By bolstering border conflicts, they can easily be turned into war which can serve as excuses for chanelling flows of people and assets.
The politicians mostly talk about an open, borderless society where people and goods can flow freely, but when the politicians decide to create war in order to get a pretext for manipulating flows of assets or people, every inch of territory is suddenly worth sending tens of thousands of people to die for instead of letting the residents vote about their own future and solve the situations diplomatically. National borders are usually broken down in the global system, except when it wishes to create war.
National borders are considered fixed and rigid when the system wants to create war. It is not considered an option to let people in Ddonbas vote about their own future. This future must be decided in Kiev, since, at present, the border puts Donbas in Ukraine. In the same way Georgia does not respect the wish of the people in South Ossetia and Abkhazia and the referendum in Catalunya was not respected.
But within the European Union the borders are broken down and people and assets are made to flow freely, administration is coordinated. This is because it strengthens global control through the EU and weakens national authority and thereby also democracy. On the other hand, national borders are considered obstacles to movement and administration when the global system wishes to create war, like in Ukraine or South Ossetia/Abkhazia.
In the same way ethnicities are emphasized or neglected depending on the situation. The Kurdish ethnicity is strongly emphasized since it can cause conflicts in mainly four countries, Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Syria. Kurdish protesters also cause political repercussions in France (riots 2022) or Sweden (hangning an effigy of president Erdogan 2022, delaying Swedens NATO membership). The Sami ethnicity has been much emphasized by e.g. Greta Thunberg. But when it became more and more apparent that Greta only defended Sami culture and not Swedish and Nordic culture, Greta’s involvement with the Samis abated rapidly. During Brexit negotiations, some remainer/EU proponents even considered the “opinions” of the terrorist organization IRA as something that should be considered instead of just letting police and military deal with terrorists.
Swedish culture has been broken down as Sweden has been set on a path to forther integration into the European Union. Swedish culture and ethnicity has been strongly suppressed as we are entering the EU.
South America is notably absent from this list with few border conflicts and wars. Cooperation is not done with supernational organizations, like EU. For this reason south america is covered very briefly in western news.
Swedish PM Löfven says there are no walls in Europe. Swedish PM Löfven says EU will guarantee peace. The truth is the walls are around Europe and a war with Russia is going on since one year.
Samma story kommer att vevas i repris i Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh-Azerbaijan-Armenien, Kazakhstan och andra “stan-länder” … (kanske även Belarus) och fler platser
De som vill skapa krig och utnyttja detta för att kanalisera flöden av makt, pengar och folk fortsätter att utnyttja hur Sovjet lades ned. Mer EU, mer kallt krig, mer USA-NATO/Ryssland, mindre oberoende.
Trumps inställning, att ha goda relationer med ryssarna är rätt, men vem som i grunden styr Trump vet vi inte. Jag tror de byter in honom 2024, men ingen vet vad som händer sedan. Trump missade grovt med Iran och JCPOA, även drönaren mot Soleimani. Israel-Saudi närmade sig varandra, skrevs i tråden. Trump har bra relationer med Saudi. Det kan bli storkrig Saudi-Iran (Sunni-Shia) under Trump. Kanske lugnare med ryssarna under Trump, men efter Trump vet vi inte. Och om inte det sker har de kurderna som kan dra igång storkonflikt mot 4 länder “within 45 minutes” (Sverige och Frankrike oräknade).
Greta Thunberg promotes the Kurdistan flag. It would be unthinkable for media to use the Swedish flag in the same setting, due to suppression of Swedish culture.. Greta refused to accept a price from the Nordic Council since she considers the Nordic countries’ environmental policies so poor. (Whereas in fact the Nordic countries were considedered to have among the best environmental policies, before the EU and globalization gained pace.)
Greta also support the Sami indigenous people.
But this contradiction – to support the Samis and the Kurds, but not supporting the Swedish culture, probably became too much and during 2022 Greta’s involvement with the Samis became much less and the Samis were even cut out from older pictures of Greta visiting their area.
