Summary 04 (040) – News media and globalization

Summary 04 (040)


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    Summary 04 (00400)

    The New World Order

    Part 040

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    Table of Contents

    Superpower (US, Russia, EU) attack on Europe

    Us, uk and Russia are bringing down the formerly independent nations of Europe.

    The news pretend the whole world is dysfunctional to hide the attack on Europe. But in fact US, UK and Russia function well.

    US is traditional with housewives but CNN sends news with feminists like Roe v Wade demonstrators over the world.

    UK has had many black and non-white ministers, but a harsh immigration policy.

    Russia is traditional.

    US media promote non-whites, but has harsh immigration policy, even under Biden: Biden wants to activate an old Trump proposal to refusse any migrant that has not previously applied for asylum in a third country (Mar 2023) leaving only easy to integrate Mexicans for asylum, dangerous area Darién will hold back migrants, as will the alleged drug cartels of Northern Mexico. UK Sunak closes all illegal immigration. But in the Mediterranean the rescue ships stand ready.


    Russia attacks Ukraine. EU sanctions cause energy crisis in Europe. EU pays to Russia for less oil. Russia benefits from higher oil prices. US benefits from gas deliveries to Europe. Ukraine is split between US and Russia. Cold war can make politicians force their countries into NATO.

    Energy crisis






    The Volkswagen emissions scandal, sometimes known as Dieselgate or Emissionsgate, began in September 2015, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group.


    VW emissions affair

    Carving up Ukraine:

    Superpower attack on Ukraine

    How Ukraine war is an attack on Europe.

    Attack on Europe, Afghanistan war, Ukraine war, sactions …

    usage of ethnicities to attack European countries

    Europe takes care of refugees from US warfare

    Biden slips out of climate promises by acting senile

    Gates revealed he knew about pandemic in 2015

    US pressures Germany to energy crisis


    EU is the problem. High finance and networks control multinationals and the US. High finance and multinationals control the EU and also national politicians. (But power is transferred to EU since it is safer completely out of reach of the people. The national politicians are closer to the people but still controlled by the EU.)

    The problem is the structure of the EU where 27 counties are controlled from one place. Therefore they must be kept weak. All control is not via the EU but the purpose of most control is to strengthen the EU.

    wwr: 78873438

    … Ylva Johansson har inte lyckats smyga fram under radarn till att bli en allsmäktig diktator. Hon är givetvis bara en marionett.

    EU är en konstruktion som internationella nätverk, multinationella företag och USA använder för att försöka knäcka Europa.

    EU försöker få europeiska länder att begå klimat-harakiri eftersom Biden lovat så fint. Men när det blev dags för USA att genomföra hans klimatlöften började han plötsligt lalla runt som en fåne och inga åtgärder genomförs.

    Europa har backat enormt av att ta hand om flyktingar från USA:s krig.

    Och nu säger amerikanska UD rakt ut att de påverkar Tyskland att inte köpa rysk gas. Vi får köpa dyrare gas från USA istället och våra elräkningar rusar.

    Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will not open if Russia invades Ukraine, says US

    if Russia invades Ukraine one way or another, Nord Stream 2 will not move forward,” Price told National Public Radio. “I’m not going to get into the specifics. We will work with Germany to ensure it does not move forward.”


    1. refugees from US wars

    2. climate regulations that are not enforced in the US due to opposition to the president´s order in Senate and courts

    ad 2 Northvolt blackmails Europe through US trained operative Carlsson

    3. ukraine crisis, US tells Germany not to buy gas

    4. The world wars meant the destruction of Europe.

    boldogg: 79298895

    Jag tror inte Putin är en anti-globalist, jag tror att han är till för att vi ska tror det. Putin, Biden, Trump är alla betalda för av någon som låter detta skådespel uppta vår uppmärksamhet. Putins, Bidens, Trumps fiende är vi. Det är befolkningen som är fienden. Det är vi mot dem. Att ha oss välja en av de två sidorna är ett koncept som tillämpats sen Hedenhös.

    Det är vi som är fienden, de bekämpar oss.


    wwr: 79302854

    Så är det. Kallt krig är målet för att stärka EU, gradvis öka kontrollen över Ukraina och svälta de europeiska länderna på gas så de blir fogliga.

    “Putin” verkar ha fått Kazakhstan när man gjorde det omvända. En förmodligen USA-orkestrerad färgrevolution “motiverade” att “Putins” trupper kunde gå in i landet. Det banade väg för Kinas Belt and Road.

    Kina fick nyligen krossa demokratirörelsen i Hong Kong utan märkbara protester från väst.


    wwr: 79303414

    Dieseln kostar fortfarande under tio kronor litern i USA.

    Det finns en rangordning inom det globala styret. USA står högst sedan kommer i vårt fall Frankrike och Tyskland, sannolikt Frankrike högre. Norden kommer sist. Vår el försvinner till Tyskland som måste ge till Frankrike.

    Nu har “Biden” sagt till “Scholz” att han inte får köpa rysk gas och Europa svälter.

    Det utgör en amerikansk attack mot Europa.

    Afghanistan war fake

    Precis som flyktingarna efter bombningen av Ghadaffi, Mellanöstern och Afghanistan. USA hade inget i Afghanistan att göra. 911-kaparna kom från Saudi. Bin Laden återfanns i Pakistan. FBI accepterade inte bevisen mot Bin Laden, de satte aldrig upp honom på listan “10 most wanted”. Bin Laden avrättades för mer än 10 år sedan, men kriget fortsatte producera flyktingar. När flyktingströmmarna etablerats så “förlorade” därefter världens mäktigaste armé, USA:s, mot ett gäng kamelfösare! Kriget avslutades på 10-årsdagen av 911. Det skedde bara några månader efter “Surfside condominium ” i Miami (liksom WTC med många judiska hyresgäster). Surfside föll rakt ned, precis som WTC.

    originally from ref

    Corona satte hela Europa i gemensam skuld efter “Next Generation EU”-paketet. USA kunde behålla sina pengar inom landet.

    Klimatet: Bidens löften har smulats sönder i Senat och domstolar. EU kommer troligen däremot att ta in stora pengar för gröna åtgärder. Långt gångna planer på detta fanns, men Corona kom emellan. Klimatfonden var planerad till 1000 mdr euro. Coronafonden blev istället 750 mdr euro. (Greta Thunberg fick läggas i malpåse eftersom klimatfonden var menad att sänka CO2 medan Corona recovery-paketen höjde CO2.)

    Nu kör man Ukraina-krig för att “ena Europa” mot den påstått lede ryssen.

    Ukraina är bara ett steg till i den amerikanska attacken mot Europa, via EU.


    Like Cuba now EU does the same:

    Blame the blockade el bloqueo

    wwr: 79303414

    Dieseln kostar fortfarande under tio kronor litern i USA.

    Det finns en rangordning inom det globala styret. USA står högst sedan kommer i vårt fall Frankrike och Tyskland, sannolikt Frankrike högre. Norden kommer sist. Vår el försvinner till Tyskland som måste ge till Frankrike.

    Nu har “Biden” sagt till “Scholz” att han inte får köpa rysk gas och Europa svälter.

    Det utgör en amerikansk attack mot Europa.

    Precis som flyktingarna efter bombningen av Ghadaffi, Mellanöstern och Afghanistan. USA hade inget i Afghanistan att göra. 911-kaparna kom från Saudi. Bin Laden återfanns i Pakistan. Bin Laden avrättades för mer än 10 år sedan men kriget fortsatte producera flyktingar.

    Corona satte hela Europa i gemensam skuld efter “Next Generation EU”-paketet. USA kunde behålla sina pengar inom landet.

    Klimatet: Bidens löften har smulats sönder i Senat och domstolar. EU kommer troligen däremot att ta in stora pengar för gröna åtgärder. Långt gångna planer på detta fanns, men Corona kom emellan. Klimatfonden var planerad till 1000 mdr euro. Coronafonden blev istället 750 mdr euro.

    Nu kör man Ukraina-krig för att “ena Europa” mot den påstått lede ryssen.

    Ukraina är bara ett steg till i den amerikanska attacken mot Europa, via EU.


    UK appoints competent non-white minsters and show in media in order to make European countries accept more unskilled Africans, coming here paddling boats and entering the gangs.

    Britishvolt Northvolt

    WW2/Marshal, Refugee crisis/US Wars, Exit Paris accord (enter again w/ empty promises), All Covid restrictions lifted for vaccinated in the US June 2021

    Feminism, drug liberalism, Californian lax lifestyle

    Nov 3, 2020: US exits Paris climate accord. Europe will now overexert itself taking care of the entire world’s CO2, after already disintegrating taking care of refugees from US wars.

    Global networks are the strongest in the US and are seemingly controlled from the East Coast. The New York Times is the most influential newspaper in the world.

    2024 11 12 Earlier: US Court decides Northvolt case that took place in Sweden.


    Musk‘s task is to make youth, especially in foreign countries to believe that they become super rich by playing video games and use drugs.

    Weapons of mass migration are successfully used to break Europe. US makes war, at least as the newspapers present it. Small, “neutral” Sweden is even made to participate, mainly in regions that will bring more refugees on us (Afghanistan, Iraq/Syria). Ghadaffi stopping African refugees was removed by NATO.

    US is organized and controlled from the East Coast but Hollywood, CNN and similar spreads a progressive image over Europe and the rest of the world to make it rot from within.

    Polls are faked for Biden. AOC is promoted.

    But Trump is in control and may win the elections.

    California, Hollywood, dope culture is for export, like CNN. The US is run from the east coast.

    Assange: A story where we should learn that even legitimate criticism of the US by a famous journalist will end in long time in house arrest, prison etc.

    Greta was only questioned in US Congress but in Canada she had big rally, big speech in EU.

    Greta does not talk to Trump (in order not to criticize the US and create gender conflict)

    LIV golf: Saudi Arabia smears itself, poosibly to pave the way for further oil sanctions byt the EU to deplete Europe of energy

    Most terms are decoys. Geo-political – Geo related to land but frontier is between authorities and people. But in Europe, some countries are not yet fully under network control and are attacked. (The alleged independence of Poland and Hungary does not seem real, though. Neither of the coutries use their veto in the EU.) Orbán received a Soros scholarship.)

    foreign operatives

    US tries to pick non-US operatives in order not to be blamed. These naturally often come from friendly countries.

    Assange, Hrafnsson, Thordarsson …

    Ardin, Wilén, Swartz, …

    Morales (Spain, NATO trained), Mr Blue (P.R.)

    Bini, Singam (Indian connection)

    Peter Carlsson, trained in the US, like Bini



    Covid restrictions lifted more quickly in the US than in Europe.

    2021: US persuades EU not to buy Russian natural gas, but US itself buys!


    wwr: 76127268

    Det är Europa som drabbas, ingen tvekan. Detta gäller både flyktingar och Covid-restriktioner.

    As Vaccines Turn the Tide, America and Europe Diverge on a Path Forward

    The United States has essentially lifted all rules for those who are vaccinated against Covid-19.

    But the emergence of a new variant is leading Britain and the European Union to move with more caution.

    But while the United States appears to be trying to close the curtain on the pandemic, across the ocean, in Britain and the European Union, it is quite a different story.


    wwr: 78564454

    USA kontrollerar EU genom storföretagen och ligger bakom en attack mot de europeiska länderna genom att EU kraftigt stöder klimatagendan i Europa. Globala krafter skapar en energikris i Europa för att hålla de europeiska länderna svaga och fogliga. Klimatagendan används även för att stärka EU:s kontroll genom fortsatt centralisering.

    De viktigaste metoderna som EU använder för att försvaga och kontrollera medlemsländerna är:

    1. krav på ökad inblandning av biobränsle med höjda bränslepriser som följd (i USA kostar diseln 8-9 kr litern)

    2. påverka EU att inte köpa rysk gas vilket gör att elräkningarna skenar

    3. inte bygga ut kärnkraft


    wwr: 78564256

    Orsaken att både president och vicepresident uppträder helt inkompetent är fömodligen helt enkelt så att fyllnadsvalen i januari 2021 gjorde att det Demokratiska partiet nu kontrollerar båda kamrarna samt presidentposten. Det borde nu genomföra alla löften de givit. Demokraterna kan inte skylla på “elaka Republikaner” som förstör genomförandet av deras förslag. Men partiet vill bara ge dessa löften, inte genomföra förlagen.

    USA:s geopolitiska taktik är att sprida ideer som gör att andra länder, i synnerhet inom Europa, förstör sig själva. Till sin hjälp att förstöra Europa har USA EU som kontrolleras av storfinansens företag. EU genomför t.ex just nu energisvält mot Europa. EU driver den destruktiva klimatagendan hårt. Dessa ideer sprids främst från Kalifornien som används som ett skyltfönster för progressiv kultur som kastar andra länder i kaos, medan USA styrs från östkusten.

    Efter valsegern gick t.ex Biden ut hårt med klimatpolitiken. Mycket riktades till utlandet. Han tillsatte klimat-sändebudet Kerry och genomförde den till intet förpliktigande åtgärden att gå med i Parisavtalet igen. Biden kallade världens ledare till klimatmöte. (USA är världen största C02-producent räknat per person och borde lära av andra, inte leda verksamheten.) Han gav även omfattande löften om miljöåtgärder. Men dessa har inte genomförts. Löftena har helt svikits. Biden öppnade oljefält större än Storbritannien, stödde byggandet av en pipeline, beordrade Saudi att öka produktionen av olja etc.

