religions were invented in the Middle East in order to cause division and hatred. News media can describe how different religious groups come in conflict with each other and demand that other countries take care of refugees. This is the reason why the conflicts in the Middle East never stop, since they fuel the religious conflicts in e.g. Europe. When the refugees arrive in the recipient, host countries they are aware that the leadership has brought them to cause friction and division with the native population so they cause minor or major conflict and opposition with the native population. In the same way news papers incite women to protest against men.
We get very little information from Arab countries. Arabic language is very different (still writing right to left) and comparatively few English-speaking web-sites present their thinking. They are under orders to stay apart. In this way another conflict, between women and men, is fuelled. These conflicts among the population is the core of global control. As long as the population can not unite, global leaders can continue to buy national leaders and control the people and country for the benefit of foreign powers and high finance.
Accidentally many oil producing countries are muslim and this fact has been maximally exploited to alienate them and thereby undercut the oil supply to Europe. Virtually every oil producing country is considered axis of evil or in conflict, no matter their religion: Iran, Saudi, Russia, Venezuela, Azerbaijan (gas, Artsakh), Qatar (gay rights during soccer WC)
The military is arguably medias most protected value. Using war as pretext, enormous amounts of assets like people and money can be relocated, in Europe 2022 recently the refugee crisis and the Ukraine war and the following inflation, energy crisis (monolpoly companies price raising) etc
The left will create chaos, instigate mass immigration and feminism which lead to conflicts

The right will privatize and oppose integration of immigrants.

The green in Europe will support green dictatorship/EU and oppose oil and nuclear energy to weaken European countries so they will not have the strength to become independent from the EU.

The so called nationalists will ask for higher defense spending, be a target for nazi smearing and stir up conflicts with immigrants. Thr nationalists make people believe there is an alternative but when the chips are down they fold and betray their promises. The nationalist leaders sometimes comit intentional errors to make people not vote for them.


The political left stays in power and creates chaos, partly through mass immigration. High taxes are enforced, much of which is given to EU that does not account for its spending. But they do not defend the people any more. The left government is weak and “requires support” from the right which leads to corporation power and privatization. The national party only worsens the conflicts in society by increasing the separation with the immigrants. (Swedish deal 2014 (“DecemberÖverenskommelsen”) neutralized national party. 2018 (“JanuariAvtalet”) same and also injected right budget into left govt. 2022 (“Tidö-avtalet”) same but reverse, left chaos (liberals) injected into right budget.)

Three important political systems are:
1. night-watchman state where large corporations control society and the democratic system is lost
2. international socialism where countries are controlled by a foreign dictatorship like the Soviet Union or the European Union, countries are manipulated like pawns in a game, some prevail some become doomed for destruction (like Sweden and the Nordic countries that were too good and threatened the EU)
3. national socialism where countries are homogeneous (wrongly labelled racist) enough to elect a representative government that can take care of the population and society, the Nordic model. The model is so feared by the globalists that Hitler and the National Socialist party were invented and connected to atrocities. But being national socialist was not an atrocity. Today, 80 years later, newspapers still try to connect nationalism to Nazi. Nationalsozialismus party comitted atrocities, but national socialism is a good policy.

Today in the Nordic countries system 3 is replaced by system 2, goverened by large enterprise. In Europe individual countries are reduced to system 1.

A false message of “equality” was used to sharpen differences and create conflicts between groups whereas a society ought to strive towards “equal opportunities” which is more used in the US, a country that has not been broken down to the same extent as the European countries.

Since all is “invisibly” connected, in short, the names or locations of countries are less important. What is important is the size of the countries. In small countries people must cooperate to compete with other small countries. People are close to their leaders and can raise demands on them. In large countries people are far from their leaders who can split up the population by spreading hatred between groups like feminism and mass immigration. To control countries they must be weakened. Strong, well functioning coutries raise a threat.

Europe has small, democratic, well functioning countries. The global networks that control media and finances therefore consider Europe a threat and the attack on Europe is particularly strong. The leaders are easily bought by board posts, lucrative side work, ambassador posts after political career etc. But the people must be suppressed by a series of crises (climate, Corona, refugees, Ukraine war, inflation, energy crisis etc)

Since a global dictatorship in itself is a centralized, hierarchical structure, peripheral units must be weakened the most. The chain of commands seem to be US east coast, Paris, Brussels, centrally located countries and at the bottom peripheral countries. Russia and China seem to be on the same level as Europe.

Sweden is a peripherally located country that had a very high level of functioning and has therefore been hit extra hard by globalization. War is used for directing flows of money and people in the global system. Sweden hand not been to war in 200 years before globalization entered. Therefore Sweden was hit hard. Globalization also needs conflicts to suppress the poeple’s ability to build up the country. All building of countries is a threat to the global networks that work through destruction. Sweden had few conflicts, neither internal nor with neighbors. These (feminism, mass immigraiton) had to be introduced to weaken Sweden to accept the global dictatorship, executed by the EU. Sweden had good equality and decentralized decision making which made the global networks consider it a threat, striking it extra hard, letting the leaders run it particularly poorly to weaken the country.
Since long ago, the world is slowly becoming privatized. Governments have been bought to give up their own influence in favor of large corporations and, in Europe, the EU. Power is slowly being transferred in a hidden way to global masters controlling large assets and multinational corporations. This is where most discontent with politicians comes from. – The politicians act on the orders of multinationals and not the people. Hidden networks discredit states and politicians and instead try to put tycoons and oligarchs like Elon Musk in a positive light. … There are institutions and families that have accumulated enormous wealth. No one should rob these families of their wealth which they can use for personal spending and a good life. But now they are converting this wealth into political power which has broken democracy and replaced it by oligarchy and plutocracy.
The media is constant whining about many issues. Trump is always under trial. Russia has always been bad after about 2012. Qatar is bad under 2022 soccer WC. Men are always bad and women oppressed (Roe vs Wade). The networks do not wish to solve these problems. They just want to let the press whine about them to influence people. The media don’t ask for “Putin and Zelensky” to make peace and follow the Minsk treaty they have signed, but they keep whining to give an ostensible reason for the EU to control Europe by letting monopolizing multinational companies rais prices. Privatization progresses, people become weaker and more easy to control.
The woke billionaires have appeared. Socialism and capitalism have merged. The multinationals gained entrance through the EU and similar arrangements. They obliterated competition through control of legislation by bribing EU politicians with board posts, buying up start-ups, Corona lockdown, raising energy bills etc.. Today the big corp’s and banks have all united and do not care which shop you go to. Shops are few and under common leadership. Unions and authorities are counteracted. The USSR-politbureau was probably controlled by strong financial interests in the same way as the EU commission.
In its effort to dominate Europe, the European Union systematically starves the European countries of energy by classifying oil rich countries as “axis of evil”: Russia, Iran (also controlling Iraq), Venezuela, Libya, China, Saudi Arabia …
Energy production is classified as environmentally unfriendly, both (climate friendly) nuclear and fossil sources. Even climate activist Greta Thunberg discredits train travel by reporting problems on German rail on different occasions.
The reason the Nordic countries have been attacked and destroyed is that they were role models. Education, science, economy, social justice, equality were top quality and did not depend on wars or colonization. Strong countries pose a risk since other will find them an example to follow which would e.g. threaten US dominance based on dependence and war.
A worker that cooperates well, does not cause conflict and works hard will build up a work place. If this employee works in any public service like government administration, hospital etc, he/she will never succeed since national authorities are targeted to be broken down. Anyone doing a good job building national resources will be atttacked and removed from the system.
Affirmative action is used to appoint women. Anyone appointed by affirmative action and not competence will become dependent on the system appointing him/her. Therefore the actors that use affirmative acttion will be in power, controlling the people appointed. The women appointed by affirmative action will obey the system appointing them. They will not work independently. In addition women are more orientid towards social benefits than the efficincy of the organization.
US (world’s #1 army) lost after 20 years of war against a bunch of Afghan camel jockeys. Russia (world’s #2 army) has today been at war with Ukraine for over six months and right now retreating! Both wars prolonged to maximize media exposure. Afghan war to motivate attacking Europe with refugees. Ukraine war to motivate attacking Europe with sanctions. (EU sanctions improve Russian economy and starves Europe.) Both wars fake.
Invasions and wars are not stopped but promoted in order to pursue a global agenda. The war in Ukraine is allowed to continue with constant supply of arms to Ukraine instead of peace negotiations or a massive international coalition kicking out the Russians but also demaning from Ukraine to carry out elections. (The true purpose of the war is ro divide Ukraine between the superpowers and to destroy the European countries for EU take over.) In the same way Hitler was allowed a military build up and invading other countries without immediate resolute action. (The true purpose was the destruction of Germany and demoting nationalism.) One of the few situations correctly handled was Iraqs invasion of Kuwait. An international coalition kicked out the aggressor.
Every item in the news will have been selected and slanted to fit the global agenda. For example, you will not find serious criticism of the EU. News will always be chosen and slanted accoring to the global agenda. The tone and presentation of a subject is always determinged, not by what has happened, but by how well the subject fit the global agenda. The objective of the global agenda is for high finance and multiniationals to take control of the world through financial and political measures.
Hatred is spread by the regime but projected on the people. Greta Thunberg scolds adults in her famous debute speech at the UN but news media almost exclusively reports hatred against her. The regime at first spoke about integration of immigrants but now seems to have given that up. Rasmus Paludan is allowed to make tours burning muslim Qurans even though it is obviously illegal being “Hets mot folkgrupp” (“incite anger against a group of people”). Burning Jewish kippah hats would e.g. absolutely and correctly be deemed illegal. Women and immigrants are regularly depicted under more favorable circumstances than men in news media and advertisments. Images are chosen to position women, immigrants or non-white people more favorably. [1, 2] News media reports demand that 50% of civil engineers must be women, not that both men and women sould have equal opportunities to obtain poosts. If a film about a fictional, famous chess player is made, it is made about a woman, in a situation where few chess players are women. [ The Queen’s Gambit ] If e.g. 10 police officers attend a task, news media will publicize photos of the female officer even if only one of them were women. At the same time news media repeatedly accuse (automatically implied) white people of hatred against women and immigrants. / Newly arrived immigrants and women instinctively stand behind the regime agenda since they see that newspapers support both them and the agenda. / It is possible that Middle East religions have used this method to spread and split up societies for thousands of years. Some immigrants that arrive seem to have an agenda of conflict between ethnicities. Immigrants that poses porblems are given publicity to create hatred against them, like the image shown below of Greta Thunberg promoting a rapper convicted of gun crime. Women often form networks, excluding men. Many of the advantages given to women are small and symbolic, but a constant barrage of them in news media will serve to create gender conflicts. The purpose of them is not to elevate women but to keep gender conflicts going in the population.
2022 November: Turkey attacks Kobane/Rojava. – Turkey is a NATO member but when US and almost every Western nation went to war on IS, IS supply lines came via Turkey! Now Western ally, the Kurds, are attacked by a NATO member! – Any alliance or division can be formed to continue the wars of the Middle East. As Swedish people we only know for certain that the sun will rise tomorrow and there will be more refugees that spread their conflicts into our countries.
The second world war seems staged to attack important mechanisms protecting the people against globalization and multi national companies: Germany – strong state and national socialism, Japan – strong leadership, Italy – labor unions.
Women and immigrants interact more poorly with older white men in shops and other contacts in society. It can go to higher levels of service, like banks or computer support. This is most probably a learned behavior that is promoted by the management. Its function is to split up society in groups based on e.g. race, religion and sex. If any white man points this out, he will be labeled a racist or misogynist, whereas in fact the behavior itself is based on racism and religious/sexual discrimination.
A person doesn’t need to wish to change the system nor strive for power, it will suffice to do a good work to be cast into the modern Gulag, the cancel culture. The system will demand dysfunction att all levels. Any tendency to improve will be ruthlessly stamped out since the global dictators can only rule over chaos and dysfunction.
High finance own large corporations, they bought media and put the politicians on their pay roll in board posts. Countries are made dependent by high sovereign debt through stimulus packages that transfer taxpayers money to large corporations. … Women and immigrants form networks and support newspaper agenda since it will support them. Amny criticism of this is labeleld racism or misogyni. Racism is not used when e.g. indigenous Sami are prioritized at the expense of Swedish population and the female opposite of misogyni is never brought up.

Religions were constructed in the Middle East thousands of years ago. They are still being used to create conflicts to destabilize countries and to spread refugees to other countries in order to spread the religions and to destabilize more countries. This destabilization makes it possible for international networks, including high finance, large corporations, banks and news media to take over countries from democratically elected leaders. Ethnic and racial differences are used in the same way (e.g. blacks in the US and muslims in Europe).

Conflicts are constructed and enhanced. International conflicts are often based on leaders refusing to negotiate and going to war. The conflicts are used to build cold war and to motivate redistribution of asssets, like energy crisis and rebuilding of Ukraine 2022. The conflicts are also used to spread refugees to impoverish other countries and to destabilize them socially. This facilitates for international networks to take over the countries.

It is very obvious that the entire world is run according to the same agenda. Governments and newspapers have the same opinions virtually world wide. Elections do not change policy. For example Bill Gates early bought pharma stock and in 2015 predicted a coming epidemic. Long before the Ukraine food crisis Gates became US’ largest owner of farmland.

Only “scientific” results supporting the agenda are promoted. During the height of the climate agenda, the entire scientific community was reported to support the hypothesis of global warming. Now (2022), a couple of years later, still no countries are acting according to it, even though environment awareness is said to be high. The UN is also on the global pay roll. IPCC reports evidence of climate change [1, 2] that are exaggerated in media. UN supports big enterprise. When Catalán and Sharp were murdered in Congo, 18.000 UN troops were deployed in the country whose government were likely involved in the murders. Minerals for cell phone battery productions are cheaply exported out of the war torn country.