EU:s motto of “an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe” will eventually lead to an effacement of the cultures of Europe but as it continues, ethnic cultures are promoted to create conflict within the member countries to weaken them.
Ethnicity is promoted when it can be used to create conflict, like in the Kurdistan region (see below) or the Samis. But ethnicity is suppressed when nations are subjugated to global coordination, like Sweden.
The problem with high immigration without integration is that society is split into groups. This makes it impossible for the population to raise common demands on the goverrnment. Thereby democracy is hollowed out and the politicians can run the country according to a global agenda and not according to the people’s wishes. Those opposing democracy are labeled “racists” which in most cases are wrong. Few people care about the skin color of their neighbors, but they oppose society falling apart into groups that do not cooperate.
The problem of high immigration is not how skin colors are mixed, it is loss of democracy.
Greta Thunberg, ILO convention on the rights to land for minorities.
The origin of the Ukraine war was mismanagement of Donbas by the Kiev government after 1991. The Russian population in Donbas wanted independence from Kiev and was supported for this by Russia.
The stand-up comedian Zelensky makes a joke (before becoming president): “We are allowed to take money and property from the Russians”
Kiev and EU did not respect election results in Donbas deciding for independence. Kiev government could not guarantee stability in Donbas and neither Kiev nor UN/the international community sent peacekeeping forces. Negotiations in Minsk under the lead of Merkel/Macron produced a deal but it was not respected by the parts. (No recognized elections in Donbas, Russian invasion.)
Almost no negotiations are made during the war. Zelensky only asks for more weapons and Western leaders comply. The UN leader Guterres is presented as weak and in no position to act for peace.
EU uses war to channel money. Superpowers and large units like US, Russia and EU gain, smaller units like European countries lose. EU sanctions against Russia make Russia richer since prices rise and EU-countries have to pay more for less gas and oil [-1-, -2-, -3-]. US gains since Europe now buys gas from US. US also gains since European countries like Finland, Sweden and Ukraine are made to enter NATO. EU gains the most since European countries become weak from inflation and energy price rises and therefore become easier to control.
Western Ukraine will enter EU and NATO and Russia will control the two eastern provinces. In practice Ukraine is split between US and Russian control.
The war in Ukraine followed a long conflict between Ukraine and Russia. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Donbas was neglected by Ukraine. A pro-Western change of power in Ukraine 2014 worsened the situation and Donbas wanted independence. This was not granted by Ukraine and in 2022 Russian troops entered Donbas. Elections were held and Luhansk is now part of the Russian federation. Donetsk still contended.
In the 1991 referendum on Ukrainian independence, 83.9% of voters in Donetsk Oblast and 83.6% in Luhansk Oblast supported independence from the Soviet Union. Turnout was 76.7% in Donetsk Oblast and 80.7% in Luhansk Oblast.[37] In October 1991, a congress of South-Eastern deputies from all levels of government took place in Donetsk, where delegates demanded federalisation.[26]
The region’s economy deteriorated severely in the ensuing years. By 1993, industrial production had collapsed, and average wages had fallen by 80% since 1990. Donbas fell into crisis, with many accusing the new central government in Kyiv of mismanagement and neglect. Donbas coal miners went on strike in 1993, causing a conflict that was described by historian Lewis Siegelbaum as “a struggle between the Donbas region and the rest of the country”. One strike leader said that Donbas people had voted for independence because they wanted “power to be given to the localities, enterprises, cities”, not because they wanted heavily centralised power moved from “Moscow to Kyiv”.[37]
In 2014 demonstrations in Kiev took place and the parliament in Kiev deposed the democratically elected president Yanukovich and a pro Western shift of power ensued.
Referendums were held in Donbas and supported independence of Donbas from Kiev.
2014 Donbas status referendums
11 May 2014
“Do you support the Act of State Self-rule of the Donetsk People’s Republic?“[32][33]
Preliminary results announced by the Central Election Commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic[34][35]
Yes 89.07%
No 10.19%
Do you support the declaration of state independence of the Luhansk People’s Republic?