    När till slut Bidens program Build Back Better skulle genomföras, så genomförde man bara infrastrukturplanen. Miljödelen har inte genomförts. Det skyllde man på att senator Manchin gick mot sin partikamrat presidenten. (De sociala reformerna verkar ha fallit i samma veva?)

    På det sättet har Demokraterna lyckats blockera sina egna förslag och har kunnat skryta om klimatlöften utan att genomföra dessa. Skrytet vidarebefordrades i europeiska media, t.ex. de svenska, som också kontrolleras av samma intressen, vilka deltar i attacken mot Europa och Sverige.

    Så det gäller för Demokraterna att kunna sprida dessa dyra och skrytsamma förslag över världen så att andra länder förstör sig själva utan att USA självt behöver genomföra ideerna. (Dessutom leder t.ex klimatagendan till centralisering inom EU vilket ökar USA:s möjligheter att kontrollera Europa.)

    Demokraternas politik handlar om att skapa kaos och oordning i andra länder, t.ex genom att stöda omstörtande verksamheter som Black Lives Matter vilken inspirerar liknande rörelser i andra länder. Och nu låter man detta kaos drabba det egna partiet genom att både president och vicepresident uppträder helt inkompetent. Man kräver inte heller att de byts ut. (MeToo hade säkerligen slagit till mot Biden för länge sedan om hans tafsande på kvinnor inte fyllt funktionen att framställa honom som oduglig.)

    Genom att Biden uppträder helt förvirrat går det inte att kräva av honom att han genomför det kostsamma program som Demokraterna förespråkar. Nu när Demokraterna även kontrollerar konggressen vore detta möjligt. En kraftfull president med båda kamrarna bakom sig skulle kunna genomföra partiets politik.

    Så orsaken att Biden upptröder helt inkompetent är att USA inte vill genomföra den politk som presidenten lovat och som används för att förstöra andra länder.

    In the Senate, the Republican Party briefly held the majority at the beginning of the term. On January 20, 2021, three new Democratic senators (Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock of Georgia and Alex Padilla of California) were sworn in, resulting in 50 seats held by Republicans, 48 seats held by Democrats, and two held by independents who caucus with the Democrats. Effectively, this created a 50–50 split, which had not occurred since the 107th Congress in 2001. This was only the third time in U.S. history that the Senate has been evenly split, the first being in the 47th Congress (1881–1883).[1]

    With Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tie breaker in her constitutional role as Senate President, the Democrats gained control of the Senate, and thereby full control of Congress for the first time since the 111th Congress ended in 2011. When Joe Biden was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2021, Democrats assumed control of an overall federal government trifecta, their party’s first time since the 111th Congress.



    wwr: 78564454

    USA kontrollerar EU genom storföretagen och ligger bakom en attack mot de europeiska länderna genom att EU kraftigt stöder klimatagendan i Europa. Globala krafter skapar en energikris i Europa för att hålla de europeiska länderna svaga och fogliga. Klimatagendan används även för att stärka EU:s kontroll genom fortsatt centralisering.

    De viktigaste metoderna som EU använder för att försvaga och kontrollera medlemsländerna är:

    1. krav på ökad inblandning av biobränsle med höjda bränslepriser som följd (i USA kostar diseln 8-9 kr litern)

    2. påverka EU att inte köpa rysk gas vilket gör att elräkningarna skenar

    3. inte bygga ut kärnkraft


    wwr: 78566486

    Men sluta för tusan! 😉

    Soppan kostar 8-9 kronor litern i USA.

    USA har pressat Europa att förstöra sig själv med höga el och bränslepriser.

    Man bombar inte Europa, man implanterar sjuka klimatteorier i våra hjärnor istället. Samhället “grinds to a halt” i båda fallen.

    Ni har väl sett Inception. Nu är det på riktigt.

    Biden lurade oss att han skulle genomföra miljöförbättringar. Men han har inte gjort ett dugg. Så nu spelar han lallande fåne för att slippa ta ansvar. USA skrattar hela vägen till macken.

    (Och målet för de bomber USA fällde var även det Europa genom “weapons of mass migration”.)


    Credit Suisse shares tank

    US does not even protect Kurds who let their land to US bases, but they spare the Russians


    US does not defend Ukraine

    Car industry, Volvo, Ford, sell out to Geely (Chinese) link

    %%%%% superpower

    %%%%% attack on

    %%%%% europe

    weapons of mass migration

    US closes migration but bombs Ghadaffi and EU drowns in refugees from US wars.


    wwr: 88747392

    USA (som bestämmer i Panamà) har gjort ett avtal med Panamá att stänga migrationen genom landet. Migranter skickas hem.

    USA kontrollerar även EU och vi har istället upplevt flyktingkris och hjälper flyktingar över Medelhavet.

    Snacka om att vi blivit blåsta.

    Panama to shut down Darién Gap route in deal that will see US pay to repatriate migrants

    Har USA lyckats krossa Europa genom “weapons of mass migration”, bomba bort Ghadaffi, få EU att ta hand om flyktingar från USA:s krig etc medan USA själv håller flyktingar borta?


    faking problems to make others imitate; US & UK attack on Europe; imitate and fall

    countries central to control fake to have problems that are spread to cubordinate countries


    Globalization means centralization. For central units to control peripheral units they must be stronger than their subordinates. Therefore they spread conflicts in peripheral units.

    US is traditionally governed but CNN transmits a chaotic and progressive image of the country abroad.

    US advodcates feminism and Roe vs Wade protests were big on TV, but US has housewives and is conservative

    When France (controlling EU) had large riots in the banlieue, nothing was seen in the streets in central Paris, at least.

    When France is building new nuclear reactors, newspapers tell how France has to turn off street lights in the nights due to alleged energy shortage. (EU uses energy shortage to control peripheral countries)

    See “progressive culture is exported by the US”

    Some school shootings have been suspected of being fake. This could be to promote violence and lax gun laws in other countries.

    Boris Johnson makes several highly publicized visits to Ukraine. 2022 Aug 26: guardian April: youtube even though war is ongoing the two leaders walks the streets of Kiev.

    This is remaarkable. It is most likely a symbolic gesture to make it seem UK supports Ukraine. But support is probably only visits by the PM and exaggerated claims about sending military material. The war is exaggerated in media. UK managed to slip out of the EU and the real support will be the money forced by the EU from its member states and UK will not have to pay. UK and US are on the controlling side of the global dictatorship and only show solidarity while the EU member countries must be broken and have to pay large amounts to Brussels. It seems the map of the novel 1984, published in 1949 is correct with UK on the US side:

    wwr: 82252873

    Nu vet inte Swami Sunak om han skall åka på klimatmötet eller inte! Han måste väl konsultera Larry Fink och Ganesha först.

    Rishi Sunak may yet attend Cop27 climate summit, says No 10

    Situation ‘under review’ after days of criticism and revelation Boris Johnson is seeking to attend


    Skicka Johnson som planerat istället. Han kan lova en massa, men sedan säger Sunak nej.

    Det gjorde Sunak med den brittiska batterifabriken Britishvolt. Först sade han ja, men när han blev PM sade han nej och räddade 1 miljard åt britterna. Vad gjorde svenskarna och EU – satsade 6 miljarder i Northvolt som inte har bevisat någon produktion ännu och media har tystnat.

    Greta har visst prov i skolan så hon kommer inte att vara med och rädda världen denna gång på Cop27.


    progressive culture is exported by the US

    Progressive culture is a showcase in the US and to tome extent in the UK. TV personalities and some government officials are often immigrants, but Europe is exposed to mass immigration.

    Progressive culture is exported but the US is strictly run. California and Hollywood gets attention in the media but the country is run from the east coast.


    Biden continues Trump’s policy

    * No climate regulations

    * Abortion decided by states

    * No gun regulations

    * completes wall against immigration

    A drug smuggling tranny gets more publicity around exchange than POW:s. BG, Brittney Griner

    US vs Europe: drugs, alcohol

    Europe has developed a heavier culture w/ respect to drinking and drugs, than the US.


    Germany is connected to beer and France to wine. Drugs are seen as less a severe crime in Europe than in the US.

    Part of this is US propaganda, cowboys and PI:s in US movies drink, some have claimed Wall st. bankers drink martini to lunch. All part of running Europe down, of course.

    US operatives, CIA plans

    Bill Binney ex NSA, tells about CIA mass surveillance might and worked w/ Kamphuis

    Ola Bini, Swede trained in US, was intentionally imlicated in a spy scandal and put on teh same flights as former FM Patiño who eventualy had to flee Ecuador

    Peter Carlsson, Northvolt, blackmails Europe into colelctive “suicide” by more climate spending


    Assange, exposed US war crimes, seems to have been locked up for life

    Kamphuis, lectured on cyber privacy, he and teh CIA faked his own death to discourage others to activate themselves in the same area


    Binney left NSA in protest and claimed

    The NSA buried key intelligence that could have prevented 9/11;

    The agency’s bulk data collection from internet and telephone communications is unconstitutional and illegal in the US;

    The NSA is ineffective at preventing terrorism because analysts are too swamped with information under its bulk collection programme;

    Electronic intelligence gathering is being used for covert law enforcement, political control and industrial espionage, both in and beyond the US;

    Edward Snowden’s leaks could have been prevented.


    Bini was posted in Ecuador after US training

    Carlsson somehow managed to land top job at Tesla Californa but then lost it after being “burned out” and having psycho-somatic joint problems. Returns to Sweden as a “super entrepreneur”. EU and pension funds give him around $1bn to start battery factories. He starts facories that so far, after one year (Jan 2023) have no proven production (Skellefteå opened Jan 2022) but he blackmails the entire continent and says he will move to US unless EU gives him more money!

    Sunak Fulbright scholar

    Scholarships to US universities in Swedish high schools

    other US take over

    [ Assange, Ecuador, Bolivia ]%

    Assange is CIA. His anti US image makes him able to take the fall for Bini, assist another US op, Snowden to Russia to make Snowden seem anti government. Ecuador was taken over while Assange resided in embassy. See the link.

    Bolivia. Continues all over the world.

    other decoys

    Some mass shootings have been questioned as being fake. The 2:nd amendment is often underlined in media.

    US wishes other countries to believe that mass shootings are normal in US and should be in other countries too.


    Protests against letting individual states decide their abortion laws were extremely strong and seem staged.

    US Women’s lib is for export and destruction of other countries. US has house wives.

    South America, Latin America

    Feminism is very central to the global dicatatorship. In order to throw countries into internal conflicts, women must be turned on men. This seems to have been difficult in South America. Traditional families are common. Therefore the news media networks have isolated South America and put it in media backwaters. Another way of isolating it is the sperad of violence and crminalty. It is common but also enhanced in news media in order to keep outsiders away.


    News meida cover up L.A. since wars are few, presidents cooperate, many presidents are white men, traditional values. Support their nations, like in soccer.

    Strong global attack after the war. Nazis fled here. Nowadays many young Jews take holiday here. Nazi-Jew conglomerate attack L.A.

    latin america

    worst affected countries

    In a centralized system, peripherally located countries are affected the most. Some peripherally located countries had good wealth rating and have been affected worst, like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden. (Acronyms similar to CANS have been used, also relating to the expression “kicking the can down the road”, referring to accumulating (household) debt.)


    Sweden has been among the hardest hit countries since it used to be one of the wealthiest and is now being brought down to a global/European average. The EU also attacks the Nordic countries extra hard since they have similar cultures, languages and along history of good relations, which means they are likely to oppose rule from Brussels.

    Greta Thunberg attackerar Norge

    Nordic countries

    Sweden wealth rating

    NZ “woke” PM Ardern resigns due to the country’s financial problems, housing market collapse. She herself only says she has an “empty tank”, but in fact the people are empty at the bank.

    Sweden is facing its ‘day of reckoning’ as house prices plummet


    Canada, New Zealand and Sweden most vulnerable to housing crash



    The global housing market is heading for a brutal downturn

    Mortgage rates have risen to their highest level in recent years across the eurozone, as well as in Canada, Australia and New Zealand.


    World’s bubbliest housing markets are flashing warning signs

    … Canada, the US and New Zealand,


    The Ukraine war was used as a pretext to hike consumer prices (so called inflation) on a large scale which was used as a pretext to hike interests, all in all creating a crisis for debt ridden households. This has resulted in a near collapse of the housing market in some countries.

    islamization, Africanization

    Name Malik is hidden islamization

    Same methods of take over in Congo and Europe. King Leopold of Brussels started the chaos in Congo. Now EU HQ in Brussels is tearing Europe apart to control the continent.


    Kalergi plan

    constant smearing, complaining

    The press constantly smears leaders that protect their countries to try to make Europeans believe EU socialism is better but in fact must run down countries in refugee crisis, euro crisis, climate crisis, Corona crisis …%

    Trump is smeared, Mueller etc, but he and US are doing great.

    Johnson is smeared. But he and UK will likely do better after Brexit. A process similar to Mueller is started by the EU.

    Lukachenko is smeared, but EU/OECD never sent observers to elections.

    Bolsonaro smeared. E.g. by a possibly fake situation about a British journalist disappeared in the Amazone. Celebrities like Pelé ask Bolsonaro for action. Bolsonaro possibly tied to loggers.

    British journalist supportng natives disappeared in Brazilian Amazone, Dom Phillips

    Dom Phillips, snowleopard

    Trump’s so called coup. A faked situation where people enter capitol. Led to another endless investigation after Mueller and Ukraine investigations.


    blame the opposition

    Global actors like EU try to manipulate in order to blame the opposition.