Problems are not solved. Most problems we read about in the newspapers are constructed to promote an agenda. The war in Ukraine will promot cold war leading to superpower dominance and also serve as an excuse to starve smaller countries of energy to subdue them (using “bad Putin” as an excuse). Environmental issues are created and aggravated to motivate EU fund raising and federal EU laws and control. To maximally promote these issues in media, the problems are never solved and news media will constantly whine about them.
Some countries like the Nordic, Canada, NZ had well organized societies. Sweden had good economy, development, technical achievemnts, medicare equality, social justice etc. The wealth was not based on war or colonization. These countries were role models and therefore had to be destroyed to pave the way for globalization. Men and women are different i sone regards and some tasks had a certain predominance for male or female.

To break these countries conflict and chaos had to be introduced. Therefore “absolulte equality” was introduced. It meant affirmative action and quotation to try to ensure e.g. 50% men/women in different positions. It was not always carried out consistently but highly promoted in media which created conflicts in society. What should have been done is naturally to ensure equal opportunities to obtain positions.

The conflicts broke society in parts, e.g. men vs women. All possible groupig was applied, young vs old, vegetraian vs meat eater, heteroxexual vs homosexual etc. Vegetarians and meat eaters do not necessarrily have conflicts. They just have different diets. So in order to set these groups in conflict, they were tied to other groups. Women were e.g. connected to vegetarianism and left politics. Mass immigration added ethnic conflicts, increased by media and authorities, e.g. by Paludan burning Qurans.

Society was in conflict, the politicians were bought by e.g. board posts to companies. In this situation the multinationals controlling the EU could easily break borders and enter countries and take control over countries, continuously weakening the states. An array of crises followed e.g. refugees, climate, Corona, war in Ukraine, inflation, energy. All were used by the EU to control the flow of moeeny from people to corporations which now control Europe.

The networks promote conflicts between countries and between groups of people, e.g. through mass immigration and feminism. Promoting women means that relations within organizations will become more important and results less. In this way financial interests at the top of the organization can more easily control the organization for other puropses than what is officially stated. Any difference is used to confront people, even diet (veganism) or sexual orientation (LGBTQ+). Many people that came out as gay when that was in vogue, have now returned to straight life. Greta Thunberg only accepts climate activists below the age of 25 into her organization. (Youth centering will also make the organization more easily manipulated.) Religions were among the first groups to be artificially constructed. (Jewish people seem to have come to Rome as war refugees and took over by LGBT+, Pride activism and Christianity.) Internet trolls spread conflict, often by defending the global media agenda at any price, attacking personally people with different opinions. Society is ruled by chaos to promote conflict. Mobbing is common to give networks control over elected and formal leaders that officially carry the responsibility.

The immigrants that come are trained to act out conflicts between themselves and with the host population. Both Kurds and other Syrians that came to Sweden stress how the Kurds are hated by Erdogan/Turkey, Assad/Syria and others. It is all a show to motivate their spread.

The Kurds are sunni muslims but have good relations with Israel and spread to Sweden and other countries in collaboration with the strong Jewish interests in the Western world, in particular within media. The Kurds have Western values and act under Israeli control. The Kurds often seem to occupy central positions in daily life like barbers and taxi drivers. Muslim immigrants are often found in positions where they interact with locals like pharmacists, hairderssers, tailors, work in repair shops, key duplication and mall security guards.

Central to the idea of assigning people to different groups is the intolerance between the groups which leads to separation, conflict, mobbing etc. If you look closely at your surrounding, you may even find some people trying to teach you hatred, e.g. by acting out conflicts between men and women or immigrants and native population.

The purpose of conflict is isolation in order to avoid that the people raise common demands on politicians. Some actions like Covid lockdown will primarily induce isolation and not always conflict (in addition to killing small enterprise). Somewhat contradictory, smart phones also enhance isolation in the way they keep us in (surveilled) contact with our family and closest friends but cut us off from people in the environment.

Leaders are only symbols, controlled by financial interests. US presidents, like Biden, give big speeches with promises of improvement, like for climate action or gun control. But the promises are then broken by blaming the Congress and courts or constitution. The same happened to the abortion question, when president Biden considered the Supreme Court causing a “black day” for the US when it decided indivicual states are the ones to decide abortion laws.

The mutual blaming of institutions is intentional. The president in intentionally made powerless.

In the same way, the Soviet Union was controlled by the Jewish networks..

Situations are constructed and news media and the newtworks try to use them to spread hatred. The climate problem is used to spread conflict between men and women by connecting climate activism to young women. Greta Thunberg expresses strong hatred for the older generation “How dare you!” but news media will report criticism of her agenda as “personal hatred” towards her!

The climate issue is connected to women. World Economic Forum, Davos, Jan 2020. [ ]

People must be put in struggle and conflict and are not allwed a comfortable life. Overpopulation and mass immigration will make people struggle for short shighted financial survival. A global dictatorship can only exist as long as there is constant conflict in the populations.

The global dictatorship often tries to depict dissidents as nazis. News media let Nordic unity be symbolized by semi-nazi NMR or Ukraine nationalism by Banderistas. Therefore the global actors support nazis [-1-, -2-] and don’t take them off the streets. Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky is a TV comedian. Here he makes a Hitler salute. video (← NEW LINK, previous link blocked by Twitter)

Ukraine’s Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelensky is a TV comedian. Here he makes a Hitler salute to illustrate the nazism in the country he is now the president of. Nazism he has made nothing to remove. –

Dividing the population into groups leads to conflicts. Centralization leads to lack of competition. When you travel outside the EU you sometimes meet people like they were in the Nordic countries before the EU. Shopkeepers are friendly, wish to help and also want you to come back to their shop. Therefore they act in a good way towards the customer. Within the EU the big chains dominate. They have no competition and are under order to maintain conflict in the population. Therefore they create an unfriendly atmosphere.

Cancel Culture, Jewish influence, Nordic Culture: [ Link ] The Western Internet has strong censorship. We are allowed to write most things. But Interent trolls will immediately drown non-agenda opinions in any kind of irrelevant chat, start personal conflicts or respond to other arguments than presented (“straw man arguments”). Moderators label non-agenda opinions as “conspiracy theories”, apply extremely strict rules for “on topic” writing to non-agenda posts and split up important criticism into different sub-topics.

The geopolitical game is not horizontal, between super powers, on the map. Instead the super powers, working together, are trying to take over smaller countries. The smaller countries have less distance between people and politicians and possibilities of democracy threaten super power rule. The politicians are first bought and then they try to persuade the people to join either of the super powers. The game is more “vertical” where super powers control the politicians of smaller countries to make them weaken their own countries in order for the super powers to take control

The name or location of an area doesn’t matter. What matters is its size. The larger units are determined to take control of the smaller. Major tools are war and cold war, used to try to convince the smaller nations to join the organizations (like NATO or US controlled EU) by military or financial intimidation. We must seek protection from “bad Russia” by joining NATO and the eastern coutries must seek support from Russia to avoid the “threat from the US”.


Over hundreds of years the networks have accumulated financial dominance by joining their forces and setting business competition out of play. The networks are now in the process of converting this financial power to political power (plutocracy). Money lending has always been a central tool for control. Most countries are now in debt to the networks (large US investment banks) and under their control. The US must often borrow more money from the networks in the autumn to pay salaries to officials at the end of the fiscal year. Another tool is the outright bribes of politicians by appointing board posts. Other bribes can be work for global organizations like the UN or appointments to be ambassador. One example of corporate power is how the EU is goverened to serve corporations and not people. Abolishing democracy and replacing it with a global dictatorship is against people’s will and the process is therefore hidden.

In addition to division; dysfunction and destruction are main methods of globalization. Any local positive or productive tendencies must be curbed so they will not threaten the global dictatorship. Local improvement is ruthlessly stamped out and local culture effaced. Any good or efficient worker will be demoted so he or she can not set a good exampe for others. Chaos replace rules in order for the leaders to control the collective to curb positive initiatives. Breaking national borders will eradicate culture and cause ethnic conflicts. People are taught to dislike their own culture. (Northvolt, Duplantis) Chaos is essential to the global dictatorship. Chaos means that conflict will ensue when there are no fixed rules and contradictory information makes it possible for the press to choose interpretation according to circumstances.

In effort to cover up the destruction needed for a global dictatorship take over, the networks are amassing an incessant flow of crises; finance crisis, euro crisis, climate crisis, refugee crisis, terror attacks, Covid crisis, energy crisis, war in Ukraine… The crises are often aimed to destroy Europe. This is because the countries on this continent are small (cp. US, Russia, China). Leaders in Europe have not yet been able to completey isolate themselves from their peoples. Therefore the European countries still have some prerequisites for democracy. One aim of the crises is to subdue the European countries to the European Union in order to cast the countries under global control. To achieve true success you must improve. But fake success can be achieved by trying to break others, e.g. by throwing them into external and internal conflicts. Control through destruction is achieved by enrolling people that are more interested in their own social position than what they or the organization produce. This blog describes how international networks take control of the world by breaking down nations and peoples. National politicians have already been bought and promote their own downfall. Crises worsen with time since the EU often “solves” its crises by replacing them by worse crises, making the previous crises look less severe. The climate crisis seem to be replaced by war and rise in cost of living (famine?).

All is planned. Before Covid, Bill Gates bought pharma stock and held TED-lecture on pandemics in 2015. Now he buys farmland and WFP gets the Nobel prize, food shortage can therefore be predicted.

See also superpower crisis attack and crisis sum 04

Finanskris, eurokris, flyktingkris, terrorvåg, klimatkris, Coronakris, gigantiska stödpaket till företag och icke-EU-länder, nollräntor avbrutna av plötsliga utfall om inflationsbekämpning från FED, energikris, inflation, krig, kronfall, börskollaps, självskadande sanktioner, livsmedelskris, överbefolkning … … så var det aldrig innan EU.

financial crisis – euro crisis – climate crisis – refugee crisis – terror attacks – covid crisis – energy crisis – war in Ukraine – price increases/inflation – currency depreciation – gangs, organized crime – shootings – stock market run down – monkey pox – population explosion – food shortage

Finanskris, eurokris, flyktingkris, terrorvåg, klimatkris, Coronakris, skuldsättning, energikris, inflation, skjutningar, gängvåld, krig, kronfall, börskollaps, livsmedelskris, överbefolkning … = life in the EU

French presence in Africa, EU-AU partnership & Pan Am 103 – Lockerbie, Arab spring → Libya civil war → US attack on Libya → African refugees

WTC 911 → Afghanistan war → refugee crisis

Fukushima & Green Parties in e.g. Germany & Sweden & French nuclear development → French domination of EU energy

“weapons of mass destruction” → Iraq war → war in Syria → ISIS → terror attacks → conflicts with immigrants

Iran US conflict → Houti/Saudi conflict → boost Sunni/Shia conflict

war in Ukraine → energy crisis → weaken Europe
war in Ukraine → cold war, strengthen EU, show the need for NATO, make president run countries look bad (Hitler downfall v 2.0)

climate crisis & Biden’s climate promises crushed by Senate&courts → weaken Europe by climate regulations

Biden senile → likely Trump win → US does not have to follow expensive climate agenda & european newspapers will only focus on Trump’s indictments.

EU-energy regulations (pay-as-clear, ETS (increases all prices, also of green energy) cross border capacity, Germany one zone, biofuel blending, (minimum level for fuel tax)) → transferring money from people to corporations & causing conflicts between member countries & energy crisis
cold war with Russia + absent green transition→ energy crisis

climate crisis → transport crisis & supply chain crisis & energy crisis (gas electricty fuel prices) stagflation

zero interest rates + refugee crisis + Corona lockdown + massive stimulus + energy policies (nuclear, carbon and oil “dangerous”, only unreliable wind mills are promoted; biofuel blending; energy corporations allowed to overprice EU “pay-as-clear” rule) + self destructive EU sanctions against Russia → “kamikaze” stock market crash, May 2022

empty oil and gas reserves in Europe after Covid & sudden stimulus package after Covid → energy crisis

zero interest rates → economy based on loans and mortgages & energy crisis → private economy crash

border breakdown & large enterprise monopoly & buy start ups → large chains and oligopolies dominate → oligopolies raise prices, wrongly labeled inflation & FED meetings few and far between → sudden dramatic changes of interest rates & abrupt raises in interest rates

corona lockdown & energy crisis → small enterprise succumb

over population → conflicts → war
war → financial manipulations & refugees & cold war
war → worry → people look for support among superpowers like Russia, US and EU.

refugees & feminism → split up society

mass immigration + feminism → conflict
lockdown + shootings + conflict → isolation
isolation → global/EU control of politicians
destroying cultures + breaking borders → multinational corp’s monopolies → lobbying & bribes (board posts) to politicians in e.g. EU HQ, Brussels → favor large companies [e.g. bumper profits for energy companies even though electricity bills are high during energy crisis]

Some, like BlackRock’s Fink alleged that Ukraine war meant “less globalization” since more hostility between blocks has resulted. But this is in fact the opposite. Globalization of power continues. The global system thrives from hatred. In order for world leaders to control people, people must be in conflict between groups in the country (so they can not raise common demands) and between countries (cold war to stop understanding between peoples of different nations). Isolation of peoples has resulted but only allegedly less international trade (peoples are isolated but multinationals control the system and governments and continue to trade).