Yes 96.2%
No 3.8%
An opinion poll that was taken on the day of the referendum and the day before by a correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Washington Post, and five other media outlets found that of those people who intended to vote, 94.8% would vote for independence.
“Separatists win vote in Ukraine rebel regions by big margins“. The Washington Post. 12 November 2018. Archived from the original on 14 December 2018. Retrieved 17 November 2018. [later deleted from the web –ed]
“Donbass elections helped avert chaos after DPR leader’s murder, says Russian diplomat”. TASS. 15 November 2018. Retrieved 17 November 2018.
“Separatist-held regions hold elections in eastern Ukraine”. Reuters. 15 November 2018. Retrieved 17 November 2018.
Separatists win vote in Ukraine rebel regions by big margins
Separatist leaders in eastern Ukraine have secured their hold on power in weekend local elections that have been denounced by Ukrainian authorities and the West as illegitimate.
Local election officials in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics said Monday that acting leaders Denis Pushilin and Leonid Pasechnik won the votes with 61 and 68 percent respectively.
Although a 2015 peace deal called for local elections in Donetsk and Luhansk, critics, including Ukraine’s president, the U.S. and the European Union say the vote is illegitimate because it was conducted in areas where Ukraine has no control.
The acting leader of the Donetsk republic, Denis Pushilin, 37, known as a former operator of the Russian MMM Ponzi scam, in which an estimated 5 to 10 million people lost their savings, is a favorite to win the Donetsk poll. Leonid Pasechnik, 48, the former regional chief of the Ukrainian security service and acting leader of the neighboring Luhansk republic, is expected to easily win there. Both have pledged closer ties with Moscow.
“It’s another exam for the civic position, political position, for the whole Donetsk Republic,” said Denis Pushilin, who became acting head of the Donetsk separatists after his predecessor Alexander Zakharchenko was killed in August.
His Luhansk counterpart, Leonid Pasechnik, denied that holding the ballot was contrary to the Minsk agreement, saying “we are a free republic, a free country”.
Both men have promised to seek closer ties with Moscow and are expected to sail to victory.
Several journalists were reportedly refused access to the regions during the vote, while those allowed in were closely monitored by press centre officials and prevented from visiting polling stations unaccompanied.
Some journalists were allocated one polling station they could visit, but were denied access to other stations and cautioned for attempting to visit sites outside of the itinerary, a journalist reporting from the scene told Al Jazeera.
To summarize, the Russian ethnicity in Donbas was mistreated by Ukraine and when they wanted to join Russia, this was used as a motive for war. The treaty of Minsk was forgotten by most parts. Russia brings it up but is neglected in media.
Strangely, in a global world all that matters to the leaders is who owns the territory and not the opinions of those who live in the territory. War is preferred as a method to decide how to govern the area, and not elections and referendas.
Volodymyr Zelenskiy has ruled out giving up any Ukrainian territory in a potential peace deal with Russia. In an interview with the BBC, Ukraine’s leader said conceding land would mean Russia could “keep coming back”. Zelenskiy said a predicted spring offensive had already begun but he believed his country’s forces could keep resisting Russia’s advance until they were able to launch a counter-offensive.
Ifrån Rysslands håll så är det inget krig eller invasion.
De kallar det för en speciell militär operation för att skydda befolkningen i de ryskkontrollerade utbrytarregionerna i östra Ukraina.
Separatisterna där hade bett om hjälp efter attacker ifrån Ukrainskt håll. Putin bad Ukraina att lägga ned allt vapen och allt ansvar för blodspillan ligger i händerna på de styrande i Ukraina.
All förstörelse hade till stor del kunnat undvikas om inte andra länder lagt sig i.
Jag tror Trumps quick fix i ett fredsavtal kommer sluta i att alla får ta hand om sitt, ekonomiskt. Vi vet ju att Ukraina inte har en enda krona, så vare sig vi vill det eller inte kommer det byggas upp med pengar bl,a ifrån EU.
Logiskt sätt borde Ukraina sättas på en långvarig avbetalningsplan med t,ex spannmål i utbyte. Men troligast är nog att alla pengar kommer gå upp i rök
Det hade inte behövt bli så om inte väst gratis förlänger situationen.