    * US put Jupiter missiles in Turkey which lead to Cuba crisis, where Russia was blamed.

    * EU sanctions euro forcing RUssia to demand payments in rubles and EU blames Russia for breach of contract

    * US sancitons Russia but when Russia then holds on to its food supplies the US accuses Russia of “weaponizing” food resources

    * West runs down Donbas, salaries low and security is poor. Elections for independence not acknowledged. West then blames Russia for taking over the provinces. Western media talks about war in the entire country but but mostly show images of blown up buildings.

    alleged problems should not be solved

    The objective of the propaganda seems to be to constantly influence people. The situation should not be change but remain as a notice for them propaganda.

    For example,the newspapers do not wish an independent Scotland (EU member), they just want to whine about an alleged failure to arrange a new referendum in order to smear UK because UK left the EU.

    AFghanistan war: US vs a bunch of camle jockeys. US lost after 20 years, but in the meantime Europe was filled with refugees. (SAme w/ IS, Iraq war)


    Time an event to make other important events draw attention.

    Germanwings accident press conference on Sunday morning when there was elections in Germany.

    737 Max back in service after accidents

    UK given free trade

    SunYang aquitted from crushing his doping sample because of racist slur of arbiter


    EU corruption scandal, Skripal attacks Snowleopard

    Olympics 2020 (held 2021)

    Elon Musk on trial

    EU carbon border tax

    Giant Squid: 81550168

    Det måste ha varit när hon var i England under sommarlovet. Hon har på sig sina gul vit randiga kalasbyxor på fotot. De körde hon med i början på sommaren. Att man inte släpper nyheten förräns nu kanske är för att projektet är riktat till skolelever och man väntat in skolstarten.


    Greta Museum of Natural history

    På ett foto ser vi Greta hålla upp ett färdigt exemplar utav sin Climate Book, tillsammans med museumets mångfaldsforskare Dr Adriana De Palma som även bidragit till boken.

    Greta Thunberg visits Natural History Museum for environmental event

    wwr: 81551150

    Mycket tajmas till hösten. Många terrorattacker, inte bara 911, Dawson’s field. Svarta September i Jordanien. Arjen Kamphuis försvann samma dag som Greta började skolstrejka, 20 augusti 2018!


    yield when it matters

    Swedish government opposes NATO for long time but gradually changes during Ukraine war (after 200 years of neutrality and no wars)

    False nationalist party Sverigedemokraterna gradually changes on many important issues: EU, NATO, abortion …


    modifying the lies

    Lies are gradually forgotten.

    Starlink was said to revolutionize Internet service but turned into nothing.

    In foras it was vehemently denied that Starlink would be spy stallites. But after more than a year of launching around 900 satellites, media information gradually started to describe, first missile recording satellites, later SAR-radar satellites. These satellites are said to be launched “together” with Starlink satellites.%

    In effect, the lying news media gradually goes closer to the truth when the blatant lies become too obvious.

    Changing gradually will not make the young generation (or anyone) notice the change.

    Start change with the older. Spy cameras are installed to “helt the elderly”. Let the elderly use illegal drugs in sports. Usada allows anabolics almost without punishment for veteran athletes. Gradually expaand to younger generations.

    building in secrecy

    The networks build their power in secrecy and do not display it until they dominate the situation. EU started of as an alleged trade union, then bought the politicians who gave power and taxpayer money to Brussels.


    It was not expected the networks could close down the entire world for an influenza.

    Chinese investors do the same when they gradually buy Cambodian real estate. Before you knew it KPS wa suddenly Chinese and many Cambodians left.


    most are fake and decoys:



    Trilateral Commission,

    Skull & Bones

    Free masons

    Council on Foreign Relations

    etc …



    The global agenda is inefficient since it is kept secret and many decoys must be used to cover the true motives of globalization and conflict.

    see also slow play

    slow play

    The geopolitical game is played slowly. To get to make people not notice how globalization takes away their independence and money, the process is slow.

    Result: You will own nothing and you will be happy.

    To make Brexit look difficult it was made to last 4.5 years.

    When Ukrainian president Zelensky is going to Europe he is not warmly welcomed by the EU to cover up the EU ambitions to take over Ukraine.


    The Soviet Union was probably discontinued sine it had not been possible to build the European Union having the poor living standareds of the Soviet Union to compare with. The Soviet Union fell around 1990. EU was founded 1993. EU accentuates it power with Corona rlockdown and recovery funds around 2020. The young generation never saw the Soviet Union.

    Hong Kong was handed over from the British to China 1997. Stricter laws and following protests have started appearing around 2019-present (2021).

    The only way to make people accept to give away all their belongnings is to slowly adapt them to it:

    wef_world_economic_forum_you_will_own_nothing_happy — —
    buying political power, owning other people, hereditary power, own nothing – be happy

    Global actors have now accumulated so much wealth that they can control politicians and decision making bureaucrats. These decision makers now further transfers the people’s assets to the elite. Countries are already in debt and the assets of ordingar people are becoming scarce. (Corona funds is one example.) Being in debt means other people control the person. No doubt families that have accumulated much wealth over centuries are entitled to a good life. But this wealth does not entitle them to control other people and in a democracy neither does it allow them greater influence over society structure.


    You will own nothing and be happy.

    Trade unions are important. The factory owner should not be allowed to control the life of the workers to 100% in the same way people should not be put in debt to the limit where their free will is undercut. Cp soveriegn debts of countries.

    Johnny Cash, “Sixteen tons”


    Wigforss (Göran Persson) DSen som är satt i skuld är inte fri.”

    gradual change

    Globalization is almost always slow to make us not notice the change. Sometimes changes are not apparent to the new generation since they never saw something else.%

    Den kokta grodan, The boiled frog, The boilt frog

    See youth revolt. By addressing youth who has no memory of past problems and smaller reference frames, global powers are trying to speed up change


    Media played along all the time, pretending they did not want Brexit and loves the EU. But media loves both Brexit and EU, as long as UK gets out. UK was too independent. As soon as UK went, maximum spending and loans started in 2020.

    Europe is one of the few areas left standing with independent countries. Globalists batter it with refugees, climate regulations, feminism, debt crisis, Corona crisis, common loans. The Mediterranean countries fall like bowling pins for the Euro Europe must be destroyed before it can be overtaken by EU.

    Globalist media support this. They will report a bad situation from the UK to support the EU, whereas the UK in fact has escaped all this. Maybe the UK has made promises to the US, no one knows.

    The closer to US, the lower EU fees: Iceland, Norway. Now old US partner UK is changing allegiance, from EU to US.

    Media will hate Johnson like they hate Trump. Just so that others believe they are bad. But in fact media and most people want Johnson and Trump, they take care of their countries. Anyway they were elected and the media image of these leaders kidnapping their countries is completely unrealistic.

    Media try to make us believe that two corpulent blond men in strange hairdos have hijacked two of the worlds largest economies and will singlehandedly run them down. This is impossible. Johnson advisor Cummins is presented in an unfavorable manner. [ -1-, -2- ] Cummins even seem to contribute to this himself by having Sonia Khan woman, immigrant advisor to immigrant treasurer “frog marched” out of #10. He travels during Corona lockdown


    The same media slant is used the US: CNN floods Europe and the world with Democratic chaos, BLM, AOC, faked high Biden polls. We imitate and out countries rot, but media and others let Trump rule. Mueller was never meant to succeed in impeachment of Trump. He was just another way of making foreign countries believe it is right to attack leaders that protect their country. The negative publicity towards Trump is extreme. During several days of discussions one discussion board could only find one positive news item about Trump (the handling of N. Korea). (July 20)

    But Trump still controls the US – impossible if the press in reality wanted him gone.

    EU activities heavily corrupt. Fees can not be followed to recipient, after Brussels. Too far from member countries. MEP on board posts (Wikström). Also top politicians getting board posts after carreer. They give away taxpayers’ money to get back as board posts. MEP opposition is only verbal. Votes always pro EU. Parties in Sweden nominating MEP are all pro EU. Ex minister saying she will speak out against revising budget (July 2020) abstianed in vote.

    The networks make maximal usage of Corona pandemic. For long time only politicians disliked by news mesiay fell ill according to reporting.

    United Kingdom must play a part in this and also reports a new strain of mutation of the virus. It “may” spread faster. It is already spread world wide but Germany influences EU-countries to close the border around Dec 20, 2020. Clearly a revenge for UK taking the final step in Brexit on Jan 1. British export of shellfish to EU ruined.

    Trade deal negotiations have reached nowhere during 4.5 years. But news media report intense negotiations. This is all to cover up that the EU does not allow a big European country a trade deal without subjecting to EU high fees, extensive legislation and free movement over borders (having lead to the refugee crises). A few countries have slightly better deals (Norway, Switzerland).

    Only remote countries like e.g. Canada, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam can have normal grade deals without fees.

    The UK clearly expressed they wanted a deal similar to Canada’s and the EU clearly refused such a deal.

    The final period of “negotiations” seem completely blocked around a French demand on fishing. President Macron seem to have influenced negotiatior Barnier to insist on shared fishing rights. The UK naturally vehemently refuses this. The UK correctly states that no souverign nation has ever given up it’s fishing rights for an extended period.

    UK fishing waters are extensive and around the Canal islands extend close to the French border. Dutch fishermen catch 50% of their catch in British waters. They state they risk bankruptcy.

    The French/EU demand on fishing in British waters reflects the good fishing waters of the United Kingdom. But basically it is a way to block the Brexit negotiations by an unreasonable demand to fish in another souverign nation’s waters. This demand is an excuse not to expose the true reason for the EU refusing a deal – European countries can not have trade deals with the EU, they must be members of the organization in order to have free trade. The UK free trade deal will be blocked by the EU on Jan 1, 2021 when the UK stops paying their fee.

    [ historical comparisons: Pope, Luther, reformation, frugal 4, Kalmar union, Gustav Wasa, Lübeck, Hansa, Romans, Napoleon, Hitler, Merkel, Sassoli, mafia ]

    2020 Christmas crisis, 2021 Christmas crisis

    Brexit deal a total success for UK. They stop paying EU-fee but keep the right of free trade. Sweden pays more instead. Swedish politicians do not comment. Media creates pseudo news about Swedish PM buying spare parts for his shaver during Corona lock down. Swedish Lagrådet disapproved of governing by decrees in spring. Kammarrätten and Justitieombudsmannen also diapprove but government still pushes on with “pandemic law“.

    So called “alternative media” are all controlled opposition. Swebb-TV pretends to be shut down by YouTube and the others protest by shutting down themselves!

    The constructed crisis was used to carry out business that was intended to

    Boeing 737 MAX reintroduction

    SunYang doping aquittal

    UK got all benefits from EU and does not pay fees and can control immigration

    Capitol Riots

    Trump fakes promoting undemocratic power coup only to give media an opportunity for the constant blaming of nationalist politicians.

    To make national agenda seem unpleasant activists are hired to enter Capitol, Jan 2021. Even Trump participates by not condemning the action clearly and acknowledging Bidens win earlier.

    [ -000- -001- -002- -003- -004- -005- ]

    See professional activists

    Capitol riots also show that police couldn’t even defend parliament. Biden is 77 yo and Pelosi 81, not so active any more. Anti democratic behavior from authorities.

    Compare Brazil Bolsonaro, 2021 Sep 7

    Thaksin red shirts.

    Same manuscript.


    wwr: 74221914

    Trumpsupportrar stormar Capitol. Kvinna skjuten till döds. Trump anklagas för anstiftan (jämför t.ex en annan bananrepublik – Ecuador, anklagelserna mot Correa, Patiño). Jag har inte kollat detaljerna men det börjar bli mycket nu. Man frågar sig om Trump avslutar som han började, med hjälp av firma fake news.

    Woman dies after shooting in U.S. Capitol; D.C. National Guard activated after mob breaches building

    Självklart har Trump spelat med. Han har redan börjat tona ned presidentimagen, liksom sin hårfärg.

    Biden får ta över nu. Han spelar senil peddo, tjafsar på tjejer och har en knarkande son. Det är den enda typ av politiker som massmedia vågar släppa fram. (Och så svetsarlärlingar.)

    global takeover 2020’s

    US president is senile. Russia freaks out and invades Ukraine. Elon Musk fails every demand and deadline. News media describes “development” of Starship bu in fact nothing happens. Climate crisis was worsened through Corona recovery packages. Pandemic was forgotten on the same day the Ukraine war broke out. Media shows Georgian leader asking to join EU, even though Europe is in bad problems, including energy crisis. We are supposed to depose of Putin by starving ourselves of gas. EU still fills 1/3 of its need for oil from Russia. IEA asks us to lower room temperatures by 1 degree to overthrow Putin. US response to invasion is very weak, like Biden condemning Putin.


    wwr: 78674956

    Ja. Jag hade inte förväntat att jag skulle stödja de tidningarnas åsikter.

    Det stämmer att tendensen är mycket dålig nu.

    USA störtade Ukrainas president som flydde till Ryssland.

    EU tar nog över Ukraina, Sverige och mycket annat.

    Kazakhstan var nog CIA som kuppade. Presidenten flydde till Ryssland. China and US open up new silk road China EU.

    Belarus på kurs mot EU.

    Britterna tog fram “ett land två system” med Hong Kong men nu bryr sig ingen när området sväljs i Kina. Hong Kong hade betydligt fler friheter än Kina.

    Ryssland framstår mer och mer som mönsterland. Bra ekonomi, sköter sitt, presidenten har starkt stöd.