All happens in a series. Putin went to the Olympics, met the Chinese. When the Olympics were over, the invasion came and was highly publicized, early by a failed (false flag) invasion of Kiev. 45.000 VDV would never have failed to take Kiev. A real invasion would have meant tanks silently rolling into
Donbas (already controlled by Russia friendly rebels) under cover of Olymic media focus. And suddenly Covid was gone.

cost of living, food prices are going up, also gas, electricity and fuel (cars and heating)

It started with Khrushchev giving Crimea to Ukraine in the 50’s and the border was drawn wrongly at the Donbas in 1990. US color revolution in 2014 when the EU had gained momentum. (The Soviet Union was shut down for a while, otherwise we would have realized the true nature of the EU and refused to join.) Conflict over the Donbas and Crimea. Russian Parliament-> Putin, Major War. NATO refuses to defend its future member state Ukraine (despite US war for “democracy” worldwide) -> Sweden and Finland joining NATO in panic and EU can move forward.

The final goal of the war in Ukraine is another attack on Europe (after climate, refugees, Corona). First, Ukraine is crushed and crumbles. Then the EU rebuilds Ukraine with our money. Thereafter, the EU owns Ukraine. With as large funds as the EU (probably) will request to rebuild Ukraine, they can bribe every single company and politician in Ukraine needed for EU accession. (EU also has Corona money left)

broken borders → multinationals and other big corporations can form monopolies + Covid lockdown + energy crisis → small firms go out of business → multinationals have no competition + e.g. energy companies are allowed bumper profits even though ordinary people pay high energy bills → price increases (labeled “inflation” in an effort to disconnect it from the companies exagerated price increases)

Ukraine war, people seeking refuge in steel and chemical plants that are bombed + EU CBAM tariffs against Chinese steel + Bill Gates book 2020 pointing out steel and concrete as the big climate offenders + mass immigration + interests going up due to companies increasing prices, allegedly due to war but in fact dut to multinationals’ monopoly-like situations (after long time 0 interest rates leading to an over heated economy) + over population → housing crisis

The population explosion is neglected and may exacerbate several other crises.
Some future possible scenarios:
overpopulation + climate crisis + Ukraine war → refugees, famine
climate crisis → steel&concrete shortage
overpopulation + steel&concrete shortage → housing crisis

The East European nuclear energy plant crisis?

coming crises: China, Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan … Värmland, Skåne

The war in Ukraine is quite simply the networks rerunning World War 2 to weaken Europe (energy crisis). Hitler=Putin, Jews=Jewish president Zelensky/his jewish sponsor Kolomoisky, The Nazis=Banderistas, Azov battallion. Promoting Jews in media, banking, politics etc is essential, in order to label criticism of the networks as “antisemitism”. Misogyny is used in the same way. (The word for discrimination against men, misandry, is rarely heard. The word anti-semite is often used but negative labels for those who citicize Muslims, Russians ot older white men are seldom used.)

We are taught to accept the ludicrous. The Ukraine president is a dancer and actor. Greta Thunberg, a school kid was accepted as a climate expert without any training in the subject, at age 16.

US president Biden is senile. Russia acts contrary to its own interests and builds cold war by invading Ukraine. The networks are taking control.

Ukraine war → EU sanctions that destroy Europe (gas-electricity-energy crisis) and give cold war against Russia

Dec 2023, it looks like Russia has won the war.

As its counteroffensive fizzles, Ukraine battles itself, Russia and a shift in the world’s attention
Staring down a long and difficult winter, Ukraine is fighting on multiple fronts while the world’s attention has shifted to the Israel-Hamas war in the Middle East.
Ukraine has made only modest gains against heavily fortified Russian defense lines,

Russia has taken Donbas and defended Crimea, this must be covered up therefore → Israel-Hamas war (traditional EU method: sweep the latest invented, constructed crisis under the carpet by inventing/constructing a worse crisis. Hamas war also serves to increase hatred towards muslims in European countries, same purpose as Quran burning.

2024: Houti rebels attack shipping in Red Sea to support Hamas against Israel. Will serve to increase tension between Iran (supporting Houtis) and the West/Saudi/US. It may develop into Trump winning 2024 election and US and Saudi attacking Iran giving EU a pretence to shut down European oil supply. (Similar to gas if Putin attacks Artsakh)

wwr: 87005698
Israel-Hamas, Houti-Israel, USA. Det handlar om att veva igång så mycket krig att man försöker få oss att glömma att Putin tagit 20% av Ukrainas yta och Zelensky kommer ingen vart. Klassisk global och EU-taktik – försöka sopa den senaste krisen under mattan genom att uppfinna en ännu värre kris.

GoranPong: 87005823
Ja det är intressant att nya krig nu uppstår samtidigt som Ukraina har kört fast och stödet från USA upphör. Hur som helst så kommer USA ha fokus på andra håll än Ukraina framöver. Konflikten i Gaza kommer bli kostsam och hålla på under resten av året med risk för spridning till Libanon samtidigt som USA nu attackerar Yemen.

vasaboy28: 87005967
Spot on

wwr: 87006106
När Trump hade rört till det med Iran och blev tvungen att åka hem med svansen mellan benen och skammen med en nedskjuten drönare och utskrattad av Zarifs twitterfemettor, då drog man även igång houtierna som bombade något saudiskt raffinaderi. Barfotahoutierna sköt hembyggda iranska raketer genom high-tech Patriot som vi just betalt 35 miljarder för 🤣

Det är helt parallella förlopp. CIA har hakat upp sig som en gammal grammofonskiva och kan inte komma på något nytt. USA är också slut.

Jan 2024 summary

2024 April
To cover up for war loss in Ukraine, new conflicts are started
Hamas Israel war
Houti attack ships
Isrsel bombs Iran consulate in Damascus, 2 generals killed

2024 Dec
Assad regime, Syria falls to rebels
possibly US and Russia have agreed to let Russians pull out of Syria so US and Russia will not have conflict if Trump attacks Iran, connected to Assad and Russians ref

Iran vows revenge after two generals killed in Israeli strike on Syria consulate
Several people killed in airstrike, including Revolutionary Guards Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy

Mon 1 Apr 2024 22.17 BST
Iran has vowed revenge after Israeli war planes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing at least 11 people, including a senior commander in the al-Quds force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

Iran’s leaders in Tehran described the targeting of a diplomatic mission late on Monday as unprecedented and promised a harsh response


Escalating wars to further cover up for losses to Russia in Ukraine: Hezbollah attacks Israel (Oct 2023) that responds with air strikes and exploding pagers(!) (Sep 2024). wiki
2023-2024: Hamas-Israel, Houti-Israel, Hezbollah-Israel, Iran-Israel, Ukraine offensive into Russia.
These “wars” are fake, like the Ukraine war. The wars are constructed media items to cover up for losses in the “war” Russia-Ukraine.

North and South Korea under a common flag, Olympics 2018

With improved communications, the image of harsh dictatorships is difficult to maintain. Burma and Cuba falling. Iran already revealed as an enlightened country, will be difficult to promote as “axis of evil”. North Korea seems to be a joke, Warmbier story fake, joint hockey team with South, Kim and Trump pals, Kim and Moon hugging, olympic troop under flag of united Korea.


Politicians have already joined and betrayed their peoples but some peoples still resisting, like islands Japan, UK and Iceland, also Singapore, Serbia, Switzerland, Russia. Austria, Georgia falling. Russia, China, South America, Africa and Arab countries still outside global woke chaos and therefore kept outside more detailed media coverage.

Soviet Union had to be dismantled for its resemblance to European Union otherwise also young people would have seen the horrors of international socialism. Russia having very strong economical development since. Russian politicians had to order Donbas invasion to discredit Russia and use conflict to let EU damage Europe with sanctions. Dombas people wanted to be Russians and had been refused elections since 2014. Situation could have been solved diplomatically. Minsk treaty covered up in media. Putin could have explained all this to the world in Tucker Carlson interview but instead spoke about history.

Nov 2024, Trump elected. US will be run in an efficient manner to make the country stay as Western leader. European media will cover up and present him as an aberration and criminal we should not bother about. In the same way CNN spreads progressive news from US, over the world and leftist California is promoted in media while US is conservative and run from the east coast. Highly publicized progressive decisions are silently reverted by Congress, Senate and courts, like Biden climate agenda, promoted to *other* countries at international meeting and climate *envoy* Kerry. US avoids climate action but makes other countries adopt it and self destroy. 2024: Trump will take US out of the Paris treaty again. (No courts or Congress will protest, of course, since it is good for US economy.)

Trump will appoint Musk leader of a commission to improve “government efficiency”. It is a black joke with democracy. Musk’s businesses have a long history of conflict with authorities. Now a representative of high finance and large enterprise is set to control the authorities that in fact are appointed to control his businesses. The same happens in Europe where EU, controlled by large businesses, control democratically elected governments in member countries. Decisions only supporting business and not people. Corona funds given to large business, not accounting to the public which and not giving company shares to the paying public. Russia-Ukraine war sanctions, giving high energy prices for the people and bumper profits to energy companies. ref

Sweden continuously dismantled, government car testing sold to German company. [ref]

Nov 2024: Presently EU keeps most if its invented enemies at bay, no major attacks by the virus, the gas or the evil dictator in the east. Gays seem to have disappeared, some trannies still around. Orbán and Erdogan minding their own countries. Trump may stir up something.

%%%%% end current affairs

Afghanistan war fake

Korean conflict staged

Ukraine war fake

Iran conflict staged [ -2- ]

2023 09 30 Earlier: Hamas equals Israel in fake war!

Climate agenda constructed [ -1-, -2-, -3- ]

Did world famous climate activist Greta Thunberg really attend special school for Asperger childern? [ -1-, -2- ] She also seems to suddenly have become well from Asperger and anorexia as soon as media focus on her and the climate agenda decreased around 2021.

Were the Skripals really attacked by nerve gas? Did Putin launch attacks during two highly sensitive periods to Russia in media coverage: The presidential elections and the soccer World Cup in Russia.

Was the Valieva doping case constructed? [ -1-, -2- ]

Were the evidence for the Russian doping scandal fabricated?

Are the frequent use of asthma medicines in Nordic skiing and Johaug doping case intentionally constructed to attack the Nordic countries?
[ -1-, -2-, -3- ]

The New York Times apologizes for its contributions leading to the Iraq war [ -1-, -2- ]

ISIS videos (destroyed statues contained modern reinforcement bars)

The Assange case is manufactured.

EU internal elections are rigged one candidate shows

Energy crisis – manufacured [ -1-, -2-, -3- ]

Elon Musk Starlink does probably not work at all for Internet, it is probably a system of spy satellites. [ -1-, -2- ]

Some earlier posts

Ukraine war update, Jan 26, 2023

Are there people still believeing this war is real? Now Russia/Peskov says more German tanks to Ukraine means escalation and Western media try to frame the war as the West against Russia. But everyone can see the effects: EU sanctions making Russia richer through higher oil prices. US earning from gas deliveries to Europe. Europe falls down in energy crisis and will probably also have to pay for Ukraine rebuild, not Russia that invaded the country. No international coalition to kick out the Russians. Biden said he had measures to stop Nordstream gas deliveries to Europe, which was subsequently blown up. US too coward to fight Russia (“there would be a world war”). Miss Ukraine and miss Russia having a spat at a US beauty pagent. Zelensky peddlng his new book at book fairs in Frankfurt and New York!! Two superpowers (US proxy) fighting over two ordinary border provinces. This war is a joke at the expense of the European taxpayers.

This is just another superpower attack on Europe. Now Russia can’t beat the 24-ranked army of Ukraine like the US couldnt beat the Taliban camel jockeys during the 20 years Europe was attacked with weapons of mass migration. Adding up – the superpowers attack the smaller nations of Europe to make them EU colonies. News media and politicians are bought off and Europe is sinking like a rock, in particular the Nordic countries since they were highly developed without invasions or colonisation, had good relations and were independent. Therefore they were considered an obstacle, by the new Kremlin in Brussels. Youth culture and teh cancellation of the Soviet Union were two stepping stones to this. Had the young people seen the opression and low economy of the Soviet Union they would never have accepted a copy of the Soviet dictatorship in Europe which is what now is forming.

[ end: intro_000, start: global_short ]


Undemocratic dictators must hide
Globalization is hidden, because it takes control away from the people and democratic institutions. Governments are stripped of control and invisible networks including big enterprise and news media seize power. For example, the EU commission changes its members regularly but EU policy remains the same, also always increasing EU influence. News media world wide present the same news applying the same values and agenda. These are the actors controlling politicians and countries.

Hatred and crises
Small units must cooperate to function. But in moving control to larger units, global leaders spread hatred in the populations in order to keep them weak and rootless. This can be mass immigration without efforts of integration, or even spreading hatred towards the immigrants. It can be feminism, youth revolt or even cold war, today including russophobia. A major argument against globalization is that supranational control is carried out through the spread of conflict to keep countries weak. Another way of keeping countries weak is through a series of crises, f.ex. finance crisis, eurocrisis, climate crisis, refugee crisis, Corona crisis, energy crisis, Ukraine crisis and more.

News media control
The control of the news media is very strong. A global network of news media coordinates the news. For example in 2022, Ukraine – an entire, modern country in Europe was claimed to be invaded by Russian troops during heavy fighting. But virtually no images of the fighting were presented. Only images of some ruins and some military vehicles. No private people uploaded videos of the fighting from their phones. That invasion could not have taken place as was described in the media.