    Edit: This was true until Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia has nothing to win and all to lose. Invasion is done on global orders.

    Energikris i Europa. EU bedriver kallt krig mot Ryssland.

    Sitter vi bara och sköter vårt så tar EU över.


    2021/22 current situation

    building larger units and hiding this work

    The unifying force in politics today is the efforts to create a global dictatorship by increasing the size of the units to be governed.

    The larger a unit is the longer the distance between its people and its leaders will be. In a large unit the leaders are not controlled by the people but can be controlled by global network forming a global dictatorship.


    USA, Russia and China are already large units where people have very little influence on their county’s leaders. Europe on the other hand has smaller countries which makes democratic rule possible. Europe is therefore under constant attack from the mighty global networks, including press, politicians and multinational corporations.

    The networks try to establish a dictatorship which no people wish to live under. Therefore much of the networks’ efforts are spent on hiding the construction of this dictatorship:

    US wars in the Middle EAst were not for oil. The onlyl lasting effect was the destruction of Europe by mass immigration of “refugees”

    Climate action is not directed toward the worlds largest polluter China or the worlds largest producer of CO2 per person USA! Europe with many countries having conparatively good environmental policies is attacked instead. In a situation where global pollution is strong, EU climate poster girl Greta Thunberg attacks Swedish forestry!

    2021-22 Ukraine crisis: USA and EU claim that Russia wants to invade Ukraine. But the consequences are that EU will strenghten its grip over Ukraine, planning a take over and also that Europe is starved on natural gas from Russia in a strange effort to “starve Russia” by not buying its natural gas. The only effect is making European countries weaker and more easily controllable since the energy crisis makes energy costs rise.

    Musk’s business is promoted in media. This is only done in order to move control to multinational corporations, taking over from national governments. Musk is often in conflict with national authorities and unions.

    The traditional right/left opposition in politics is only an effort to hide the true efforts of moving authority to larger units, out of reach for the peoples’ democratic rights. In Sweden all 8 parliamient parties wish to join the EU. (Just for confusion, the most global party of all, the left, have written Sweden’s exit from EU into their program.)

    pecking order

    Any dictatorship must have a pecking order to maintain control. It seems the global dictatorship has put the US on top of the super powers and EU. Within the EU, France seems to be on top, collaborating with Germany.


    Small peripheral countries suffer the most since they are the ones to be controlled. In particular a previously strong country like Sweden which now must be weakened not to pose a threat to the union and also to contribute financially to the union. The risk of Nordic unity makes EU attack on these countries extra vicious.

    A streak of hope is left about vaccination but this seems unlikely to stop shutdown measures.

    The increasing repression is brought about by improvement of connections between people through the Internet. It is not possible to claim we must fight the “bad Russians”, any more. Globalism is based on division and racism. But increased possibilities to meet people from other cultures makes it possible to form bonds between peiple. This threatens globalist control. Therefore connections between people are shut down with travel restrictions and bans on meetings.

    Another factor eliciting the fascist globalist lockdown is Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump is, at least officially, against globalization. At the beginning of his presidency he expressed strong opposition to the global media. This made people more aware of the intentions of the global media networks. The networks must therefore now increase the repression.

    Christmas crisis 2021

    Crack down on Hong Kong democracy movement, Russia crackdown on Memorial (anti Stalin group), Assange trial, energy crisis, Covid new variant Omicron reduces Christmas celebrations.

    Christmas arrived around the world Saturday amid a surge in COVID-19 infections that kept many families apart, overwhelmed hospitals and curbed religious observances as the pandemic was poised to stretch into a third year.



    wwr: 78410332

    EU försöker föra kallt krig mot ryssen genom att inte köpa deras gas i Nordstream. EU köper inte heller gas genom polsk pipeline så gasen flyter UT ur Europa. EU inledde kallt krig genom att lägga oljesanktioner mot Ryssland efter det Krim gick tillbaka till Ryssland. (De ville inte stanna efter CIA-kuppen på Maidan 2014) Men EU täcker ändå 1/3 av sitt oljebehov från Ryssland. Krim gick tillbaka till Ryssland eftersom det var en gåva från Ryssland på 50-talet. 97% röstade för att bli ryssar.

    Nu använder EU kallt krig mot ryssen som motiv för att svälta Europa på gas för att hålla medlemsländerna svaga. EU inledde med att dra igång Europa med coronafonderna fast gaslagren var tomma. EU orsakar ännu en kris (efter eurokris, flyktingkris, klimatkris, coronakris) och kaos. Europeiska forum slås sönder av EU-troll som frågar vad som helst, när som helst.

    Putin säger att rysk gas börjar flöda dagen efter Europa begär. EU-kommissionen gömmer sig bakom Tyskland. Vår regering gömmer sig bakom MP som fått söka skydd utanför regeringen.

    EU-kaos till jul så folk inte hinner börja tänka.

    Förra julen lyckades de förhandla fram ett Brexitavtal precis på julafton. De hade ehållit på i 4.5 år men det löste sig en vecka innan Brexit. De kom på att de kunde fortsätta som förut! EU blockerade tunneln så de brittiska skaldjuren till nyår ruttnade. Förra julen körde politbyrån i Bryssel även igenom sjuårsplanen under mörkläggning genom fejkad opposiiton av Orban (Sorosstipendiat) et al om “rule of law”. Löfven tog skrällseger mot Orban, vilket inte innebar annat än mer EU-makt.

    Svenska riksdagen sammanträdde under julhelgen 2020 första gången sedan tsunamin för att klubba igenom diktatur-pandemi-lagen trots invändningar från både JO och Kammarrätten. Denna jul ökar Sverige restriktionerna igen. Uppmärksammas t.o.m. högst upp i Guardian.

    Nu är det jul igen med EU.

    Jul med EU betyder kaos och energikris. God svart nedsläckt jul önskar tomtarna i Bryssel.


    US attack on Europe, often through the EU

    a streak of hope

    Repression usually leaves a streak of hope to avoid provoking desperation and protest in the population.

    The Corona counter measures that started in 2020 were extremely exaggerated and have never been needed for earlier flus.


    They are in themselves a proof of central control (“NWO”). They could never have been imposed world wide without global central leadership. The countries claimed to be targeted varied with NWO need. When the euro had broken the economies of Spain and Italy they needed most Corona support. When Britain made Brexit and was smeared in media, the new mutation came from there.

    The Corona counter measures meant extreme lockdown of the world. But there was always hints that the pandemic would pass and that vaccination would come. After more than a year vaccination has arrived but lockdown continues. The authorities have not prepared vaccination certificates! By leaving some (false) hope protests are diminished.

    When the EU commission demands €750 bn from European countries, some media report a false hope that a constitutional court in Germany may stop the large payments.

    When Swedish government is applying to NATO without asking the Swedish people in a referendum, some posters spread the hope that Turkey would oppose our membership.

    leave the boss

    US left the Japanese Emperor when they took over.

    When Russians took part of Ukraine, attacks on Kiev were only false flag. Zelensky must be abele to boast some victories (“defending Kiev”), in order to keep the western part of Ukraine stable.


    exaggerate problem

    Newspapers exaggerate problems to make the real situation look less bad.


    EU has crashed European power supplies. Trolls expect days of blackout. In fact hours of blackout may occur and is bad enough for Europe.

    chopping up

    chop up information to make it lose its context


    Trolls chop up other posts when replying to hide context.

    Moderators in foras chop up topics by demanding that critical aspects are discussed in separate threads.

    Police sometimes refuse to see a situation in its whole in order to diminish it by only looking at its parts.

    Public debt, and personal debt

    EU promotes debt. To get funding you should be in debt. The US has large debt. Debt is how the networks control countries.

    See also Corona-Euro crisis.

    To be in debt means to give up control to international actors. Learn the truth by memorizing the opposite of what Justin Trudeau says.

    The world press is coordinated. It is very likely the buyers of government bonds are the same. By controlling at which price they buy bonds they can influence governments’ finances and thereby their decisions.

    The so called Corona crisis was really just the continuation of the euro crisis/debt crisis.

    High finance bribe politicians with board posts. EU politicians borrows money from high finance and gives back to corporations that are under the control of high finance. Then they borrow it again. For every lap the countries comes more in the hands of debt holders.

    Even Forbes admit that countries may go bankrupt.


    The Coming Sovereign Debt Crisis Will Boost Cryptocurrencies

    As economics seems to be devolving into a race to accumulate more debt, an emerging sovereign debt crisis is starting to accelerate. More than a hundred countries are expected to pay $130 billion in debt interest by this year — with about half of that debt being held by private investors.

    taking on more debt may lead to unstable financial and economic instability.

    Countries may be quickly swamped by instability in their debt and the increasing interest rates demanded of them.

    There is the possibility that with economic slowdown, a raft of sovereign bankruptcies will happen: countries overwhelmed by their debt obligations will see their yields attacked, with investors asking for more return in order to hold certain forms of sovereign debt. This makes it much more difficult for the country to service its debt and at an extreme, negotiate deals with investors that are akin to a bankruptcy.

    This is nothing new — after the 2007-2008 recession, there were sovereign debt crises around the world, including the famous Eurozone sovereign debt crisis

    the possibility of multiple nations declaring default,

    Swedish and other politicians are bribed by lucrative jobs after their political career. EU politicians even have these posts at the same time as they are supposed to work for their countries. In return the politicians give away the taxpayers’ money to corporations that can pay back the politicians by the high paid jobs. The result is strengthening of private finance and weakening of nations. Nations come in debt to private networks and fall under their control. Exactly this happened to Greece where German companies now run many important airports, harbors and other companies.

    In 2012 Soros told Germay, regarding the euro, to “Lead it or leave it!” This was a signal for Germany to end their frugal policy and start wasting. Germany then lead the EU into wasting, like the €750 bn Corona package, atartinf a process to put the entire continent in debt and under the control of debt holders.

    [ jewish networks ]

    By the beginning of the century Greek and other S. European politicians were led to introduce the Euro and were given extensive loans. This was done in spite of e.g. Greece having to high public debt. But everyone was willing to do it. Greek politicians were under the influence of the EU. When loans could no longer be paid back, Germany took over much of Greece.

    After the Corona influenza 2020 a similar borrowing has started in Europe. Our politicians are under the influence of international networks. Politicians are bribed with board posts, coerced under media pressure. They willingly put Europe in debt. Much of the debt is held by private banks.

    The difference is that this time (2020) the entire continent put on a track to deficits. In 2010 the debts were limited to some S. European countries. One for this is that the German overtaking of Greece gave Germany a very bad reputation. It will now also serve as a decoy when Germany turns 180 degrees and start spending. It makes some believe that Germany is helping when in fact it is setting Europe on a track to deficits.

    The euro zone crisis:


    Eurokrisen, även kallad skuldkrisen i Europa eller den statsfinansiella krisen i euroområdet[1], syftar på den kris som uppstod i slutet av 2009 till följd av snabbt växande statsskulder[2] och risk för försämrad betalningsförmåga i några av Europeiska unionens medlemsstater,[3] i synnerhet Grekland, Portugal och Spanien.[4][5] Detta föranledde en förtroendekris samt ökade räntor på statspapper och kreditförsäkringar, credit default swap, mellan dessa medlemsstater och andra medlemsstater inom EU, huvudsakligen Tyskland.[6]

    Problemen med staternas växande budgetunderskott[7][8] och skuldnivåer världen över tillsammans med sänkta kreditbetyg för vissa medlemsstater inom EU[9] bidrog till en oro på finansmarknaden. Skuldkrisen har sitt ursprung i Grekland, där kreditbetygen sjunkit till en nivå sådan att många normala icke-spekulativa köpare av statsobligationer (såsom räntefonder) inte köper dem, så att det blivit omöjligt att på marknadsmässiga villkor finansiera statsskulderna. Den 2 maj 2010 beslutade euroområdets finansministrar tillsammans med Internationella valutafonden (IMF) att ge ett lån på 110 miljarder euro till Grekland under förutsättning att Grekland genomför stora nedskärningar och besparingar.[10] Den 9 maj 2010 beslutade euroområdets finansministrar att inrätta en europeisk stabiliseringsmekanism för att trygga den finansiella stabiliteten inom euroområdet. Mekanismen omfattar totalt 750 miljarder euro, vilket även inkluderar kapital från IMF och Europeiska kommissionen.[11]

    Skuldkrisen omfattar nu inte bara Grekland, Spanien och Portugal utan har spritt sig till Italien, Irland och Cypern.