Size of unit
To achieve global control, the areas to be controlled must be included into larger units in a hierarchical way. When looking at geopolitics, the name, characteristics and location of an area is of secondary or no importance compared to its size. For example, 2021/22: Hong Kong taken over by China. Russian troops entering Kazakhstan after attempted US color revolution. Ukraine more closely tied to the EU after Russian invasion. A hierarchy of control is established. For example: 1. USA 2. EU (a. France b. Germany) 3. Sweden

Many global things are good, like cooperation, trade, travel and understanding. But problems arise when secret networks try to take control away from democratically elected institutions. When countries are controlled by foreign interests and multinational corps they are doomed for chaos. You can not exert undemocratic control at large distances without splitting up the population into groups that are put in conflict. Democratic control is removed from the people and countries are governed from abroad. This also creates a police state with mass surveillance to stop people from forming independent ideas.

The hirerachy is most often well defined in the newspapers. Ordinary people are always at the bottom and corporations (especially larger) at the top. Governments and authorities in-between. Unions crushed.

Europe is beautiful in its diversity of countries, peoples, cultures, languages. To obtain control of the continent, in which Napoleon and Hitler failed, nations must be crushed and cultures obliterated. Division and destruction is the m.o. of the secret networks striving to control Europe…

Nordic culture meant transparency (“offentlighetsprincipen”), low corruption, low abuse of power, low income gaps, peaceful relations to neighboring countries, low violence, safe streets, low conflict, result orientation, good and free education, high tech industry, goal-orientation, frugality, modesty, good and available healthcare, well developed and well spread social care. The economy was not based on imperialism or war. (Cp Michael Moore: “Where should we invade next?”) We had flat hierarchies, easygoing relations with superiors, far developed co-determination and equality.
The Nordic countries are not larger than it is possible for people to monitor what politicians are doing and for democracy to function. In these smaller countries people learn to cooperate. This has to be broken to make people willing to give up control to Brussels. As the EU increases its power and remote control, conflicts between individuals and groups (as through mass immigration and feminism) are promoted and local self esteem is demoted. Conflicts between the Nordic countries are already being instigated.

News media try to make objections against mass immigration into a matter of racism by labeling protesters “racists”. This is mostly wrong. Few people care about the color of skin of others. But Internet trolls try to focus disussions on genetics and historical differences. (1) However, the countries of origin of the migrants are very differently run than f.ex. the Nordic countries and by many standards the Nordic countries were better run and more pleasant to live in than f.ex Syria, Afghanistan or Somaila. Therefore the cultural input will be negative to the inhabitants of the target countries. (2) Above all mass immigration will divide the society. In particular since authorities do not try to integrate immigrants. Their target is to split up society so that no common demands can be made on the politicians. A global dictatorship can only be run as long as the pople does not unite against it. (3a) Even if you have no objections against people of other ethnicities you can never be sure they have the same thinking. Some segregated areas with migrant population are considered dangerous, especially for native Swedes. (3.b) The image is strengthened by the media giving an image of migrants as dangerous, connecting them to shootings and other crime. (3.c) It also seems that the regime is spreading conflict in the population by letting psy-op agents perform conflicts between migrants and natives in order to spread a behavior of conflict. This may sound horrendous but considering that the purpose of mass immigration is to disrupt society, the possibility of regime subversive elements must be taken into account. A Swedish older white man is definitely more likely to be met by women or migrants in contact with autorities. People from these other groups definitely seem interested in creating problems and friction. They seem to have been instructed to do so. They would never do that unless their superiors had instructed them to it. Security guards in malls and similar places are often of migrant origin which can create opposition between groups if they must take action against native Swedes. (Compare the Kalergi plan)

Sweden was in a position to be hardest hit by globalization. Globalization means central control and Sweden is located in the periphery of Europe. For central countries like France to control peripheral countries like Sweden, France must be stronger than Sweden. (Therefore France develops nuclear power and Sweden closes reactors) Peripheral countries are considered a risk if they develop and become equally strong to the central countries. Sweden is also part of the Nordic area. We have always had good neighborly relations and few wars. Without wars central units can not control peripheral units. Good relations mean that we can build things together which central authority considers a threat to their control. We ususally understand each other’s languages except for the Finns who usually also know ours. The Nordic area was highly developed and in order not to continue building our countries, they had to be broken down in every aspect, like economy, medicare, energy prices etc. Therefore Sweden has been exposed to one of the hardest attacks of chaos and dysfunction. A few other countries seem to be in a similar situation, like the other Nordic countries, Canada, New Zealand and others.

Equality is a main slogan for the Swedish Social Democrat party, largest party in Sweden during 100 years. But statistics show that since 1975 the inequality of income has constantly increased. This is because of self hatred. In a globally coordinated world people can not take pride in their country, since building your country will make it more difficult for global dictators to take over the country. For the same reason, people can neither take pride in their work since a good result of work builds the ocuntry. Therefore the main reward for work will be money, not taking interest in your work or seeing a good result of it.

Therefore, to strengthen control, people are being made more dependent on money. One way to achieve this is through crises. Since 2008 people were encouraged to take loans and mortgages due to zero interest rates. A housing market bubble also made people take loans to buy real estate. But in 2022 the interest rates suddenly increased and the housing market fell. This was combined with increase in prices, in particular energy. (In Europe this was falsely blamed on a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but in fact the energy crisis in Europe was due to EU sanctions on Russia. Newspapers tried to motivate food price hikes by somewhat strange observations that “Russians bombing chemical and steel factories where Ukrainian civilians and army units had taken cover.”) This situation put many people in financial problems and made them more dependent on variations in income.

Much is due to regulators like the FED that does not diminish market turns but instead worsen them by sudden dramatic changes of interest rates. Much tension is built before FED meetings and different interpretations of their statements cause market instability. If the FED instead would change interest rates gradually and more often, these sudden turns would not be as abrupt.

Our children and grand children will not be born free. They will still be paying the debt the European Union accumulated when it claimed an enormous stimulus package was needed after the exaggerated lockdowns during Covid pademic.

coronavirus rescue package for the European Union … President Macron and Mrs Merkel said EU countries should raise an extra €165 billion to allow for borrowing of up to €500 billion on the financial markets. … The money would then be issued as grants, rather than low-cost loans, that would see the entire bloc shoulder the burden of rebuild. … Leaked French papers say the “repayment could start after three years, spread over 40 years and be completed by 2060”. [express]
(but many suspected new crises that demand new loans will appear/be constructed and the Ukraine war has already occurred and no demands are made on Russia for repayment even though Russian economy is doing better than European due to raised commodity prices, only vague accusations of war crimes are made towards Russia)

Svagt ja för EU:s coronastöd – M och KD lade ner rösterna … SD och V röstade gemensamt nej. M och KD avstod. Regeringen och samarbetspartierna C och L fick ge grönt ljus i riksdagen för finansieringen av EU:s långtidsbudget och coronastödfond på 750 miljarder lånade euro på egen hand. …
Från början var förslaget att de 750 miljarderna skulle ges i två delar till medlemsländer efter behov och storlek, en idé med stark uppbackning av Frankrike och Tyskland. 500 miljarder skulle gå som bidrag och inte behöva återbetalas, och 250 miljarder som lån. Sverige, Danmark, Österrike och Nederländerna ville att allt skulle vara lån, men slutuppgörelsen blev 390 miljarder i bidrag och 360 i lån.

“A person in debt is not free”
Quote by former Swedish minister of finance Wigforss, used as the title of a book by former Swedish PM Persson [Wiki]

Thus, in short, impoverishing the population and increasing income gaps are made to increase corporate control over people. The majority of people are meant to go to the company store.

Income inequality in Sweden higher than at any time in nearly 50 years
The sharp rise in income inequality in 2021 came mainly because the incomes of the top 10 percent of households in Sweden rose in 2021 by over 16 percent, compared to less than 4 percent for each of the bottom nine deciles of Swedish households.
the local
Sverige har rasat i välståndsligan
1970 låg Sverige på fjärde plats i välståndsligan. 20 år senare på femte plats. Till 2010 sjönk Sverige till nionde plats och 2019 backade man ytterligare till plats tolv.

wwr: 85649031
En stark stat fungerar på nationell nivå men inte på internationell. Då tar storföretagen över och bildar karteller. När Sverige fungerade övervakade staten en konkurrens mellan företagen. Det fanns en balans mellan sossar, borgare, företag och fack. Det fanns transparens och närhet mellan folk och politiker. Media kritiserade politikerna, medan EU nu sitter som diktatorer på sin piedestal. Men det kan vi inte diskutera här.

I Northvolts fall har avlägsna byråkrater stoppat händerna i folkets fickor och förefaller ha kastat bort miljarder på grön politisk propaganda. Fram med leveransststistiken och stoppa slöseriet om företaget ännu inte presterat något!

-1- (from: )

Global leaders hide their presence and their agenda. Not openly admitting their goals, means that the global networks must often give other reasons than the true reasons for their actions. They use “solidarity” and “environmental action” to put Europe in the hands of debt holders. They diagnose competent people as “Asperger” to smear them. (Similar to diagnoses that were used in the USSR.) They use “Russian threat” to hide how international leaders have united and also to increase debt by military spending. An imagined “Corona spread” motivates curfews, bans on meetings and travel to split up people. The Swedish government plans restrictions in freedom that demand changes to the constitution.

The basic idea of the European Union is to move control away from people by letting them be governed by larger units than their country. Within the EU large countries dominate smaller and EU as a whole controls the member countries. This hierarchical structure is useful for the world government to hide and simplify its control over individual countries. If the NWO controlled individual countries there would be too many strings to pull and if national governments came into focus, peoples’ demands on politicians would have to be met.

Foreign control must cast people in conflict
In addition, to lessen resistance to surrendering control, countries must be thrown into conflict and chaos. (If the country functioned well, the people would defend it.) This is the reason globalization creates chaos. Some conflicts promoted by media are between young and old (climate), men and women (feminism), ethnic conflicts (mass immigration into Europe). Internet trolls try to break constructive dialogue by attacking other participants in the discussion in person. Trolls can focus on others’ personal background, intelligence etc in a way that is never seen in negotiations within science, law or even politics on the national level.

Broken borders leads to less resistance against giving up influence over your own situation. Mass immigration leads to ethnic conflicts. Control from far away, over large areas, can only take place if borders are broken. When borders are broken, multinational corps can enter, crush local companies and lobby/bribe politicians.

White men built many successful nations and are therefore attacked. The leaders promote conflicts that will never end under globalism. As soon as some people unite and start building something they constitute a threat to the global leaders and they must be broken up by internal conflicts. Tesla intentionally makes poor quality, over priced, over computerized, over valuated EV:s. The press keep them in vogue to hold serious start ups down. EU raises tariffs against Russia and China, quoting a fake climate threat. Globalization keeps competition down at the expense of the consumers.

Global leaders have united globally and jointly cast their peoples into conflicts. Borders between countries are broken and new walls are built between people and leaders. Professional activists stage marches that cast people into conflicts.

Religions and other groups
Dividing people into groups and casting them into condlict is essential. Today mass immigration, feminism, youth culture and many more dividers are raised. Even sexual orientation (LGBTQ), diet (veganism) and what pets they like (dogs or cats) are used to divide people.

Religions were invented early. Judaism is essential. Jewish people are now strong in media, business, banking and politics. Jewish people spread to Rome as refugees. Christianity and “LGBTQ-agenda” were used to control Rome. Conflicts between Jews and muslims were used to spread refugees and conflict over the world. Jews hold strong positions in society and news media spread fear of muslims emphasizing shootings, terror attacks etc.

Mass immigration combined with religious and cultural differences leads to conflict. This is probably the most basic mechanism for how the conflicts necessary to global control are exerted. Mass immigration can take different forms. The slave trade threw the US in continued racial conflict (cp BLM today). Khrushchev donated Crimea to Ukraine (repatriated 2014).

Twilight over Europe, The European Union – The Fourth Reich
The European Union conducts an extremely destructive program. In order to increase its power, EU charges high fees for free trade and free movement, arrangements that should be free of charge. The organization also demands extensive rights to legislate the member countries. Low fee countries like Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have given up their representation in Brussels for reduced fees. In 2020 EU broke its own rules twice: 1. spending borrowed money (breach admitted) 2. levy tax. All this is achieved by bribing politicians through lucrarive posts during or after their political carreer. The principle of subsidiarity in the Lisbon treaty is continuously broken.

EU is socialism based on planned economy, opposed to capitalism which includes competition.

Northvolt hade förmodligen ingen produktion. De visste inte hur man gör batterier. Företaget var konstruerat att fungera så länge man kunde få in bidrag på olika sätt. Man köpte en anläggning i Borlänge men flyttade istället till Tyskland eftersom man fick mer bidrag där.

EU:s utdelning av bidrag har gjort att verksamheten fokuseras på detta. Däremot små företag som växer lokalt måste ledas av tekniker och andra som förstår verksamheten i grunden. Det är kapitalism. Men EU är socialism.

EU is run in the same way as the Soviet Union, one of the most destructive occupations in history.

European cooperation is good, but handing over large sums to Brussels to spend with poor reporting is not. When Britain left the EU it stopped the flow if money but also had to leave some European cooperation, unfortunately. The EU tries to gain a monopoly on cooperation and abuses this for aquiring money and control. But mostly this seems to have been a show. Britain is still participating in European cooperation.

The Jewish involvement in globalization dates back through the diaspora. But today it confuses. Middle East conflicts are supported by Israel to keep immigrants flowing over Europe to divide nations. To hide Jewish networks in the West, Israel is criticized but never the networks.

Hitler attacked the Jews. But the new Hitlers – Macron and Merkel, attack older white men, since they are the builders of nations. Macron, Merkel and others just defend the Jews frenetically to hide that M&M and their associates are the new Hitlers. UK gave up and sided with US, like in WW2, probably a wise move.

EU moves decisions away from people. It is also impossible to follow EU spending in the recipient countries. Executive posts are often appointed in secret. The commission president was appointed during a closed door meeting of ministers and “approved” by anonymous vote in the parliament. If you ask EU-information how foreign policy spokesperson (N.M.) was appointed, this information is considered “protected by law”.

When politicians do not follow the wish of the people, the people become discontent and must be surveilled. Starlink now orbits over 1700 satellites but none of the Internet promised has been delivered yet. News papers contain many stories of revolution and unrest that are false. Older white men are regularly attacked by other groups according to media (like Xi by young Hong Kongers, Lukachenko by women, Donald Trump by Greta Thunberg). News media support the cause promoted by the young. It produces an image of news media supporting revolutions in other countries, but in fact they support unrest between groups within all countries, not actually between the countries leaders and establishment.


some EU problems

EU = sanctions and crises to weaken member countries

European Union problems. Broken promises, no rules

effects of the EU

Many factors have contibuted to producing a dysfunctional EU.

1. The worse a country functions, the easier it will be to control for the EU. Poor politicians are promoted.

2. The more conflicts, often between groups, that exist in a country the easier it will be to control. Conflicts are also instigated between countries and regions within and between countries.

3. The more EU spends (and demands funding from the member countries) the more power EU gets.

4. EU will spend for political reasons. It will waste money on e.g. green projects to promote a green agenda that will allow EU to take more money from its citizens for allegedly “green” purposes and then give the money to large corporations without accounting to the people. Money spent on local, smaller businesses can be better surveilled and will raise stronger demands on the recipient to have a viable business plan.

* old fashioned and too complex

* Transparency in the EU is poor compared to e.g. Sweden. Corruption can be expected. EU diplomats have been quoted as calling spending for cohesion, corruption. 2021 EU collected euro 750 bn and spent without accounting. Corruption will follow such an arrangement. [ bribes, corruption ]

* EU exaggerates crises to get more funding. Exaggerated measures sometimes backfire, like Corona relief made energy prices sky rocket.

* The more EU can lock Europeans up, the easier Europeans will be to control. (Corona lockdown, CBAM).

* Obliterating local culture strengthens the EU.

* Remote governing is only possible if member countries are in conflict. Feminism, mass immigration and shootings impede national unity.

* energy depletion agenda is carried out do keep member countries weak

* socialism is based on centralization and the central power must be stronger than the provinces, like in for example Burma/Yangon/Naypyidaw or Vietnam/Saigon/Hanoi (government geographicalliy separated from economic center). Therefore provincial areas like the Nordic countries must be exploited and cast in conflicts in EU/Paris/Brussels.

* open borders lead to slum areas with illegal workers, like f.ex the prime minister’s cleaner (Polisens frustration om svarthotellen: ”Ren misär”)

* EU is controlled through lobbying and bribes/board posts in Brussels. Corporations are strengthened at the expense of the people. CBAM stops cheap Chinese steel. EU quality will decrease without no conpetition

* EU promotes cold war. Like letting Ukriane claim Crimea even though it was a “gift” from the Soviet Union and 97% of their inhabitants wants to be Russian. This is done in order to promote cold war to increase support for EU. If cold war is strong, super powers will claim they must “protect” nations.

* EU does not promote peace.

* EU even promotes conflict bewteen member countries. F.ex it lets out info that Spain uses Corona support to start 4 day work week. The Nordic countries are attacked to weaken Nordic unity. Global networks that control EU also try to impede Nordig unity in order to strengthen the EU.

* EU does not give clear accounting of spending. It promotes a secret system of courts where companies can sue governments.

* In such a large organization people can never control their leaders. Impasse is often blamed on different opinions of council and parliament. Council wants progressive CAP but parliament stops it becsuse it is not progressive enough!

* Governing is made from a far away place, reducing democracy

* Free trade is impeded by extreme demands on Britain during Brexit talks (but not carried out). CBAM cuts us off from cheap Chinese steel.

* Breaking down borders means that multinational companies can enter and kill competition. Price hikes (blamed on “inflation”) will ensue.

* Breaking down borders means that international criminal networks can enter the country.

* A smaller unit, like a country can overcome these problems if democracy functions. EU is too big and contains very different countries that never can unite against the EU leaders. Democracy is also poor. The EU president is appointed in closed meeting and EU commission issues orders like the USSR politbureau.

* Commissioners are not the most competent representatives. They just relay orders from unknown sources. They are not questioned by other politicians or media.

* EU is controlled by 28 persons who just obey orders from above. The nost competent politicians are not appointed. Appointments are low key events.

* EU leaders are not democratically elected (except parliament) since this sould be impossible over an area of 27 countries. The parliament elections for president have been rigged since the 1980’s where the two largest parties win every second time and appoint leader. The blog author once wrote and asked how one person acting as EU spokes person for foreign matters, had been apointed and which citizenships the person held. EU replied this information was classified.

* pre EU pegging currencies, ecu, Soros, black Wednesday, crushed BoE, obliterated Sweden foreign exchange reserves

* euro crisis

* EU cross zonal capacity agreements forces countries to sell electricity to other countries even if electricity is scarce. Large countries exploit smaller. Sweden allocates maximum 70% which is made available to Germany and Finland. Germany allocates only 20% (with Austria). Sweden has divided its area into bidding zones but Germany has not. Now German industries in the south can reveive cheap electricity from the north. Germany has been asked to divide zones, according to EU recommendations but refuses. If it did, the north of Germany would get cheaper electricity from wind turbines. This results in Sweden delivering electricity to Germany.

* Similar rules can not be applied to 27 countries, therefore rules are vague which leads to manipulations where countries blame each other and larger countries profit on smaller. Bilateral agreements on the other hand are deisgned for the situation at hand.

* EU Emissions Trading System makes it possible for utility companies to add non existing costs to green energy, putting customers money in their pockets.

* decreased self sufficiency, CAP mono cultures

* centralization, peripheral and smaller coutries are left behind

* Being a member of a larger unit will drag Sweden into conflicts. In the autumn 2021 EU accuses Russia of troop buildup close to Ukraininan border. (EU considers Ukraine part of their sphere of interest after Maidan incidents 2014.) In this istuation Sweden responds with troop build up close to its eastern border. In this way the EU membership has dragged Sweden into a cold war. If there is an alteration close to Ukraine border, this should be settled dipomatically, not by an arms race in the Nordic area.

wwr: 78712137
Den här typen av militära aktioner [Sweden considering sending troops to Russian border] visar hur felaktigt det är att vara med i EU. EU påstår att Ryssland ansamlat trupper vid Ukrainas gräns. (Sedan 2014 ingår Ukraina i EU:s intressesfär.) Därför kommenderar nu EU Sverige att begå samma dumhet, dvs att ansamla trupper mot vår östra gräns.

Om Sverige hade varit oberoende så hade vi inte genomfört en militär aktion för att reagera mot vad som eventuellt kan ske vid Ukrainas gräns. Istället skall man då ta upp detta i OSCE, FN eller liknande organisationer.

Man skall inte besvara en dumhet med samma dumhet. Vi blir direkt indragna i militära konflikter vi inte har med att göra.

I princip kan detta leda till kapprustning mellan Sverige och Ryssland. Nu hoppas jag inte det går så långt att Putin berättar att han siktar med några megaton mot Visby etc. Men det är helt idiotiskt att Sverige markerar militärt mot Ryssland. Man skall protestera genom diplomatiska kanaler.

EU is only neo-colonisalism but it is difficult to stop financial and media interests working in unison.

A comparison EU vs the Soviet Union.


* EU does not take responsibility. In 2021 Germany does not open gas imports from Russia through Nordstream2. This is very obviously part of EU attempts to build cold war with Russia. Russia offers gas and EU doesn’t buy it. In this situation EU lets a senior, unnamed official state that “the decision is in Germany’s hands”. But EU has granted itself large executive powers over Europe. It is obvious it lies behind the decision which has contributed to an energy crisis in Europe. EU should ask Germany to open gas imports or state its efforts to build conflict with Russia by not buying gas. EU commission whould also respond to media enquiries in such important matters.

Unpopular decisions are delegated

* The EU meddles in elections. President von der Leyen issues threats by saying “we have tools” directed to the right wing parties in Italy, before the elections. In the same way French president Macron, on Swedish television just before the elections 2018, declared that Sweden-Democrat party has values “not compatible with Swedish opinions”.

* EU can demand euro 750bn from taxpayer money and spread it without accounting for how it is spent. The more EU spends, the more power it gets over member. The press practically never criticizes the EU in any singnificant way. Under these circumstances The EU is destined to become an instrument for corruption and self-propagation, not an instrument to aid the European peoples and countries. (The Eva Kaili case is likely a decoy to make it seem EU fights corruption. The problem is EU “white”, over the counter, enormous spending. Kaili could easily have received a boardpost with high salary instead of cash in her room.)



The excuses for globalization have been many: the Devil/Christianity, foreign threat, terrorism, solidarity, socialism, communism, climate change, sustainability, environment, Covid. But all of them aiming to take control over nations.

Global actors sometimes falsely criticize national control as socialism. The national government is elected by the poeple and is vital to preserving the rights of the people. The national government must act in balance with corporations and labor unions. In this way societies good to both people and corporations were built i.e. in the Nordic countries during the 20:th century.

National socialism creates good countries where unfettered capitalism is put under control. The EU has obliterated borders and put politicians on its pay roll by giving them board posts and other lucrative side jobs. The national politicians have phased out themselves and given control to the EU which in turn is controlled by the corporations. (The EU commission is seldomm interviewed or held responsible. Its members just issue statements.) The aim of globalization is a minimal state/night-watchman state where multinational corporations are in control through EU and monopolies.

The second world war was used as propaganda against national governments. Hitler did many bad things but the system of national socialism is good for both people and corporations.

Democratically elected, national socialist governments in control creates good countries. Disaster strikes when international socialism, like the USSR or EU try to govern several countries from a distance. The central power starts using the countries as pawns in a game. Some pawns are sacrificed. Strong game peices are weakened. Any good local initiative is counteracted.

Therefore some words must be used with care. Socialism is good if it means a democratic government controlling a country. Socialism is bad if it means multinational corporations trying to control several countries from abroad, like the USSR or the EU. EU is socialist (Trotskyist) in the meaning it consumes the money of the people and give to multinationals controlled by high finance. International socialism in unfettered capitalism. So the EU is socialist in opposing private start ups and favoring large corporations. Bu the EU is capitalist in that high finance is in control. The European Commission/Politburo is only a front for big enterprise.

Globalization must be carefully defined. Increased international relations, travel and trade are good things. But present expressions of globalization, like climate theories/flying shame, extreme Covid response/lockdown, Ukraine war/cold war with Russia decrease relations and mobility. The present increase in globalization is the centralization of power. In order to control countries at a distance, the countries must be put in cnflict, both between groups in the country (to avoid a united people to raise common demands on the government) and also between countries (in order to create cold war to make people hate foreign countries).

For these reasons, false information about the Ukraine war “diminsishing globalization” is now being spread. The cold war resulting from the Ukraine war will diminish international relations. (Instead of increasing relations with Russia, negotiating and making the country pay for the destruction in Ukraine, Russia is cancelled from Western relations and culture.) But the Ukraine war will strengthen the EU that can control the European countries through energy crisis, increase in price levels and also cold war, making people hate Russia to support the EU manipulations.

Both climate theory and Covid have been exaggerated to immobilize and thereby divide people (flying shame, travel restrictions). Both are used to levy tax and fees.

Women are cast as the leaders of a revolution in Belarus. But the revolution is mostly staged in media to promote gender conflicts in other countries. — Women of Belarus: A fearless cry for change — As calls for President Lukashenko’s resignation resonate around Belarus, we meet some of the women marching for change. —
Iran is also under global control already. But uprisings in 2022 are used to spread conflict between men and women in countries receiving the “news” since women are cast as the leaders of the riots. (In a hard dictatorship, this kind of uprisings would never be tolerated. The schoolgirls would never dare show themselves without hijab or chant “get lost” to the president),

What we see is designed for us. It is not certain neither the Belarus or the Iran government will fall, but women are promoted as rebellious to destabilize the West.

Woman opposition leader, with ambitions to overthrow government, is visiting the EU.

Dec 16, 2020 — Belarusian opposition leader Svetlana Tikhanovskaya has said she is “humbled” after accepting the European Parliament’s top human rights prize. —

Once again: Woman opposition leader, with ambitions to overthrow government, is visiting the EU.

Maryam Rajavi, MEK, visits EU parliament members, May 2023

Iran, MEK, Trump, Giuliani, Bolton, possible war on Iran

The Green Sting

Environmental causes are used to motivate taking people’s money. It is often difficult to object to environmental action. But the money is not spent on direct action but often just given to large corps with vague goals like “battery research”, instead of f.ex supporting people using EV:s. The money will put countries deeper in debt and more under global control.

Therefore the environmental issues are never solved. They are always there to continue to motivate spending.

Before Corona EU intended to lower CO2. But Corona relief packages increased CO2. After that CO2 should be lowered again but instead EU raises tariffs (CBAM) agsinst Russia and China!

The “green transition” is only a sting/canard/bluff/newsmedia scam. By pretending to carry out green projects, EU and others motivate higher taxation which is used to buy political power. The poor reporting and accounting to the citizens makes this fraud possible. Virtually anything can be labeled “green” (or related to carbon). At the same tine declaring a “climate crisis” EU spent €30bn on fossile infra structure! Newspaper report on green projects are extremely exaggerated. Mostly they report about FUTURE goals, applications, ambitions and other soft items that never comes true but are stopped by “practical circumstances” or other authorities, like the Senate opposing pres. Bidens green stimulus package. The reports we get are mostly wishful thinking and seldom states finished projects or at least projects that are certain to be completed. A nice picture of Mutti Merkel trying out an EV tries to cover up the complete lack of effort putting cheap, practical EV:s on the streets and supplying cheap and widespread charging stations.