    Grekisk kravallpolis avlossar tårgas för att skingra demonstranter vid Panathinaikostadion i huvudstaden Aten. De omfattande besparingar och åtstramningar som många regeringar tvingats genomföra runtom i Europa har på många håll lett till våldsamma protester bland befolkningarna

    Den 28 november 2010 beslöt Europeiska unionens medlemsstater att ge 67,5 miljarder euro i lån till Irland för att hjälpa landet ur sin skuldkris genom stabiliseringsmekanismen. Samtidigt framlades förslag om nya regler för framtida finansiella ingripanden i ett försök att återställa förtroendet för den gemensamma europeiska valutan.[12]


    The European debt crisis (often also referred to as the eurozone crisis or the European sovereign debt crisis) is a multi-year debt crisis that has been taking place in the European Union since the end of 2009. Several eurozone member states (Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Cyprus) were unable to repay or refinance their government debt or to bail out over-indebted banks under their national supervision without the assistance of third parties like other eurozone countries, the European Central Bank (ECB), or the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    The eurozone crisis was caused by a balance-of-payments crisis (a sudden stop of foreign capital into countries that had substantial deficits and were dependent on foreign lending). The crisis was worsened by the inability of states to resort to devaluation (reductions in the value of the national currency).[3][4] Debt accumulation in some eurozone members was in part due to macroeconomic differences among eurozone member states prior to the adoption of the euro. The European Central Bank adopted an interest rate that incentivized investors in Northern eurozone members to lend to the South, whereas the South was incentivized to borrow (because interest rates were very low). Over time, this led to the accumulation of deficits in the South, primarily by private economic actors.[3][4] A lack of fiscal policy coordination among eurozone member states contributed to imbalanced capital flows in the eurozone.[3][4] A lack of financial regulatory centralization or harmonization among eurozone states, coupled with a lack of credible commitments to provide bailouts to banks, incentivized risky financial transactions by banks.[3][4] The detailed causes of the crisis varied from country to country. In several countries, private debts arising from a property bubble were transferred to sovereign debt as a result of banking system bailouts and government responses to slowing economies post-bubble. European banks own a significant amount of sovereign debt, such that concerns regarding the solvency of banking systems or sovereigns are negatively reinforcing.[5]

    The onset of crisis was in late 2009 when the Greek government disclosed that its budget deficits were far higher than previously thought.[3] Greece called for external help in early 2010, receiving an EU-IMF bailout package in May 2010.[3] European nations implemented a series of financial support measures such as the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) in early 2010 and the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in late 2010. The ECB also contributed to solve the crisis by lowering interest rates and providing cheap loans of more than one trillion euro in order to maintain money flows between European banks. On 6 September 2012, the ECB calmed financial markets by announcing free unlimited support for all eurozone countries involved in a sovereign state bailout/precautionary programme from EFSF/ESM, through some yield lowering Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT).[6] Ireland and Portugal received EU-IMF bailouts In November 2010 and May 2011, respectively.[3] In March 2012, Greece received its second bailout. Both Spain and Cyprus received rescue packages in June 2012.[3]

    Return to economic growth and improved structural deficits enabled Ireland and Portugal to exit their bailout programmes in July 2014. Greece and Cyprus both managed to partly regain market access in 2014. Spain never officially received a bailout programme. Its rescue package from the ESM was earmarked for a bank recapitalisation fund and did not include financial support for the government itself.

    The crisis has had significant adverse economic effects and labour market effects, with unemployment rates in Greece and Spain reaching 27%,[7] and was blamed for subdued economic growth, not only for the entire eurozone, but for the entire European Union. As such, it can be argued to have had a major political impact on the ruling governments in 10 out of 19 eurozone countries, contributing to power shifts in Greece, Ireland, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as outside of the eurozone, in the United Kingdom.[8]


    The typical IMF-teargas scenario:

    IMF loan -> restrictions-> demonstrations -> teargas

    Germany benefited:


    Germany has played a major role in discussion concerning Greece’s debt crisis,.[244] A key issue has been the benefits it enjoyed through the crisis, including falling borrowing rates, … investment influx, and exports boost thanks to Euro’s depreciation (with profits that may have reached 100bn Euros, according to some estimates), … …

    Since 2010 Germany has been buying Greek government bonds as part of an EU deal to prop up the struggling Greek economy. The bonds were bought by the Bundesbank and then transferred to the federal treasury.

    Initial agreements with the government in Athens set out that any interest earned on the bonds would be paid back to Greece when it fulfilled its reform obligations.

    But the figures published by the government on Thursday show that Germany made €3.4 billion in interest payments on the bonds and only paid Greece €527 million in 2013 and €387 million the following year. That left €2.5 billion in profit, plus interest of €400 million on a loan from the KfW development bank.

    The Green party have responded to the figures by calling for debt relief for Greece.


    WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — To the victor goes the spoils.

    The international airport in Thessaloniki will be turned over to a German company as part of the privatizations demanded by the most recent Greek bailout agreement.

    The ink was not yet dry on the new European bailout accord for Greece before German companies started their plundering of Greek assets.

    Per provisions of the “agreement” imposed on Greece, the Athens government awarded the German company that runs the Frankfurt Airport, Fraport, a concession to operate 14 regional airports,

    Other assets to be sold will include the ports of Piraeus and Thessaloniki and valuable waterfront properties for hotel and casino development. State-owned electricity and train operations are also targeted for privatization


    But Germany can not control Europe completely. Germany’s gains are not the ultimate goal.

    In the crisis that started in 2010 Germany overtook Greece by harsh financial restrictions. In the 2020 crisis Germany turned completely and we are now all spending on Italy and Spain. The goal is to privatize an entire continent by letting private banks hold its high deficits, like the Fed in the US. Previously even bank bailouts assisted in this.

    Other less significant theories for frugal Germany’s unexpected will to spend have been presented:


    1. Save the country’s face. German reputation was damaged by the 2010 crisis.

    – Much defamation of Germany is constructed.

    Images in wikipedia

    [ ]

    Emotional reply in Quora

    The price was paid by us by throwing Portugal, Ireland and Greece into the slaughterhouse as EU PIGs.

    We Irish, Portuguese and Greeks are waiting in the long grass for Germany.

    I and my family bought many Mercedes, Volkswagens, Meile, Bosch etc in the years before 2008.

    I was an early or possibly the earliest adapter.

    About October 2008 I stopped buying all German products.

    Dearest Angels, you took 20 per cent of my income and my wife’s income to prop up your rotten and busted banks but I have not given you a Eurocent since and moved to Qatar for five years to enjoy and complete our financial recovery from your slaughter of the PIGs.

    German takeover of Greece may have been a decoy for the current slow, global, insidious takeover of the entire continent.

    Varoufakis Schäuble fake conflict

    Open conflict or disrespect is a decoy. Politicians work for the same masters.

    Whatever you read in media, it is likely manipulation according to the global agenda

    2. Stop China from taking over Italy by buying first.

    – China is just another globalist state. Belt and road, Huawei, industrial espionage etc etc are just fake news to hide the NWO

    Thus, talk about Germany and China is just a decoy. What is significant is Europe having been put on a track to deficits and dependence.

    “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”

    “You will own nothing and you will be happy.”


    wef_world_economic_forum_you_will_own_nothing_happy — —

    People are gradually beoming accustomed to being in debt and to own nothing. Just a reintroduction of slavery.

    wwr: 83060761

    Stämmer bra att WEF och de ledande kommer att försöka införa kinesisk diktatur i Väst.

    Att WEF sagt “You will own nothing and you will be happy” är sant, det har stått i en prognos i en av deras annonser. Vi måste värja oss mot skuldsättningen innan EU kommer med kollekthåven igen, denna gång kanske för “gröna förbättringar” eller för att hjälpa Putin bygga upp det han förstört i Ukraina.


    pay to rebuild after crisis

    A common way to set nations in debt is to create crisis and war and in different ways “help” them out of the problems.

    US Marshall plan, EU Corona relief funds, the same will probably happen after the Ukraine war (ongoing April 2022).


    the enormous cost that Britain incurred through the “Lend-Lease” scheme was not fully re-paid to the US until 2006.

    Marshall plan

    Food aid from the United States: British pupils wave for the camera as they receive plates of bacon and eggs.

    Greece downfall standard IMF procedure:

    bribe politicians -> politicians borrow from banks and waste -> national debt crisis -> IMF loan -> austerity -> riots -> water cannons & tear gas

    Europe next in for the treatment. Police and firefighters already fighting with eachother on the streets of Paris, in the heart of EU.


    Obama, Lagarde (IMF)

    Greece downfall standard IMF procedure:

    bribe politicians -> politicians borrow from banks and waste -> national debt crisis -> IMF loan -> austerity -> riots -> water cannons & tear gas

    The rich get richer and the poor become poorer.

    Same as when Ecuador recently betrayed Assange.

    action effect
    “stimulus package” handing over control to debt holders
    privatization, deregulation; nationalization

    A basic mechanism for how big corps take over influence and funds from the state/people is privatization.


    förstatligande privatisering

    USPS bribed by private couriers to produce clumsy service, late deliveries, impenetrable contact forms

    One aspect of privatization is the recurring demand from trolls to cancel Public Service media.

    EU transfers tax money to Brussels where corporations control politicians by bribes/board posts and lobbying, far away from their people.

    Google , buying and closing start ups.

    Linux, counteracted by trolls, is a system that easily would take down Microsoft. MS Windows definitely climate unfriendly, forcing us to buy a new computer every 3-4 years due to updating slowing down the system.

    Tesla, backed by strong financers. Does not sell many cars but has a higher evaluation than all other car makers. Teslas mission is to kill serious EV start ups. Ubuntu-Linux fills the same function, keeping other Linux variants down. Both Tesla and Ubuntu founders from South Africa, appearing out of nowhere with a big purse.

    Privatization is disruptive when the country’s resources are sold to private interests:

    1. SpaceX – space exploration; SpaceX built a similar system to Apollo (but landed the boosters) using government funds while NASA paid the Russians to launch American astronauts. When the system worked, SpaceX cashes in on private space tourism while Mars exploration using Starship is deprioritized. Obama started the process by scrapping the shuttles and setting strange goals about mining on asteroids.

    2. California power grid

    3. Sweden, Europe power grid

    4. Swedish mail gives unfair advantage to Amazon

    Jurvetson supported Obama who cancelled the Space Shutttles. Musk could enter and got taxpayer support to develop crewed flights. Now SpaceX makes money out of billionaire tourists going to space (Inspiration4, Axiom) but moon project is extremely slow.

    Privatizing media, Swedish Public Service gradually being brought down

    Starlink is not criticzed even though it develops extremely slowly, like Tesla FSD.

    No competition is allowed. Bezos is controlled opposition. Moon lander, Kuiper, Rivian are all less good than Musk who is treated like a rock star, leads SNL. Bezos is constantly given negative publicity.

    Musk, SpaceX, privatization

    2021: energy crisis in Sweden and Europe. Power grids have gone commercial. EU politicians are controlled by private corporations in many fields by bribes through board posts.

    Pay-as-clear auctions make consumers pay the highest bid. ETS system increases prices also for green power. Swedish wind turbines often sell exclusively abroad. EU “70%” rule drains Swedish and Norwegian power to Germany. Crisis started when EU used €750 bn to kick start Europe when gas depots were low. EU still refuses to turn on Russian gas (2021 12 02).

    Politicians sell out the country’s resources and get board posts in return.

    When NASA pays SpaceX for development the state loses control over and and knowledge about how its money is spent.

    The world’s third largest car inspection company must close in Sweden.

    Därför stängs Dekras bilbesiktning

    Dekras 78 stationer för fordonsbesiktning i Sverige stängdes i dag av myndigheten Swedac.

    Bristerna rör bland annat styrning av verksamheten, arbetsmiljö och förmågan att utföra kontroller.

    Företaget är det största besiktningsföretaget i Tyskland och det tredje största i världen.


    zoombo: 78125324

    I’ll be damned…det var min favoritstation, tyckte dom var bäst att ha att göra med.


    Wayahead: 78125342

    Javisst, bilen lixom bara slank igenom!


    Kug: 78125383

    Säkert nån luffare som erbjuder godkända besiktningar mot avgift som åkt dit.. Sett många sådana erbjudanden sista året.


    wwr: 78135750

    Snapcount: 78135595

    Det bör vara i samtliga staters intresse att få ner el-priserna. Netopp kommit en artikel (bakom köpvägg) att detta kan få rejäl fart på vårens löneförhandlingar.

    Om något bra kommer ut ifrån norge, och det uppmärksammas.., kan det påbörjas en domino-effekt till sverige.



    Marknadskrafter är bra men det blir kaos om de släpps lösa helt okontrollerat. Strömmen var billig i Sverige före EU.

    Prisrallyt på strömmen verkar bl.a komma från hur vi konkurrerar med tysk industri om strömmen. Pay-as-clear innebär att vi betalar det högsta bud leverantörerna ger, ETS ger överpris på grön el, vindkraft säljs direkt till utlandet, EU trissar priset genom att inte öppna den ryska gasen EU drog igång Europa (för €750bn) för snabbt med tomma gaslager etc

    Världens tredje största, tyska bilbesiktningsföretag stängs nu av i Sverige av svenska myndigheter, 78 stationer!

    Och Musk-kaoset skall vi inte tala om

    (FB) Starlink

    Detta bara som exempel på hysterisk privatisering (politikerna säljer ut landets resurser i utbyte mot bl.a styrelseposter åt sig själva).


    Special economic zones. Politicians sell out to foreign enterprise and give them advantages, like Amata city in Thailand or MEPZA in Philippines.

    Atlas, Carmen mines in Talisay Cebu

    Own airport, salaries flewn in in cash, no taxation probably

    U-tapao airport Patraya, serving Amata city industrial area with foreign companies

    SpaceX privatized US lunar program

    Enron and now 2022 EU privatized energy grid leading to energy crisis.

    Enron scandal, California energy crisis

    Sweden, privatization, among others: schools, energy, job centers, trains, car testing …

    privatization, snowleopard


    privatization of schools leads to inflation of grades

    bank subsidies, lobbying


    commuter trains


    VR Sverige

    Zeusy: 90282347

    Nyligen meddelade regeringen att man säljer statliga Bilprovningen och snart kan fler bolag följa. Bland de som kan säljas av finns Vattenfall, Apoteket och PostNord.

    Bla Systembolaget är med i listan..

    Bra för staten eller?


    kalkryggar: 90300461

    Hela den svenska sjukvården har ju havererat för att de högerextrema Moderaterna skulle ge bort den i gåva till sina superrika vänner för en billig peng.

    Men än värre har det blivit med den svenska skolan som de förstört på samma sätt. Sammanlagt under åren med friskolor så har väl många miljarder från skatten som dirigeras till barnen i skolan istället åkt in på superrikas privata konton i skatteparadis.

    Sjukvården och Skolan som de förstörde har sedan varit upphov till att skapa det genomtrasiga samhälle vi har idag med skjutningar och sprängningar dag ut och dag in.




    StudiumValor: 90300891

    kan du nämna något som (m) sålt “till kompisar”?

    Batra har väl inget med detta att göra då det mer har handlat om oschysst tillsättande av befattningar för hennes del. Eller vad har hon med privatiseringar och oligarker att göra?

    Alla avknoppningar av vård och skola som såssarnas drivit igenom lokalt?


    Pharmacia – den största affären överhuvudtaget – där oligarker blev multimiljonärer?


    det blir väl vänsterpartiet då


    År 1994 sålde regeringen Bildt huvudparten av det majoritetsägande staten hade i läkemedelsföretaget Pharmacia. Året efter medverkade staten till fusionen med det amerikanska företaget Upjohn. Staten äger nu 7 % av det nya bolaget.

    Ny storaffär gör Pharmacia allt mindre svenskt

    Med den nya fusionen mellan Pharmacia & Upjohn och Monsanto minskar det svenska inflytandet i företaget ytterligare. Monsantos kritiserade agrokemiverksamhet har gjort många skeptiska till affären.

    4 jun 2002

    mail, postal service (attacks on any governmental business)

    Mail is privatized. One reason is to control international trade and stop people from buying cheaply directly from producer. Amazon cheats European countries of tax by importing to low VAT countries and redistribution within common market. Amazon also bribes private mail companies to set high fees for customs inspection whereas Amazon themselves inspect for free. Trade is forced under Amazon


    UK royal mail old “scandal” is repeated in media. Poor software caused false convictions of fraud of postmasters. (Intentional?)

    USPS is very likely bribed by FedEx DHL to function poorly.

    industrial parks, special economic zones

    pay off politicians to create tax havens

    Meps, Carmen, Philippines; Amata city, Thailand



    sell out of strong, flagship companies representing a country and governmental enterprise

    Companies that are strong and symbols for a country are sold out.


    As many activities as possible are sold abroad in order to make their control inaccessible to the people they affect. Like Swedish energy owned by Finland or Volvo being sold out ending up in the hands of Chinese competitors that crash Volvo through intentionally erroneous decisions about electric drive trains.

    Similar to privatizing NASA through SpaceX.

    How could Nokia fail so utterly? (self destruction of Nordic symbols?) Ericsson-Nokia collaboration could have been an important part of Nordic financial strength.


    wwr: 84477095

    Volvo gick väl bra på 90-talet? Var inte försäljningen bara ett led i den avveckling av nordiska resurser som krävs om vi skall bli slavar under EU som styrs från Paris och Bryssel? Vi måste vara svaga för att kunna kontrolleras.

    Drog inte Ford in mycket på Volvo de första åren? (Men sedan var inte säkerhet och miljö prioriterat i USA.)

    Regionalpolitiskt försvagar man även Göteborg och Stockholms dominans stärks.

    Centralisering helt enkelt. En effekt av EU och centralstyre?


    Jenshall: 84477203

    Fords enda lönsamma bolag under första åren direkt efter millenniet var just Volvo Cars. Den då nyligen lanserade XC90 var rena sedelpressen.


    wwr: 84477497

    Det verkar ha skett en omotiverad utförsäljning av en nationell symbol, vilket är ett led i globaliseringen. USA:s månlandningar var en av deras främsta symboler och de kommande landningarna (om det blir några inom överskådlig tid) har sålts till SpaceX med katastrofalt resultat.

    EU:s religion är grön. Det hade försvårat för EU att ta över Sverige om vi haft ett starkt bilföretag, en symbol för Sverige som förknippats med miljö och säkerhet. Norden ligger i EU:s utkanter och måste fösvagas för att inte hota centralstyrningen. Utanför Stockholm dessutom, nära Norge, ryyys …

    Göteborg som helhet har väl en egen kultur som ifrågasätter centralmakten? – Måste förstöras …


    Ford -> Geely

    Volvo var naiva



    Chinese Geely bought Volvo and made Volvo stop manufacturing diesel engines and aim for purely electric power trains while all the world is fossile. Geely made Volvo build factory with fake company Northvolt. Geely cancels competition. Geely’s take over was hostile.

    Musk, Volvo

    %%%%% Volvo

    Scania, Volvo



    Centerns krav: Förstatliga rysk aluminiumfabrik i Sundsvall

    Det vi borde göra är vad andra europeiska länder gjort, att införa lag om tvångsförvaltning där bolaget helt enkelt tas över under svensk statlig tvångsförvaltning. Så att Moskva förlorar sin kontroll över det men att verksamheten kan fortsätta, säger partiets ekonomiskpolitiska talesperson Martin Ådahl.”



    Epimaness avatar

    Reg: Jan 2015

    Inlägg: 4 596

    Vi gör ett enkelt substitutionsexperiment.


    Centerpartiet kräver nu att regeringen förstatligar och tvångsförvaltar den judiskägda aluminiumfabriken Kubal i Sundsvall.

    – Det vi borde göra är vad andra europeiska länder gjort, att införa lag om tvångsförvaltning där bolaget helt enkelt tas över under svensk statlig tvångsförvaltning. Så att judenheten förlorar sin kontroll över det men att verksamheten kan fortsätta, säger partiets ekonomiskpolitiska talesperson Martin Ådahl.

    Igår, 15:44 #2



    triptykens avatar

    Reg: May 2020

    Inlägg: 2 517

    Hoppas dom gör det för att öppna dörrn till att förstatliga annan skit som en gång var vårt som vi sen sålde ut för spottstyvrar under det store, och av alla experter utdömda, privatiseringsexperimentet från 90-tal och framåt.

    Kör på och sen tar vi friskolorna och vårdbolagen!



    HipToBeSquares avatar

    Reg: Mar 2015

    Inlägg: 7 265

    Det är bra att globalisterna visar vägen vad vi ska göra med deras egendomar senare.

    monopolies, oligopolies

    privatization creates oligopolies that set any prices they like which is blamed on “inflation”%

    corona lockdown and energy price hikes kill small businesses


    quadrupoly ica, coop, axfood, lidl set any price on food

    Moksha: 85394384

    Vad tycker Flashback om det här?

    Hur mycket är fastighetsbeståndet idag egentligen värt?

    Detta hände 2007

    Härnösands kommun säljer nästan samtliga sina verksamhetsfastigheter till Kungsleden. Det totala hyresvärdet uppgår till 114 miljoner varav 80 procent kommer från kommunen.

    Förvärvspriset uppgår till 913 miljoner inklusive förvärvsomkostnader.

    Det är bland annat samtliga skolor, förskolor och äldreboenden. Kvar i kommunens eget ägo blir några friluftsanläggningar som simhallen och högslätten, samt dom hus som innehåller hyreslägenheter.


    Detta händer 2023

    Sexton år senare vill kommunen köpa tillbaka skolbyggnader och äldreboenden – men den pressade ägaren SBB har redan sålt vidare delar av dem till Kanada.



    – Hur stor är förlusten för skattebetalarna?

    – Hur mycket hyresförluster gör kommunen varje år?


    Ekon Musk shuts off Starlink so Ukraine attack on Russian fleet fails.

    Ukraine must strike out Musks Starlink terminals that Russians bough and use.

    money transfer to corporations

    money transfer to large corporations is central to privatization


    controlling the entire chain

    Amazon avoids paying VAT (importing through certain EU countries) and customs (cusomer just clicks a link). Amazon then lobbies privatized Swedish mail Postnord to add $7 “handling fee” for buys outside Amazon. By controlling both seller and the entire transprotation chain, Amazon can force indepenent sellers (having $7 added on their deliveries) into Amazon’s control.


    corruption, bribes

    Private companies are less transparent. It is easier for the state to supervise publicly financed operations. The people can demand more transparency.


    The European Union has the power to collect euro 750 bn and spread with the only motive to “get Europe going” without external control. This very likely resulted in bribes. Private companies exert strong influence over EU. The EU itself is run like a private company where the chairman is elected in a closed meeting.

    US Navy bribes; “Fat Leonard”

    — other —


    news coordination, the global agenda

    See also targets

    The flow of news is synchronized. Elections will not change policy. The world is controlled by international networks. This is easily realized from the fact that the same news with the same slant appear in most media in the western world. – The global agenda.

    1. The same events are highlighted in all media world wide.

    2. The same values are presented in all media.

    Nowadays news media only seldom go against politicians. The two have amalgamated into one.

    This is used in many ways. Events that are against the agenda may be presented in outlets that have been given a less serious tone, like e.g. Daily Mail.

    You will almost always see young, non-white women presented in a positive way and older white men in a negative.

    President Trump is constantly given a negative image in media and his words are doubted. So when the news presents that he condemns police shootings, we may even start wondering if it is wrong to condemn shooting police officers.

    Jan 2021. Assange extradition case is hot. Court case just decided. Many expect Trump to pardon. But in Sweden (where the original sex-offense investigation took place) media suddenly writes a lot on the old sex offense investigation that was discontinued years ago. A book is even published. – CIA is controlling the press.

    Musk and Tesla could never continue if the promises made were exposed by news media, but media are under order not to criticize Musk or Tesla in any serious way.

    The major points of the global agenda:

    1. immigration

    2. feminism

    3. climate

    4. covid (2020)

    5. military tension

    Trump, Boris Johnson, Bolsonaro – bad

    Obama – good

    climate – urgent

    Greta, Musk – never questioned

    SpaceX – always successful

    EU – good

    nationalism – bad

    refugees – welcome

    asap Rocky – important performer

    Corona – scary

    women, especially young girls – good

    older white men – incompetent

    LGBT – great fun

    drugs – great

    Putin, Assad (Russia now being replaced as the bad guy by China, to some extent) – villans

    Salisbury, Syria – chemical weapons

    Russia – uses illegal substances, invades Crimea (97% voted to join Russia, Crimea was given Ukraine by Donbass-Khrushchev, EU sanctions toothless – EU buys 25% of oil imports from Russia), meddles in elections (Mueller probe failed)

    China – spies and expands

    Iran – sly and evil

    public service media – incompetent, should be abolished

    corporations – should do as they like

    authorities – interfering with corporations, should be abolished

    men/women – are in conflict

    immigrants – cause conflict

    islam – dangerous and violent

    democracy – tedious, impotent and doesn’t work

    muslims – scary, dangerous ( etter stay at home and watch government TV if there are muslims in the street)

    status actor
    untouchable newspapers and their owners, EU, military, climate theory, the danger of Covid, Elon Musk, Greta Thunberg

    always wrong Trump, Boris Johnson, Bolsonaro, Lukachenko

    [ democracy broken ]

    Squeezing the politician between different interests or between reasonable actions (no climate shutdown) and the media

    A coordinated news media network can control the world by dividing it. Promoting climate alarmists, feminists, immigrants, LGBT, Black Lives Matter will create conflicts with opposing groups.

    By making politicans having to decide between the interests of different groups the politicians become weak, always criticized by ssome side. This criticism will be blown out of proportion by media, to bring down the politician, if necessary.

    News media fear cooperation, like “All Lives Matter”, immigrant integration. The climate issue is made a matter of polarized debate (Greta in UN), not joint action.

    Typical templates are

    elegant globalists:


    Pelosi (age 80)


    Belarus opposition






    Thierry Baudet

    Jennifer Robinson

    ruffled nationalists:




    Frost (Brexit)

    Kim (N.K.)





    body shape; Summary 04 (020)
    attack older white men; Summary 04 (020)
    news coordinated; Summary 04 (040)
    appearances; Summary 04 (050)
    archetypes; Summary 04 (060)
    Greta Thunberg, slim
    diet food, body-shape

    Slim, globalist
    Obama, Biden, John Bolton, John Kerry, von der Leyen, Robert Mueller, Pelosi, Trudeau, Greta Thunberg, Sassoli, Lagarde, Wolodarski, Peter Carlsson (Northvolt), Sunak
    exceptions: Mutti, Timmermans

    Overweight (national agenda, Trump connection)
    Trump, Johnson, Lukachenko, Orbán, Giuliani, Tucker Carlson, Ted Cruz, Bolsonaro, Juholt, Barr (Pompeo), Steve Bannon, Jan 6 rioters, Sven-Olle Olsson, Paludan, (Franz Josef Strauss) Putin (older, when Russia invaded Ukraine), Bulg.pres. Radev (pm Petkov slim), Mogens Glistrup, Jean-Marie le Pen, Russian cosmonauts, Michael Moore, George Santos, Shevardnadze (opposing Western revolution), (Yanukovich, Guterres)
    exceptions: Kasselstrand

    As long as Putin ran Russia well (though naitonalist) he was slim. But as he made the attack on Ukraine he had gained weight considerably.