The US and China are so big and diverse that people have lost control over government. The senile, misbehaving Biden could be elected in order to manipulate Harris to the post. China is open dictatorship. But Europe still has smaller developed countries which have produced good societies for its citizens, f.ex in the Nordic countries.

Therefore the Green Sting is much directed towards Europe. National politicians have been bribed by board posts and are controlled by the press. The politicians take peoples money, give to large corps and get board posts back. The national politicians intentionally act incompetently in order to promote the EU. Most green projects are EU run, even though f.ex Sweden has an excellent record in environmental activities.

The US supports this by **claiming** to do many green projects but in fact many of them are cancelled in the Senate or by other ways.

So the Green Sting means to channel money to the EU to strengthen global control over Europe.


False predictions

In 2006 Al Gore predicted the sea levels could rise by 20 feet “in the near future” and he received the Nobel Prize. But no one saw the sea levels rise. Global warming is used for political manipulation. BP introduced its “climate footprint” calculator to focus the blame of warming on ordinary people. Oil companies were kept clear of blame. Greta seldom spoke about the oil giants. When she rarely criticized anything related to companies it could be criticizing the tennis player Roger Federer(!), sponored by Credit Suisse that invests in unknkown coal mines on the other side of the globe. The criticism is really directed towards Switzerland for not being in the EU. The chairman of climate meeting cop28 (2023) is an oil executive (like fomer UN climate boss Maurice Strong). When newspapers communicate with Al-Jaber regarding the meeting, they find that emails go through oil company server.
//‘Absolute scandal’: UAE state oil firm able to read Cop28 climate summit emails; Exclusive: UN conference president Sultan Al Jaber is also head of oil firm, which was consulted on how to respond to a media inquiry Guardian// Greta accepting euro 1 million from oil fund Gulbenkian.

EU used the climate issue to raise protective trade barriers (CBAM), the revenue of which goes straight into EU pockets even though the organization does not have the right to levy tax. EU chanelled money to companies to start green projects to make the industry look like the saviors and not the culprits (cp. Tesla). The companies (like Northvolt and H2GS in Sweden), started impossible projects (like to compete with established Asian manufaturing or making green steel without having any basics like ore, power, transportation, gas etc). When projects fail governments are blamed for too little subsidies, too little immigration, not building wind turbines, not building railway etc.. In this way EU can weaken the member states.


EU invents crises to increase spending to gain control over member states.

Since the EU gets more power over its member states if it spends more money, the EU will never save but always spend. The EU will continue to invent crises like climate or Covid only to increase its budget (or “financial firepower” as the organization says). This money is used to buy political power, f.ex by giving to corporations that in return bribe politicians by f.ex board posts. This is possible since EU reporting of how funds are spent is very poor.

The networks first took financial control, then political control through debt, bribes and media. Breaking borders was necessary in European countries with strong democratic traditions. Authoritarian Asian countries like Thailand, China seem to be run with more nationalist thinking.


Anyone opposing mass immigration will be labeled racist. But no society can accept 100.000 immigrants yearly. Society will be split up and ethnic conflicts will arise.

When the following picture is the image of Muslims promoted in media, other people will fear them and segregation will ensue. In a segregated society the global dictatorship can rule through f.ex EU, since people can not unite.

Talibans. Classic image of bearded Muslim men with weapons/RPG. The wars are exaggerated to promote this image. We should learn that the Muslims (immigrants) are dangerous. Muslims are our enemy. Nations go to war easily. Women are not part of their society. … All this fake.

News media connect the Muslims to terror, shootings and unrest. Therefore the original population will fear the immigrants and a split up society will follow.

Only the original population will be blamed for difficulties of integration. Authorities make no efforts to integrate the immigrsnts. When the immigrants come they are given positive media coverage but gradually news media introduce hatred. See film about Staffanstorp. News media tell us that terrorists dislike our religion, not our wars.

“I ran over infidels”. Media tries to make us believe the terrorist is on a religious crusade and not protesting (in a sick way) against our military engagement. [“Jag körde på de otrogna”]

“Shootings” are emphasized. A person of immigrant family is given positive coverage by media and climate icon Greta even though he has been to prison for handling automatic weapons:

Greta Thunberg promotes rapper 1.cuz in spite of his jail sentence for handling automatic weapons. The picture will also give some people negative feelings against immigrants since they are predominantly male. A gender imbalance will make it more difficult for some to find a partner.

Positive treatment in media of immigrants compared to original population will produce resentment of the immigrants.

US athlete Mondo Duplantis is received extremely positively, but Swedish federation allocates national championships on same day as important French competition and Duplantis chooses France. Duplantis makes ambiguous statements about competing for Sweden in Finnkampen.


It all started by media blaming Swdish men for oppresing women. But it quickly turned to extremely biased coverage where women, especially younger of color are trested more positively than men in media. The gradual change came about like changing the EU from a trade union into a dictatorship.

Sometimes EU proponents claim “EU is a peace project”.

This is absolutely wrong. EU is a globalist construction. To govern a continent or the entire world from a central location, the area governed must lay in conflict – conflicts between people and countries are promoted. Otherwise the populations and countries will unite and raise demands on the leaders. Examples of this is how globalist president Biden soon rekindles conflicts with Syria and Russia. Covid lockdown has already closed Russia for tourism for one year. // ad March 2023: Russia and Europe more and more separated due to war in Ukraine.

Mass immigration creates segregated enclaves that in time will demand independence, leading to conflicts and liveration wars.

Globalist president Obama attacked 7 countries. He received the Nobel peace prize not long after inauguration, before going to war.

Less globalist president Trump was constantly criticized in media but was less belligrent. He stopped war in Iraq and Syria. He reduced support to Syrian rebels. Afghanistan war was reduced. Trump was forced to symbolically bomb Syria after false international claims of chemical warfare. He gave in to Jewish networks and moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. His big trade in with the global networks was withdrawing from the Iran JCPOA treaty. This caused an escalated situation but without leaving any dead soldiers or civilians.

Globalist president Biden bombed Syria for practically no reason, early in his presidency. Globalist powers, like TV-channel owner Kolomoisky appointed Ukraine president Zelensky who immediately called for NATO on false (Bellingcat) data. US stays in Middle East long time during war but Russians finished off IS.

EU tries to enter Ukraine using cold war methods. Puppet regime falsely claims Russian agression. Complains over Crimea status without working for a resolution of the conflict.

EU builds cold war.

Vague EU rules on energy are made to cast countries into conflict.

Nordic unity threatens Brussels and efforts are made to split Nordic countries.

For these reasons EU is not a peace project. Neither can you motivate a dictatorship by peace: “If you let EU control the countries and their finances, EU will decide there will be no wars.” – You can not give up control to a dictatorship because it says it is peaceful. We don’t even know who runs the EU. The members of the Commission are only puppets. We don’t know the goals of the EU. The Middle East wars were orchestrated to produce refugees that were flooded into Europe. Ghadaffi was removed by war to make African immigration possible. Maidan protests in Ukraine were pro EU.

How much peace does it create when northern European countries finance Spain introducing a work week of 4 days with 3 days weekend?

Corona restrictions only create deeper chasms between countries when travel is restricted. What will the EU do as a whole? It already has “trade war” with the US over Airbus/Boeing.

Mass immigration leads to ethnic conflicts within the countries. Globalization and EU pitches women against men. Greta Thunberg make young people confront older. (Thunberg doesn’t talk to national politicians.)

Cooperation between European countries is good and we should have as much as possible of that. But the power must reside by the national governments. The EU should not handle money. It will just overspend to increase it’s power over member states. It ruined the economies of the Mediterranean countries by giving them the same euro currency as Germany.

EU should be an organization of cooperation, not a globalist instrument of power.

Europe was the target all along, since the continent contained small, advanced countries not larger than people could hold their politicians responsible. The plan is clearly understood in retrospect:
The EU was formed.
Migration and feminism broke the unity of many European peoples.
Ghadaffi was removed to allow for uncontrolled migration.
Wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan were made ostensible reasons for migration.
Much of the wars were fake as is described in this blog. The opposition between US and Iran is merely a show.
Oil was just a decoy, the NWO and US already controlled this commodity (and all others). The only uncontrollable asset was the European peoples.

People approach problems differently. Some try to improve and some try to blame others.

A person advocating globalization in the meaning of global control often also displays corresponding personal traits and regards other people as means and does not realize all people’s similar right to make independent decisions in the same way as global organizations like the EU take control over countries even though the living conditions in the area will deteriorate.

The difference between focusing on relations and focusing on achieving goals is often significant between women and men where women are more oriented towards relations.

Mass immigration is used in the same way. Many immigrants are aware of the fact that they have been brought to Europe to create friction with native Europeans. They quickly become aware that such behavior is encouraged. This naturally counteracts integration.

No matter if people or nations are regarded as pawns in a game, conflict and chaos will ensue.

EU takeover

EU takeover starts with strong money influx. Politicians are controlled by direct bribes like board posts in corporations and also direct bribes like offshore accounts (like Ukrainian president Zelensky, revealed in Pandora papers). This is easy to carry out since EU has no open accounting. Neither are posts appointed democratically. The parliament president office is reserved by two parties that appoint the post every second time through rigged elections and the commission president is appointed in closed meeting. News media, already under global control, add to control of politicians.

Society is still calm (like Ukraine arouind 2020). Politicians, now under EU control, will now join the EU and borders are opened. Multinational companies will enter and completely control the market, f.ex. by buying up start ups and smaller enterprises.

Opening the borders will lead to massive influx of foreign indivituals. This is supported by EU policy of mass immigration. This is a key move. When individuals of different cultures mix, the unity of the population is split up. When the people is split up into different groups they can no longer raise demands on their politicians and the politicians can follow orders from the EU.

Many actions are taken to split up society. Pride parades show gays as over sexual and shame them. (Gays are mostly like other people except the have sex with the same sex.) Feminism and youth culture splits up the family, another key move. Promotion of the image of the alpha male going to the gym can create conflicts between males. Streets are made unsafe and the risks are emphasized in media, including, Corona, shootings, mixing pedestrians with EU-scooters, elecric scooters and fighting dogs. Internet trolls destroy constructive discussions by turning them into personal feuds.

Politicians will talk about integrating foreigners but in fact politicians act in favor of division and segregation. Street violence is not dealt with. Shootings are not addressed and are even given positive coverage in the media. In this vaccination campaign Greta Thunberg promotes an immigrant convicted of gun crime.

The purpose of conflict is to isolate people. An even more basic goal than conflict is isolation. The measures used against Corona virus have been exaggerated in order to decrease communication between people in the same way as street violence will keep people from socializing in common areas.

People who oppose the influx of foreign idividuals are labeled racist even though they do not consider any race better than the other. What many of them oppose is the splitting up of society in groups so that a common opinion can no longer be formed. When a common opinion can no longer be formed, the politicians can control the country according to orders by the EU and not by the people.

Many people who oppose mass immigration do not consider one race better than the other. Neither do they oppose the mixing of races. What they oppose is the sudden mixing of people with very different values and motives because this undermines democracy. In order to have democracy the people must be able to form a common voice. Democracy can only exist when people of similar values live in one country. The US wars created many refugees that bribed European politiciáns did not want to help on site but instead make them move to Europe. This made democracy and finances deteriorate in Europe.

Multinationals control EU through lobbying and bribes (board posts) in Brussels. They can withdraw any amounts from taxpayers through EU politicians and spend without accounting. They can enter countries using high profile “green” investments like Tesla/Berlin or Northvolt/Sweden that serve as “show cases” for a green transition that never has occurred. Since there is little market for the green products, authorities are bribed to cause problems for the companies through environmental regulations and unions arebribed to cause disruptions. In this way a political message is sent that is meant to tell that multinationals should better be left alone. Their market cap and stock value are inflated by high finance with high P/E values.

EU constantly act to make countries work poorly and to shame them. A series of crisis have occurred in the EU: euro-, refugee-, Corona- and climate-crisis. Currently 2022 the EU have decided to go into cold war with Russia. EU claims Russia is amassing troops on the Ukrainian border. EU have cut down buying Russian natural gas which has led to an energy crisis in Europe. Prices of electricity and fuel are soaring. This has very little effect on Russia which can sell its products elsewhere but the EU member ocuntries are kept weak. News media constantly promotes waht comes from other EU countries, especially France, demotes national activities and depict foreign posers like Russia and China as threatening. It seems Paris is set to become a future capital of a European dictatorship. The Aukus security deal in combination with Brexit reduced the influence of the English language in the EU.

One of many examples is how United Kingdom, more independent after Brexit but still under global influence, rejects a cable that would have improved the energy situation that currently (2022) is poor in Europe.

Competition and market economy is drastically reduced. Large corporations control Brussels and can improve their own situation. Start ups and smaller companies are counteracted or bought and cancelled. Many cmaller companies could not survive Corona lockdown.

Dysfuntion and national shaming is thus what will characterize the new situation of a country within the EU. Bribed politicians will act poorly in order that the EU will not be threatened. A new Soviet Union with no democracy, poor material conditions and reduced opportunities to travel has therethrough been formed.

A network of high finance, multinational corporations and press are trying to take control of Europe and the world. Democracy is lost and EU and national politicians are already under the network’s control. Politicians are no longer controlled by the people.