    Jimmie Åkesson, increasing weight with time and more and more giving up nationalist foundation

    Overweight nazi agenda
    the latest two NMR-leaders

    Overweight “axis of evil”
    Rouhani, Zarif, Kim Jong-un, “al-Baghdadi”, George Tuka (Ukrainian minister for Russian territories, cp. Vlodomyr Zelensky)
    exception: bin Laden (Putin, Lavrov imagined as “sly”)

    Overweight union leaders
    Leif Blomberg, Karl-Petter Thorwaldsson (opposes Greta by saying he loves mines)

    Overweight “bad boy”

    Bankman-Fried, Niemann, Giuliani, fake rebels; [ -1-, -2-, -3-, -4- ]

    Strange hairdo
    Trump, Johnson, Puigdemont, Geert Wilders (Carl I. Hagen), Milei

    Blonde dyeing
    Trump, Assange, Giuliani (not blonde)

    Blonde, connected to Saudi Arabian golf
    Greg Norman

    Blonde or light colored hair
    Trump, Johnson, Asssange, Steve Bannon, Alex Murdaugh, Milosevic, Paludan (sometimes colored?), Stockton Rush

    Exception: Hitler

    Good looking, globalist
    Musk, Trudeau, Zelensky, Yuschchenko (“poisoned”), Thierry Baudet (fake nationalist)

    Pointing finger
    Rouhani, Giuliani, NMR-leaders, islamists

    Unshaven and messy
    Assange leaving the embassy (“whistleblower is really a sex criminal that got away”)

    Short stature
    Putin, Zelensky

    Tall stature
    Musk 188, Peter Carlsson (Northvolt) 183

    Swedish party leaders
    all globalist

    Women with reasonable or good looks to dampen criticism:
    Northvolt (green project) executives (except CEO), Eva Kaili (EU), Elisabeth Holmes (big corp’s), Putin’s child commissioner (US-Russia cooperation against Europe)
    Women with reasonable or good looks to attract attention:
    Kamphuis (Ancilla), Assange (Pamela Anderson)

    Boeing astronauts not having traditional slick “astronaut appearance” but looking like ordinary people.

    “Capitol storm troops” Ted Cruz, JD Vance

    Signs of NWO

    [proof of NWO]

    Most countries we read about follow the global agenda. This is proof of the existence of NWO. A few regimes like Hungary, Brazil sometimes go against it slightly and leaders like Orbán and Bolsonaro are depicted as “irresponsible”.

    If the NWO did not exist, news media would not be able to promote the global agenda without being questioned.

    Covid was handled in very much the same way in most countries.

    Another factor which joins most countries is high sovereign debt, a mechanism to exert global control.

    subliminal negative signals, opposite message

    Articles and images often convey an opposite message, compared to what the text literally says.


    LIV tour (paid by Saudi) smears Saudi to stimulate to EU sanctions further depleting Europe of oil. Even its own PR material is negative

    sju tre

    Greta meeting native indians making an antiquated impression with magic and donning feathered head gear. The US stole the Indians land and the Indians must be suppressed in media.

    information shifts

    The global agenda constantly contradicts itself. The only basic instinct is moving influence from the people. CO2 was increased by Corona packages later the climate agenda was reintroduced to lower CO2 again.


    Information shifts.

    Greta was initially presented as the anorectic child with social problems and Asperger syndrome and won fame because she had just sat down outside parliament with a picket sign. Later it was presented that she had won a competition writing essays. Later she was considered skilled with social media from the start and was successful at Twitter. Later her anorexia disappeared. Later she was considered unusually brave and extrovert, singing and dancing in front of a large crowd. She started out with the message that we are facing a climate disaster in 10 years. Even the World Economic Forum interpreted her message that way but she had to correct them that it was only the “carbon dioxide budget” that was running out in 8 years. It now seems there are no crucial “tipping points” but we should just do what we can. She then seemed to have forgotten the climate and went into several different areas, like the Hong Kong/China issue, Indian farmers situation, a Danish sewage plant. (When the EU raised the CO2 levels through the Corona recovery packages Greta said nothing.) She said she would not attend the COP26 climate meeting since the Covid vaccine was too unevenly distributed over the globe (but she attended).

    She is just an actress (with actor training) followint the whims of the global agenda.

    [ greta ]

    endless accusations

    Long-winded law processes like Mueller, Ukraine against Trump and Brexit related towards Johnson. End in nothing.

    Pelosi: Democrats will move to impeach Trump

    capitol riots, Jan 2021

    [endless law processes, accusations]

    Russian doping. The case seems never to come to a conclusion. Included in the punishment was download of a database that gave rise to new accusations.

    black protests in the US (conflict)

    sanctions against Russia (cold war)

    Hong Kong protests

    endless trials

    The networks show their dislike for actors of other opinion by exposing them to almost endless trials in court.

    Trump/Mueller, Democrats



    Puigdemont (still going on 2021)



    Globalists and the fake radicals they employ (“Soros’ left”) always demand change and restructure. They give good causes but the change they undertake is global takeover.

    pretext real action
    climate action split population, supranational control
    split and destroy

    To take over, globalists split countries into internal conflicts that destroy them.


    crisis effect
    debt crisis, euro crisis losing control to private banks
    refugee crisis ethnic conflicts, setting in debt
    climate crisis conflict between alarmists (in media connected to young women) and deniers, setting in debt, supranational control
    corona crisis debt accumulation

    [ EU crises ]

    Next part: 500

    Table of Contents (under work)



    (can also use orange tab – zoom out page)


    A few earlier posts:    (scroll down list)

    2025 01 01 Earlier: Musk cheats at computer games; Destruction of crypto currencies and Linux.

    2024 12 02 Earlier: Northvolt, Europe, energy crisis

    2024 11 25 Earlier: Musk courts, trials

    2024 11 13 Earlier: Starship can not land

    2024 11 12 Earlier: US Court decides Northvolt case in Sweden

    2024 08 10 Earlier: SpaceX

    2024 08 04 Earlier: H2 Green Steel, Stegra

    2024 08 02 Earlier: Northvolt

    2024 07 10 Earlier: Ukraine war 1984

    2024 07 06 Earlier: Olympics uses faulty gender test to create conflicts

    2024 07 04 Earlier: Boeing takes blame for SpaceX

    2024 07 02 Earlier: Musk buys Trump

    2024 06 30 Earlier: Vance catholicism, fake, infiltration

    2024 06 28 Earlier: diagnoses

    2024 06 26 Earlier: Sweden, no EU support

    2024 06 22 Earlier: Musk to Texas spreading chaos

    2024 06 12 Earlier: Sweden Democrats Sverigedemokraterna – fake nationalists, controlled opposition

    2024 06 02 Earlier: Normalizing lies

    2024 05 30 Earlier: Iran saudi war trump eu energy starvation

    2024 05 24 Earlier: Electric Vehicles are dying

    2024 05 22 Earlier: Musk union karma

    2024 05 20 Earlier: Global cleanup

    2024 05 18 Earlier: Is Boeing doomed?

    2024 05 16 Earlier: EU-Soviet

    2024 05 12 Earlier: Malmö, Sweden’s Gaza

    2024 05 10 Earlier: EU 2024

    2024 02 27 Earlier: European Union EU price levels, CAP

    2024 02 25 Earlier: Northvolt – too big to fail

    2024 02 23 Earlier: space privatization

    2024 02 22 Earlier: Northvolt – the enemy within

    2024 01 01 Earlier: turn the global trend

    2023 12 28 Earlier: EU supports failing Northvolt

    2023 12 23 Earlier: Northvolt, no production revealed, media chaos

    2023 12 09 Earlier: Fear of cryptocurrencies

    2023 12 08 Earlier: Northvolt unions disabled?

    2023 12 06 Earlier: No veto in EU

    2023 12 02 Earlier: EU grabs power

    2023 10 30 Earlier: Subsidies or third world

    2023 10 28 Earlier: Northvolt – destruction & excuses

    2023 10 22 Earlier: Musk/X take over

    2023 10 24 Earlier: Global excuses

    2023 10 20 Earlier: Fake nationalists

    2023 10 17 Earlier: Failed privatization of trains

    2023 10 08 Earlier: Green agenda kills Nordic countries. Demise of Scania.

    2023 10 07 Earlier: EU’s imaginary enemies

    2023 10 06 Earlier: Space privatization disaster

    2023 10 05 Earlier: High speed trains

    2023 10 04 Earlier: US scammed Europe, deportations and wall

    2023 10 02 Earlier: No vote

    2023 09 30 Earlier: Hamas attacks Israel

    2023 09 21 Earlier: Global fall back?

    2023 09 19 Earlier: Who commands NATO?

    2023 09 17 Earlier: EU blocks Ukraine

    2023 08 12 Earlier: Northvolt agenda

    2023 08 10 Earlier: Libya, Ghadaffi

    2023 07 30 Earlier: Wealth, control

    2023 07 26 Earlier: Niger under global attack

    2023 07 24 Earlier: Trump, creating a rebel, Europe’s downfall

    2023 07 20 Earlier: Brics vs EU

    2023 07 16 Earlier: F16 to Ukraine

    2023 07 15 Earlier: Steel price

    2023 07 10 Earlier: dawn of a muslim era

    2023 07 09 Earlier: H2GS shows that EU=Soviet

    2023 07 05 Earlier: LIV-golf, muslims now taking the role of the jews, financial dominance

    2023 07 01Earlier: Thailand lost to neoliberals

    2023 06 08 Earlier: Titan submersible

    2023 06 05 Earlier: reactor size

    2023 05 28 Earlier: steel price

    2023 05 27 Earlier: NASA/H2GS global take over

    2023 05 25 Earlier: LIV golf: attitude to free market chages rapidly

    2023 05 24 Earlier: Hydrogen for global coordination

    2023 05 23 Earlier: Elite gets away

    2023 05 22 Earlier: Separate after ethnicity

    2023 05 21 Earlier: Another Trump investigation

    2023 05 20 Earlier: The green sting

    2023 05 19 Earlier: Green whining

    2023 05 18 Earlier: LIV golf polarization

    2023 05 17 Earlier: No one celebrates national day (June 6)

    2023 05 15 Earlier: Clinton-Lewinsky scandal

    2023 05 14 Earlier: Iran, MEK, court case, possible war

    2023 05 13 Earlier: Sweden falling

    2023 05 11 Earlier: Northvolt battery hysteria

    2023 05 10 Earlier: Turkey, stock rally, Erdogan

    2023 05 09 Earlier: Trump – the scapegoat

    2023 05 07 Earlier: Ron DeSantis – fake conservative

    2023 05 06 Earlier: EU customs reform

    2023 05 05 Earlier: Modern slavery?

    2023 05 03 Earlier: Create scandal, shift blame on state for EU electricity price hikes – Historical revisionism

    2023 04 30 Earlier: Escape for low tax and subsidies.

    2023 04 28 Earlier: Energy, EU, ICA let’s decoys and fall guys take the blame.

    2023 04 25 Earlier: Green transition = socialist revolution = religion

    2023 04 23 Earlier: Too high grades in high school due to privatization.

    2023 04 22 Earlier: Will China and Russia take the lead in the space race.

    2023 04 21 Earlier: The Great Depression and The New Deal … again

    2023 04 19 Earlier: German energy starvation: Morgenthau plan

    2023 04 17 Earlier: Russians dodge sanctions by going to Thailand.

    2023 04 15 Earlier: Democracies broken, dictatorships going forward.

    2023 04 05 Earlier: H2MED, pink hydrogen pipelines, Macron, nuclear

    2023 04 04 Earlier: France dictatorship, nuclear, agriculture, CAP

    2023 04 03 Earlier: Above criticism: China, EU, France

    2023 04 02 Earlier: Blackmail your country

    2023 04 01 Earlier: Privatized space development

    2023 03 31 Earlier: Council of Europe “solves” crisis and war by kicking out Russia.

    2023 03 30 Earlier: EU, France, energy, control.

    2023 03 29 Earlier: Unit size, sanctions

    2023 03 28 Earlier: Amazon oligopoly

    2023 03 27 Earlier: Nike ads

    2023 03 26 Earlier: Another Trump investigation

    2023 03 25 Earlier: EU pretends to ban combustion engine

    2023 03 24 Earlier: Swedish nationalist party breakdown

    2023 03 23 Earlier: US cowards does not dare war with Russia.

    2023 03 22 Earlier: Lapland, the hydroelectric power and battery republic?

    2023 03 21 Earlier: US on the sideline

    2023 03 20 Earlier: Iran situation coming up

    2023 03 19 Earlier: Kalergi exchange, genocide of Ukrainian people

    2023 03 18 Earlier: Europe under attack

    2023 03 17 Earlier: EU energy and trade starvation agenda

    2023 03 16 Earlier: USA drives the Ukraine war

    2023 03 15 Earlier: Putin – child abductor

    2023 03 14 Earlier: system change to dictatorship

    2023 03 13 Earlier: market volatility is part of system change

    2023 03 12 Earlier: UK joins US

    2023 03 11 Earlier: Philippines – a vision of Sweden in the future?

    2023 03 11 Earlier: Northvolt summary

    2023 03 10 Earlier: EU depleting Europe of energy

    2023 03 09 Earlier: stock market levels and crash fabricated

    2023 03 08 Earlier: crisis is the new normal

    2023 03 04 Earlier: Oil producing countries moving in

    2023 03 03 Earlier: ILO convention, native peoples

    2023 02 26 Earlier: support for Russia regarding Ukraine, Russia not alone

    2023 02 05 Earlier: Also Sweden Democrats a completely fake, false flag nationalist party

    2023 01 31 Earlier: Sweden: Criminal gangs taking over local government

    2023 01 30 Earlier: The fall of Rome due to Goth immigrants

    2023 01 15 Earlier: follow the money

    2023 01 14 Earlier: secret collaboration

    2023 01 13 Earlier: Turkey, Erdogan

    2023 01 12d Earlier: Värmland, a future Donbas

    2023 01 12c Earlier: Greta, climate agenda collapse?