In nations the distance between people and politicians is less than in the European Union. Therefore the networks wish to move authority from nations to EU, so that the networks can control the politicians without any influence of the people. Another way to reduce the influence of the people is to split it up by mass immigraiton and feminism. (Cold war is mostly to hide the network.) It will also be easier to continue building a world dictatorship if people gradually realize that Europe is goverened from one place. Paris is a probably capital of Europe. The president of the EU-commission is a likely president, only being a puppet for the invisible netorks

Since the European Union is set to control nations, nations must be weakened. This is done by f.ex energy starvation, in the same way that the Soviet Union used terror famine against Ukraine (Holodomor).

Since the networks control both EU and national politicians, they let national politicians perform impopular actions like not buying gas and raising electricity bills. The EU hides and lets an official say “Germany decides”.

In the same way the press and Internet trolls try to blame voters for the mess in nations even though all parties have the same opinion. Large corporations like SpaceX are cast in conflicts with national authorities and unions and the national actors are blamed for any set back by the corporations.

The problem is the structure of the EU. When a union is trying to control nations, nations must be weakened and set to lose their will and identity.

For this reason, European countries will always be in crisis, for as long as the EU exists. Some infamous crises were the: euro-, refugee- climate and Covid-rises. 2021-22 gave us energy crisis. Food crisis is very likely for the future. Bill Gates has already become the largest owner of US farm land. He went into pharma stock well before Covid.

Manipulations are a central part of global take over. Women are more “social” than men and therefore use manipulations more often. Therefore women are promoted by the global system, e.g. through feminism. To manipulate yourself into a better position can be acieved by manipulating your surrounding people into a worse position. This is central in upbringing. Did you learn to succeed by improving yourself only or did you learn to also destroy your surroundings to look better (but become a destructive force). When a person is social in a destructive way, he or she considers it more important to succeed than to contribute and be part of a successful system. Relations and titles become more inportant than results. To strengthen social struggle, group bonds are made stronger (“identity politics”). Pitching group against group. Group membership is emphasized, not actions. A persons race, religion, sex, sexual identity, diet (vegetarianism) etc are put in focus, not his or her actions. This creates conflicts. Society falls apart in group struggle. When destructive social behavior, like trying to succeed at any cost takes over a society it will fall apart and regress.

divide and conquer:

immmigrant/native, muslim/christian, black/white



vegan/meat eater




Integration is the biggest fake of all. Acts allegedly promoting integration are in fact designed do the opposite.

If you truly wante to integrate immigrants you would not promote vaccination by an image of Greta Thunberg together with an immigrant convicted of gun crime wearing a balaclava (also musician, but not famous), posing as her boyfriend, which he is not. Seeing this picture will give people an impression of immigrants as criminals.

If you truly wanted to integrate women and men you would not consistently put women in more advantagous positions than men in advertising and news media images. The same is true for immigrants.

Pride festivals depict gays as different. This is obviously not intended to integrate them but oppositely to create sentiments of dislike, aversion and separation towards them.

If you truly wanted to integrate gays you would not arrange Pride parades where allegedly gay people walk down the street in underwear, often with sexual connections. If you wanted to integrate them you would stress that they are like other people except having sex with the same sex. In fact much if not all of homosexuality could be a performance by the networks. Homosexuals sometimes come on to straight men even though they must clearly see that the person is not a homosexual. Homosexuality hardly exists in nature. Homosexuality comes in waves. [ -1-, -2- ] One period of promiscuity and homosexuality occurred in andcient Rome after which Christianity was introduced. Another period in the early 2000’s seems now (2020) to be fading off. But after a period of 10-20 years many people who acted as homosexuals are now getting married and live a traditional lifestyle. These people could very well only have been acting homosexuals at the order of the networks. Homosexuality is also used to increase the split tomards other groups by letting them condemn homosexuality, like catholics and Muslims.
Image of a girl child surrounded by men in bondage sex costume wins award at Dutch Pride event —

Acts of so called integration are in fact intended to promote disintegration and division. The networks split up the population in order for it not to oppose to be governed remotely by global dictators.

immigration can take many forms

* Kalergi plan. Standard muslim take over of Europe, supported by Jews.

* Crimea donated to Ukraine by Khrushchev.

* Border drawn wrongly in Donbas after Soviet collapse. Similar situation in Serb dominated areas of northern Kosovo.

* Population transfer in the Soviet Union wiki

* Slave trade

* Jews supported nazis, like in Ukraine. After WW2 both Jews and nazis went to S. America to take over the independent continent.

* Left leaning cultural workers fleeing from the military juntas of Latin America (harsh regimes that strangely just disappeared by themselves, like the USSR)

* Assange took refuge in Ecuadorian embassy. Ecuadorian government falls.

* Musk “escaped intrusive authorities” in California and was sent to conservative Texas to spread progressive culture, link

* filling up fallen soldiers and victims of genocide with africans and muslims (EU/Ukraine, Germany/Turks-WW2)

* religious persecution: Pilgrims, Mayflower; Jews;

* refugees of war: Europe refugee crisis; Jews into Rome;

* general refugees of war (real or alleged conflict)
— Jews coming to Rome as refugees
— Goths coming to the Roman empire as refugees from Hun persecution: The fall of Rome as a result of the mismanagement of a refugee crisis.

* Will the wealthy Chinese moving to Singapore contribute to Singapore’s wealth or are they part of a global-mainland-Chinese system that will bring an end to Singapore’s success?

* Neanderthal / Homo Sapiens

wef_world_economic_forum_you_will_own_nothing_happy — —

People are gradually beoming accustomed to being in debt and to own nothing. Just a reintroduction of slavery.

In summary the world is going towards a global dictatorship based on conflict between groups and dysfunctional governments and other actors.

Weapons of Mass Migration,

refugees are custom made to divide society

The refugee crisis seems to have changed Europe for good. But nothing happens by chance. Refugees have been used as political tools for a long time. The Jewish people came to Rome as war refugees. Possibly they then contributed to the fall of Rome by promoting the decadent agenda for which Rome was famous. After the emperor converted to Christianity, Rome fell.

Christianity was constructed by Jewish people. Islam was constructed by Muhammed, an Arabic polytheist, in Mecka before he moved to Medina. Muslims were soon said to have beheaded more than 600 Jews (Banu Qurayza, 627 CE) and the Jews were again refugees.

After this, confrontations between religios groups have been one major cause of spreading refugees over ghe world. Jews have been expelled from many countries. The Palestine conflict has been a role model for instigating hatred against Muslims over the world. As has extensive media coverage of terror attacks committed by Muslims. Media excels in reports about shootings in European countries, often indirectly implicating Muslims. By creating an image of muslims as dangerous, muslim refugees will divide society.

The politicians introduce immigrants into a society to break it up into groups. A divided society can never form common demands and politicians can continue rule, controlled form external sources and not the people. In Europe the EU exerts the control.

Western powers started the refugee crisis by removing Ghadaffi through warfare. EU, not permitting internal borders made the crisis possible. Many immigrants during the European refugee crisis were Muslims.

The main purpose of the US – Afghanistan war was to spread refugees. That was the main change to the world after the war. (It is impossible that the US could lose a war against Afghanistan. US just went there to start the flow of refugees.) The 911 hijackers came from Saudi and Usama bin Laden was found in US ally Pakistan. The Afghan war still continued for 10 years more after the killing of Bin Laden. During this period Europe started filling with refugees which was the main pupose of the war (Kalergi plan). The refugees started to spread when the war started and they grew many. The amount even increased at the end of the war when it was claimed they were fleeing from the Talibans that took over (2021). Certain groups were claimed to be persecuted, like LGBT groups that were sent to Canada.

The reason to spread refugees is to break up society into groups that news media, authorities and big corporations try to pitch into conflict. (Another group is is women. An older white man is more likepy to meet corp. representatives that are young women or immmigrants that seem to be under order to create friction in customer relations.)

After the US-Afghan war, LGBT refugees were sent to Canada. The reason to choose this group is not that it is persecuted. The persecution and generally abominal behavior (amputations) by the Afghan regime is exaggerated to spread hatred against muslims and motivate spread of “refugees”. (Anything the global agenda dislikes is connected to the Talibans. For a while they were said to start a monarchy.) Bearded guys in the news often carry RPG or Kalashnikov.

Afghan LGBT refugees were chosen since the Western agenda tries to produce hatred against gays by oversexualized Pride parades to split up society even more. The “harsh dictatorship regimes” are also constructed and part of a global agenda. South American military dicatorships and also Cuba were used to spread refugees, especially during the 70’s. Later these dictatorships somehow just disappeared (like Soviet), except for Cuba. These were often leftist culture workers, now (2020) twisting the European cultural life to the left, destabilizing society, aiding in network control.

Rohingya may spread (claimed to be) fleeing the harsh Burmese dicatorship. Palestinians flee from the harsh Israeli. This latter conflict is a role model for similar conflicts in other areas.

Rohingya, “Boko Haram-refugees”, Somali, North African, Middle East and Afghan refugees are Muslims which, like stated in the beginning of this text, has had many conflicts with Christians and Jews. Some of the strongest conflicts were probably made up, but now serve as role models for friction between Muslim refugees and populations of their destination countries. These conflicts are strongly promoted in media indirectly, f.ex by giving large space in news media to shootings, often said to be committed by refugees from muslim countries. (But on the surface media and authorities promote “integration” but does nothing to implement it. (Same as climate doomsday prophecies that only create panic and never give solutions.))

Mass immigration is always done under a pretext. The so called “slave trade” exposed the United States to a massive influx of Africans, still causing extensive conflicts in the country. The conflicts are enhanced by organizations like Black Lives Matter end similar.

The refugee weapon can also consist of individuals. Assange was claimed to flee from US authorities and was given asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. But very likely this was just an act (Assange growing up in a family of actors, like Greta) to put Assange in the Ecuadorian embassy. Assange was probably a CIA agent. During Assanges long stay at the embassy, the leftist Ecuadorian government fell and was replaced by a US puppet regime.

In summary refugees are often claimed to flee from situations that in fact are made up or constructed. It is difficult to investigate what is claimed to be war zones. They can then be used to send to unsuspecting coutries, like in Europe, to create division in the populations in order to impede populations to form common demands on politicians.

The text is still under work but can hopefully be of interest already.



The six parts of Summary 04:

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A few earlier posts:    (scroll down list)

2025 01 12 Earlier: Fake Twitter accounts, Bolivia, Morales, Tesla, Lithium

2025 01 07 Earlier: Northvolt EU approval

2025 01 08 Earlier: move goalposts

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2023 10 20 Earlier: Fake nationalists

2023 10 17 Earlier: Failed privatization of trains

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2023 09 19 Earlier: Who commands NATO?

2023 09 17 Earlier: EU blocks Ukraine

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2023 08 10 Earlier: Libya, Ghadaffi

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2023 07 10 Earlier: dawn of a muslim era

2023 07 09 Earlier: H2GS shows that EU=Soviet

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2023 05 25 Earlier: LIV golf: attitude to free market chages rapidly

2023 05 24 Earlier: Hydrogen for global coordination

2023 05 23 Earlier: Elite gets away

2023 05 22 Earlier: Separate after ethnicity

2023 05 21 Earlier: Another Trump investigation

2023 05 20 Earlier: The green sting

2023 05 19 Earlier: Green whining

2023 05 18 Earlier: LIV golf polarization

2023 05 17 Earlier: No one celebrates national day (June 6)

2023 05 15 Earlier: Clinton-Lewinsky scandal

2023 05 14 Earlier: Iran, MEK, court case, possible war

2023 05 13 Earlier: Sweden falling

2023 05 11 Earlier: Northvolt battery hysteria

2023 05 10 Earlier: Turkey, stock rally, Erdogan

2023 05 09 Earlier: Trump – the scapegoat

2023 05 07 Earlier: Ron DeSantis – fake conservative

2023 05 06 Earlier: EU customs reform

2023 05 05 Earlier: Modern slavery?

2023 05 03 Earlier: Create scandal, shift blame on state for EU electricity price hikes – Historical revisionism

2023 04 30 Earlier: Escape for low tax and subsidies.

2023 04 28 Earlier: Energy, EU, ICA let’s decoys and fall guys take the blame.

2023 04 25 Earlier: Green transition = socialist revolution = religion

2023 04 23 Earlier: Too high grades in high school due to privatization.

2023 04 22 Earlier: Will China and Russia take the lead in the space race.

2023 04 21 Earlier: The Great Depression and The New Deal … again

2023 04 19 Earlier: German energy starvation: Morgenthau plan

2023 04 17 Earlier: Russians dodge sanctions by going to Thailand.

2023 04 15 Earlier: Democracies broken, dictatorships going forward.

2023 04 05 Earlier: H2MED, pink hydrogen pipelines, Macron, nuclear

2023 04 04 Earlier: France dictatorship, nuclear, agriculture, CAP

2023 04 03 Earlier: Above criticism: China, EU, France

2023 04 02 Earlier: Blackmail your country

2023 04 01 Earlier: Privatized space development

2023 03 31 Earlier: Council of Europe “solves” crisis and war by kicking out Russia.

2023 03 30 Earlier: EU, France, energy, control.

2023 03 29 Earlier: Unit size, sanctions

2023 03 28 Earlier: Amazon oligopoly

2023 03 27 Earlier: Nike ads

2023 03 26 Earlier: Another Trump investigation

2023 03 25 Earlier: EU pretends to ban combustion engine

2023 03 24 Earlier: Swedish nationalist party breakdown

2023 03 23 Earlier: US cowards does not dare war with Russia.

2023 03 22 Earlier: Lapland, the hydroelectric power and battery republic?