    2023 01 12b Earlier: Northvolt coincidences

    2023 01 12 Earlier: Northvolt production

    2023 01 10c Earlier: Northvolt smears countries

    2023 01 10b Earlier: Northvolt political message

    2023 01 10 Earlier: Northvolt Virtual Reality, Poland assembly, Chinese stock?

    2023 01 09 Earlier: EU-Putin collusion

    2023 01 08c Earlier: manipulations

    2023 01 08b Earlier: Own nothing, be happy (WEF)

    2023 01 08 Earlier: World going backwards

    2023 01 07 Earlier: Why run businesses at a loss

    2023 01 06 Earlier: Virtual Reality

    2023 01 05 Earlier: Battery production is located in Asia and Meta – Tesla, Northvolt, Virtual Reality

    2023 01 04 Earlier: Anti-Russian sanctions starve Europe

    2023 01 03 Earlier: Artemis woke

    2023 01 02 Earlier: The crypto weapon

    2023 01 01 Earlier: Sanctions are often useless

    2022 12 31 Earlier: Trump summary

    2022 12 30 Earlier: In practice a one-party system

    2022 12 29 Earlier: The “green transition” is virtual

    2022 12 28 Earlier: Suppressive moderation (Northvolt)

    2022 12 27 Earlier: Northvolt may go to delapidated California

    2022 12 26 Earlier: Northvolt questions

    2022 12 25 Earlier: Greta Kurdistan

    2022 12 24 Earlier: Forum agenda

    2022 12 23 Earlier: US borrowing: In Fink We Trust

    2022 12 22 Earlier: Green delay tactics

    2022 12 21 Earlier: Biden-Zelensky bonding

    2022 12 20 Earlier: Large corporations threaten to leave Europe

    2022 12 19 Earlier: Security-, Corona- & CO2-rules lead to de-industrialization

    2022 12 18 Earlier: Will PM be the fall guy? (Northvolt)

    2022 12 17 Earlier: Gaslighting older

    2022 12 15 Earlier: robots, AI

    2022 12 14 Earlier: Wall St. & China, NWO

    2022 12 13 Earlier: too complex solutions, energy chaos, creating a crisis

    2022 12 12 Earlier: another EU fund

    2022 12 10 Earlier: forums closing

    2022 12 09 Earlier: More people, more batteries (Northvolt)

    2022 12 08 Earlier: Northvolt, climate predictions

    2022 12 07 Earlier: EU corruption, divert anger

    2022 12 06 Earlier: Blame the victim

    2022 12 05 Earlier: Harry & Meghan – on races

    2022 12 04 Earlier: Democratic Republican cooperation – a different US policy for export. Twitter Files

    2022 12 02 Earlier: EU energy

    2022 12 01 Earlier: Enron (2)

    2022 11 05 Earlier: Energy unions, France

    2022 11 29 Earlier: France will control EU energy. Norway good politics.

    2022 11 28 Earlier: Stress over energy prices

    2022 11 27 Earlier: Inflation is really price hikes

    2022 11 26 Earlier: The military – a financial tool

    2022 11 25 Earlier: Is the left manipulated (“useful idiots”)

    2022 11 24 Earlier: Air show crash

    2022 11 23 Earlier: Chess smear campaign

    2022 11 21 Earlier: Traditional advent calendary ridiculing prince

    2022 11 20 Earlier: Greta, kurds,old folks

    2022 11 19 Earlier: Israel builds Noah’s ark on the moon, tardigrade crash

    2022 11 18 Earlier: Ernst & Young financial services – a political actor?

    2022 11 17 Earlier: Does the left believe in its teachings?

    2022 11 16 Earlier: National daily AB: How to sell your car.

    2022 11 15 Earlier: Businesses have gone green to gain influence.

    2022 11 13 Earlier: neolib

    2022 11 12 Earlier: Privatization means impoverished space research

    2022 11 10 Earlier: Sami activists cropped out of Greta picture

    2022 11 08 Earlier: Artemis 1 – time for SpaceX to deliver

    2022 11 07 Earlier: Sunak stares at Lavrov

    2022 11 05 Earlier: NASA smears itself

    2022 11 04 Earlier: Sweden elections 2022 (2): New gov’t, same policies

    2022 11 03 Earlier: Google admits Crimea is Russian

    2022 11 02 Earlier: “Crisis” is really price increase; centralization

    2022 10 31 Earlier: Big Mac index

    2022 10 30 Earlier: False flag rightist government; Sweden elections 2022 (1)

    2022 10 28 Earlier: Turkey

    2022 10 27 Earlier: Twitter buy. Musk-Trump oligarch empire forming?

    2022 10 26 Earlier: World Economic Forum, WEF, is a decoy (2)

    2022 10 25 Earlier: Sunak appointment means divide and conquer

    2022 10 24 Earlier: Oil producers are “axis of evil

    2022 10 23 Earlier: The decline of the West

    2022 10 22 Earlier: India, networks

    2022 10 21 Earlier: Politicians main objective: stop votes from having effect

    2022 10 20 Earlier: Politicians (Johnson) manipulate the system.

    2022 10 19 Earlier: Globalization intensifies

    2022 10 18 Earlier: EU lack ofdemocracy

    2022 10 17 Earlier: acting loser

    2022 10 16 Earlier: Leader vs MP:s

    2022 10 15 Earlier: Secretive courts protect the oil industry – Energy Charter Treaty

    2022 10 14 Earlier: Destructive investments

    2022 10 13 Earlier: Macronism

    2022 10 12 Earlier: Women vs men

    2022 10 11 Earlier: Terrorists in Sweden?

    2022 10 10 Earlier: Energy privatization

    2022 10 09 Earlier: Divide and conquer, common enemy

    2022 10 07 Earlier: Election fine print

    2022 10 06 Earlier: Sweden 2022 elections undemocratic

    2022 10 05 Earlier: iran: Hijab unrest; Swedish courts obey The People’s Mujahedin

    2022 10 03 Earlier: Entrepreneurs counteracted

    2022 10 01 Earlier: “stan”-countries run over, sports for globalization

    2022 09 29 Earlier: Asssange actor

    2022 09 28 Earlier: Forming government, Sweden 2022

    2022 09 26 Earlier: Tricking the people into believeing SD won

    2022 09 25 Earlier: EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains

    2022 09 24 Earlier: Sweden elections – same s… new wrap

    2022 09 23 Earlier: Ransomware – privacy laws

    2022 09 22 Earlier: EU loser mentality

    2022 09 20 Earlier: Unwashed, stench, filth, dirt – trend

    2022 09 19 Earlier: Forming government in Sweden 2014-2022, all delays, on EU orders.

    2022 09 18 Earlier: So called “extreme right

    2022 09 17 Earlier: Iranian PR – #1

    2022 09 16 Earlier: Media “extreme right” is just normal

    2022 09 15 Earlier: Germany supports EU irreversible federalization

    2022 09 14 Earlier: EU meddling in elctions

    2022 09 13 Earlier: EU’s self destructive sanctions against Russia, over Ukraine

    2022 09 12 Earlier: Europe heading for a new Stone Age

    2022 09 11 Earlier: US attack on Europe.

    2022 09 10 Earlier: FED creates chaos.

    2022 09 09 Earlier: Nationalist SD does not demand influence, SD opposes itself

    2022 09 08 Earlier: Liberals switch sides.

    2022 09 07 Earlier: Inflation is an excuse for increasing prices due to lack of competition.

    2022 08 27 Earlier: Sweden elections: Parties split up to promote EU

    2022 08 26 Earlier: The political system is broken.

    2022 08 25 Earlier: EU oil starvation

    2022 08 24 Earlier: Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh – a new Ukraine?

    2022 08 23 Earlier: Money transfer to corporations

    2022 08 04 Earlier: NASA can not fill propellent

    2022 08 03 Earlier: Privatization is only good when you benefit (LIV golf)

    2022 08 02 Earlier: Left and right united against the people

    2022 08 01 Earlier: The community must regulate energy

    2022 07 28 Earlier: NASA racism

    2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update

    2022 07 26 Earlier: EU orchestrated energy chaos

    2022 07 25 Earlier: Energy divide and conquer stragtegy

    2022 07 24 Earlier: Save POW:s, not drug smugglers

    2022 07 23 Earlier: Northvolt, EU battery frenzy

    2022 07 22 Earlier: Delay tactics

    2022 07 21 Earlier: Superpowers use cold war to dominate.

    2022 07 20 Earlier: Is LIV golf an object to hate for future sanctions against Saudi.

    2022 07 19 Earlier: EU energy crisis like California (2), Enron

    2022 07 18 Earlier: LGBT – one piece in the fall of Rome

    2022 07 17 Earlier: Energy crisis, like California (1)

    2022 07 12 Earlier: Media focus on personal details when in fact SpaceX and Tesla are in trouble.

    2022 07 11 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (2)

    2022 07 10 Earlier: EU Covid package

    2022 07 04 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (1)

    2022 06 03 Earlier: Logging companies avoid being scrutinized.

    2022 06 02 Earlier: Super powers vs people

    2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.

    2022 05 31 Earlier: Sweden going down

    2022 05 30 Earlier: US renders president powerless

    2022 05 29 Earlier: US doesn’t want to stop shootings

    2022 05 28 Earlier: Cancel indians and other native/indigenous peoples

    2022 05 27 Earlier: Russian deserters sue army

    2022 05 26 Earlier: Nazi smearing

    2022 05 25 Earlier: Why Greta is not in Swedish media.

    2022 05 24 Earlier: Greta review

    2022 05 23 Earlier: EU – Sovietcomparison

    2022 05 22 Earlier: Ukraine, a new Korea (2)

    2022 05 21 Earlier: War inflation attacks common people

    2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag

    2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import

    2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.

    2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China

    2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.

    2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)

    2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)

    2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.

    2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah

    2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …

    2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries

    2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)

    2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery

    2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic

    2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over

    2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack

    2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe

    2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial

    2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.

    2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.

    2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.

    2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion

    2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.

    2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects

    2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.

    2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.

    2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists

    2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)

    2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.

    2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled

    2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)

    2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas

    2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war

    2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed

    2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine

    2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax

    2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)

    2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”

    2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)

    2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all

    2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism

    2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.

    2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.

    2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.

    2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline

    2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany

    2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022

    2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back

    2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged

    2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]

    2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)

    2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.

    2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]

    2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism

    2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.

    2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.

    2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi

    2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution

    2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess

    2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis

    2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid

    2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022

    2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey

    2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused

    2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe

    2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism

    2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism

    2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.

    2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual

    2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow

    2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]

    2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system

    2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott

    2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down

    2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.

    2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover

    2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.

    2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)

    2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling

    2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk

    2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?

    2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay

    2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?

    2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis

    2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed

    2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure

    2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.

    2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things

    2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white

    2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis

    2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism

    2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine

    2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees

    2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities

    2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU

    2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU

    2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU

    2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis

    2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility

    2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action

    2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory

    2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap

    2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions

    2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming

    2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )

    2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.

    2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis

    2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration

    2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims

    2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts

    2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back

    2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon

    2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations

    2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus

    2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome

    2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.

    2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.

    2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.

    2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps

    2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person

    2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.

    2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.

    2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition

    2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.

    2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.

    2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs

    2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline

    2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]

    2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.

    2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.

    2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.

    2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis

    2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.

    2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.

    2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.

    2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war

    2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe

    2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus

    2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”

    2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science

    2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.

    2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.

    2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales

    2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries

    2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win

    2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.

    2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.

    2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently

    2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly

    2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!

    2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.

    2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid

    2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia

    2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine

    2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.

    2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.

    2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?

    2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.

    2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.

    2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)

    2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset

    2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation

    2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda

    2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown

    2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.

    2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.

    2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.

    2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.

    2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing

    2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote

    2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.

    2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization

    2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom

    2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.

    2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.

    2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population

    2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.

    2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.

    2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.

    2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.

    2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.

    2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.

    2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?

    2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial

    2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government

    2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED

    2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.

    2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union

    2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging

    2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.

    2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.

    2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.

    2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.

    2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.

    2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt

    2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization

    2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways

    2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout

    2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing

    2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.

    2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda

    2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information

    2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media

    2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries

    2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda

    2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.

    2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]

    2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)

    2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America

    2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.

    2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.

    2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.

    2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union

    2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person

    2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose

    2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool

    2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status

    2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels

    2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.

    2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.

    2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.

    2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.

    2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial

    2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??

    2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts

    2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor

    2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.

    2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.

    2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.

    2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?

    2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.

    2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?

    2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance

    2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives

    2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative

    2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.

    2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection

    2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.

    2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.

    2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati

    2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.

    2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.

    2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda

    2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes

    2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms

    2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics

    2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news

    2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards

    2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media

    2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?

    2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy

    2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.

    2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.

    2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?

    2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.

    2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives

    2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms

    2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration

    2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ

    2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring

    2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis

    2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen

    Table of Contents (in English)

    Summary 04


    Massmedia och demokratin
    News media and the democracy]



    Summary 04 (050)


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