2023 03 21 Earlier: US on the sideline

2023 03 20 Earlier: Iran situation coming up

2023 03 19 Earlier: Kalergi exchange, genocide of Ukrainian people

2023 03 18 Earlier: Europe under attack

2023 03 17 Earlier: EU energy and trade starvation agenda

2023 03 16 Earlier: USA drives the Ukraine war

2023 03 15 Earlier: Putin – child abductor

2023 03 14 Earlier: system change to dictatorship

2023 03 13 Earlier: market volatility is part of system change

2023 03 12 Earlier: UK joins US

2023 03 11 Earlier: Philippines – a vision of Sweden in the future?

2023 03 11 Earlier: Northvolt summary

2023 03 10 Earlier: EU depleting Europe of energy

2023 03 09 Earlier: stock market levels and crash fabricated

2023 03 08 Earlier: crisis is the new normal

2023 03 04 Earlier: Oil producing countries moving in

2023 03 03 Earlier: ILO convention, native peoples

2023 02 26 Earlier: support for Russia regarding Ukraine, Russia not alone

2023 02 05 Earlier: Also Sweden Democrats a completely fake, false flag nationalist party

2023 01 31 Earlier: Sweden: Criminal gangs taking over local government

2023 01 30 Earlier: The fall of Rome due to Goth immigrants

2023 01 15 Earlier: follow the money

2023 01 14 Earlier: secret collaboration

2023 01 13 Earlier: Turkey, Erdogan

2023 01 12d Earlier: Värmland, a future Donbas

2023 01 12c Earlier: Greta, climate agenda collapse?

2023 01 12b Earlier: Northvolt coincidences

2023 01 12 Earlier: Northvolt production

2023 01 10c Earlier: Northvolt smears countries

2023 01 10b Earlier: Northvolt political message

2023 01 10 Earlier: Northvolt Virtual Reality, Poland assembly, Chinese stock?

2023 01 09 Earlier: EU-Putin collusion

2023 01 08c Earlier: manipulations

2023 01 08b Earlier: Own nothing, be happy (WEF)

2023 01 08 Earlier: World going backwards

2023 01 07 Earlier: Why run businesses at a loss

2023 01 06 Earlier: Virtual Reality

2023 01 05 Earlier: Battery production is located in Asia and Meta – Tesla, Northvolt, Virtual Reality

2023 01 04 Earlier: Anti-Russian sanctions starve Europe

2023 01 03 Earlier: Artemis woke

2023 01 02 Earlier: The crypto weapon

2023 01 01 Earlier: Sanctions are often useless

2022 12 31 Earlier: Trump summary

2022 12 30 Earlier: In practice a one-party system

2022 12 29 Earlier: The “green transition” is virtual

2022 12 28 Earlier: Suppressive moderation (Northvolt)

2022 12 27 Earlier: Northvolt may go to delapidated California

2022 12 26 Earlier: Northvolt questions

2022 12 25 Earlier: Greta Kurdistan

2022 12 24 Earlier: Forum agenda

2022 12 23 Earlier: US borrowing: In Fink We Trust

2022 12 22 Earlier: Green delay tactics

2022 12 21 Earlier: Biden-Zelensky bonding

2022 12 20 Earlier: Large corporations threaten to leave Europe

2022 12 19 Earlier: Security-, Corona- & CO2-rules lead to de-industrialization

2022 12 18 Earlier: Will PM be the fall guy? (Northvolt)

2022 12 17 Earlier: Gaslighting older

2022 12 15 Earlier: robots, AI

2022 12 14 Earlier: Wall St. & China, NWO

2022 12 13 Earlier: too complex solutions, energy chaos, creating a crisis

2022 12 12 Earlier: another EU fund

2022 12 10 Earlier: forums closing

2022 12 09 Earlier: More people, more batteries (Northvolt)

2022 12 08 Earlier: Northvolt, climate predictions

2022 12 07 Earlier: EU corruption, divert anger

2022 12 06 Earlier: Blame the victim

2022 12 05 Earlier: Harry & Meghan – on races

2022 12 04 Earlier: Democratic Republican cooperation – a different US policy for export. Twitter Files

2022 12 02 Earlier: EU energy

2022 12 01 Earlier: Enron (2)

2022 11 05 Earlier: Energy unions, France

2022 11 29 Earlier: France will control EU energy. Norway good politics.

2022 11 28 Earlier: Stress over energy prices

2022 11 27 Earlier: Inflation is really price hikes

2022 11 26 Earlier: The military – a financial tool

2022 11 25 Earlier: Is the left manipulated (“useful idiots”)

2022 11 24 Earlier: Air show crash

2022 11 23 Earlier: Chess smear campaign

2022 11 21 Earlier: Traditional advent calendary ridiculing prince

2022 11 20 Earlier: Greta, kurds,old folks

2022 11 19 Earlier: Israel builds Noah’s ark on the moon, tardigrade crash

2022 11 18 Earlier: Ernst & Young financial services – a political actor?

2022 11 17 Earlier: Does the left believe in its teachings?

2022 11 16 Earlier: National daily AB: How to sell your car.

2022 11 15 Earlier: Businesses have gone green to gain influence.

2022 11 13 Earlier: neolib

2022 11 12 Earlier: Privatization means impoverished space research

2022 11 10 Earlier: Sami activists cropped out of Greta picture

2022 11 08 Earlier: Artemis 1 – time for SpaceX to deliver

2022 11 07 Earlier: Sunak stares at Lavrov

2022 11 05 Earlier: NASA smears itself

2022 11 04 Earlier: Sweden elections 2022 (2): New gov’t, same policies

2022 11 03 Earlier: Google admits Crimea is Russian

2022 11 02 Earlier: “Crisis” is really price increase; centralization

2022 10 31 Earlier: Big Mac index

2022 10 30 Earlier: False flag rightist government; Sweden elections 2022 (1)

2022 10 28 Earlier: Turkey

2022 10 27 Earlier: Twitter buy. Musk-Trump oligarch empire forming?

2022 10 26 Earlier: World Economic Forum, WEF, is a decoy (2)

2022 10 25 Earlier: Sunak appointment means divide and conquer

2022 10 24 Earlier: Oil producers are “axis of evil

2022 10 23 Earlier: The decline of the West

2022 10 22 Earlier: India, networks

2022 10 21 Earlier: Politicians main objective: stop votes from having effect

2022 10 20 Earlier: Politicians (Johnson) manipulate the system.

2022 10 19 Earlier: Globalization intensifies

2022 10 18 Earlier: EU lack ofdemocracy

2022 10 17 Earlier: acting loser

2022 10 16 Earlier: Leader vs MP:s

2022 10 15 Earlier: Secretive courts protect the oil industry – Energy Charter Treaty

2022 10 14 Earlier: Destructive investments

2022 10 13 Earlier: Macronism

2022 10 12 Earlier: Women vs men

2022 10 11 Earlier: Terrorists in Sweden?

2022 10 10 Earlier: Energy privatization

2022 10 09 Earlier: Divide and conquer, common enemy

2022 10 07 Earlier: Election fine print

2022 10 06 Earlier: Sweden 2022 elections undemocratic

2022 10 05 Earlier: iran: Hijab unrest; Swedish courts obey The People’s Mujahedin

2022 10 03 Earlier: Entrepreneurs counteracted

2022 10 01 Earlier: “stan”-countries run over, sports for globalization

2022 09 29 Earlier: Asssange actor

2022 09 28 Earlier: Forming government, Sweden 2022

2022 09 26 Earlier: Tricking the people into believeing SD won

2022 09 25 Earlier: EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains

2022 09 24 Earlier: Sweden elections – same s… new wrap

2022 09 23 Earlier: Ransomware – privacy laws

2022 09 22 Earlier: EU loser mentality

2022 09 20 Earlier: Unwashed, stench, filth, dirt – trend

2022 09 19 Earlier: Forming government in Sweden 2014-2022, all delays, on EU orders.

2022 09 18 Earlier: So called “extreme right

2022 09 17 Earlier: Iranian PR – #1

2022 09 16 Earlier: Media “extreme right” is just normal

2022 09 15 Earlier: Germany supports EU irreversible federalization

2022 09 14 Earlier: EU meddling in elctions

2022 09 13 Earlier: EU’s self destructive sanctions against Russia, over Ukraine

2022 09 12 Earlier: Europe heading for a new Stone Age

2022 09 11 Earlier: US attack on Europe.

2022 09 10 Earlier: FED creates chaos.

2022 09 09 Earlier: Nationalist SD does not demand influence, SD opposes itself

2022 09 08 Earlier: Liberals switch sides.

2022 09 07 Earlier: Inflation is an excuse for increasing prices due to lack of competition.

2022 08 27 Earlier: Sweden elections: Parties split up to promote EU

2022 08 26 Earlier: The political system is broken.

2022 08 25 Earlier: EU oil starvation

2022 08 24 Earlier: Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh – a new Ukraine?

2022 08 23 Earlier: Money transfer to corporations

2022 08 04 Earlier: NASA can not fill propellent

2022 08 03 Earlier: Privatization is only good when you benefit (LIV golf)

2022 08 02 Earlier: Left and right united against the people

2022 08 01 Earlier: The community must regulate energy

2022 07 28 Earlier: NASA racism

2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update

2022 07 26 Earlier: EU orchestrated energy chaos

2022 07 25 Earlier: Energy divide and conquer stragtegy

2022 07 24 Earlier: Save POW:s, not drug smugglers

2022 07 23 Earlier: Northvolt, EU battery frenzy

2022 07 22 Earlier: Delay tactics

2022 07 21 Earlier: Superpowers use cold war to dominate.

2022 07 20 Earlier: Is LIV golf an object to hate for future sanctions against Saudi.

2022 07 19 Earlier: EU energy crisis like California (2), Enron

2022 07 18 Earlier: LGBT – one piece in the fall of Rome

2022 07 17 Earlier: Energy crisis, like California (1)

2022 07 12 Earlier: Media focus on personal details when in fact SpaceX and Tesla are in trouble.

2022 07 11 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (2)

2022 07 10 Earlier: EU Covid package

2022 07 04 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (1)

2022 06 03 Earlier: Logging companies avoid being scrutinized.

2022 06 02 Earlier: Super powers vs people

2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.

2022 05 31 Earlier: Sweden going down

2022 05 30 Earlier: US renders president powerless

2022 05 29 Earlier: US doesn’t want to stop shootings

2022 05 28 Earlier: Cancel indians and other native/indigenous peoples

2022 05 27 Earlier: Russian deserters sue army

2022 05 26 Earlier: Nazi smearing

2022 05 25 Earlier: Why Greta is not in Swedish media.

2022 05 24 Earlier: Greta review

2022 05 23 Earlier: EU – Sovietcomparison

2022 05 22 Earlier: Ukraine, a new Korea (2)

2022 05 21 Earlier: War inflation attacks common people

2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag

2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import

2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.

2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China

2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.

2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)

2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)

2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.

2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah

2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …

2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries

2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)

2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery

2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic

2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over

2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack

2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe

2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial

2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.

2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.

2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.

2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion

2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.

2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects

2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.

2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.

2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists

2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)

2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.

2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled

2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)

2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas

2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war

2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed

2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine

2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax

2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)

2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”

2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)

2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all

2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism

2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.

2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.

2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.

2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline

2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany

2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022

2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back

2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged

2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]

2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)

2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.

2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]

2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism

2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.

2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.

2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi

2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution

2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess

2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis

2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid

2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022

2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey

2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused

2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe

2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism

2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism

2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.

2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual

2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow

2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]

2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system

2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott

2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down

2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.

2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover

2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.

2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)

2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling

2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk

2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?

2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay

2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?

2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis

2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed

2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure

2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.

2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things

2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white

2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis

2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism

2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine

2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees

2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities

2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU

2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU

2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU

2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis

2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility

2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action

2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory

2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap

2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions

2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming

2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )

2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.

2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis

2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration

2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims

2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts

2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back

2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon

2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations

2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus

2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome

2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.

2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.

2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.

2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps

2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person

2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.

2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.

2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition

2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.

2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.

2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs

2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline

2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]

2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.

2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.

2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.

2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis

2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.

2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.

2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.

2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war

2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe

2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus

2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”

2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science

2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.

2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.

2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales

2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries

2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win

2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.

2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.

2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently

2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly

2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!

2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.

2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid

2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia

2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine

2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.

2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.

2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?

2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.

2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.

2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)

2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset

2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation

2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda

2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown

2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.

2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.

2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.

2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.

2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing

2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote

2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.

2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization

2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom

2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.

2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.

2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population

2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.

2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.

2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.

2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.

2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.

2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.

2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?

2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial

2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government

2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED

2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.

2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union

2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging

2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.

2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.

2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.

2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.

2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.

2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt

2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization

2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways

2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout

2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing

2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.

2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda

2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information

2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media

2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries

2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda

2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.

2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]

2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)

2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America

2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.

2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.

2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.

2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union

2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person

2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose

2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool

2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status

2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels

2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.

2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.

2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.

2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.

2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial

2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??

2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts

2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor

2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.

2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.

2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.

2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?

2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.

2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?

2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance

2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives

2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative

2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.

2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection

2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.

2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.

2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati

2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.

2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.

2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda

2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes

2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms

2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics

2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news

2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards

2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media

2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?

2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy

2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.

2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.

2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?

2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.

2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives

2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms

2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration

2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ

2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring

2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis

2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen

Table of Contents (in English)

Summary 04


Massmedia och demokratin
News media and the democracy]



Summary 04 (010)


20.04 (00000 links) Innehållsförteckning, ToC









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