Man kan dra paralleller till Georgien där separatister inte ville tillhöra Georgien med NATO lurandes bakom hörnet.
Ryssland gick in med en fredsbevarande insats och nu är separtistområdena autonoma regioner med högre levnadsstandard än i Georgien. Ryssland hade kunnat anfalla och ge sig på hela Georgien men gjorde inte det. Så det finns ju inga belägg för att man vill ha Europeiska eller Ukrainska områden som inte är ryssvänliga.
Hade väst och EU gett ovillkorligt stöd till Georgien som man nu gör i Ukraina så hade landet legat i ruiner nu, med knappt inga vuxna män kvar. Georgien vart en bra lösning till slut för alla.
Ja så i alla områden där det finns separatister ska de ha rätt att bryta sig ur? Gäller det även Ryssland då om en eller två Oblast vill bryta sig ur eller gäller det bara alla andra länder?
Lapparna tar malm och vattenkraft och drar till Norge. Kurderna och Kosovo får bryta sig ur men inte serberna i Kosovo etc Det beror helt på politikernas tyckande.
Och framförallt har hundratusentals människor dött för att inte ryssarna fick gå till Ryssland utan blodspillan. Varje millimeter land tillhör regeringen i Kiev har vi fått lära oss.
Och nu verkar det som att EU och den globala propagandan helt kan komma att tvärvända. Efter ett krig som haft förödande konsekvenser för Europa kommer vi att få hylla Ryssland som befriare!
“Vi gjorde fel som försvarade Ukraina. Förlåt oss, Putin!”
Squidden är mer orienterad än han vill göra gällande är mitt intryck 😁
Om detta blir den officiella tolkningen är det en stor skandal.
Just nu tittar jag bara på propagandan som varit helt entydig.
Putin och Ryssland har betraktats som vedervärdiga angripare. Men enligt Squidden är de egentligen befriare. Och Squidden verkar veta en del vad som rör sig.
Om propagandan kommer att vrida bilden av Putin och Ryssland som vedervärdiga angripare till att bli befriare är det en gigantisk skandal och total omvärdering av grunderna för kriget.
EU är rent skojeri. Nu ser det ut som om historien kommer att skrivas om på samma sätt som i Sovjetunionen.
Tidigare skulle vi stöda Zelensky med miljarder och vapen för att försvara varje tum av Ukraina.
Men nu när vi förlorat kriget kommer Putin att hyllas som en befriare av ryssar i Ukraina och vi som skickade vapen för att försvara Ukraina får betala för krigsförödelsen.
Det här kallas historierevision och den går med blixtens hastighet.
2014: Ukraine invades Russia to defocus from losing an additional 4 provinces (Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhzha in addition to Crimea). New disputed areas in Russia will also be created.
%%%%% Ukraine
Abkhazia, South Ossetia
Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Russian-Georgian war: Very similar story to the Ukraine war. A revolution deposed the president. US supported the new president Saakashvili (who later became governor in Odessa region, Ukraine!) This led Russia to support Abkhazia, South Ossetia in a war. The war was created in very similar way to the Ukraine war in Donetsk and Luhansk/Ukraine.
The Georgian government has offered substantial autonomy to Abkhazia several times. However, both the Abkhaz government and the opposition in Abkhazia refuse any form of union with Georgia. Abkhaz regard their independence as the result of a war of liberation from Georgia, while Georgians believe that historically Abkhazia has always formed part of Georgia.[2]
receiving a fellowship from the United States State Department (via the Edmund S. Muskie Graduate Fellowship Program). He received an LL.M. (Master of Law) from Columbia Law School in 1994 and took classes at the School of International and Public Affairs and The George Washington University Law School the following year. In 1995, he also received a diploma from the International Institute of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France
president of Georgia for two consecutive terms from 25 January 2004 to 17 November 2013. From May 2015 until November 2016, Saakashvili was the governor of Ukraine’s Odesa Oblast.
On 26 July 2017, Saakashvili (at the time staying in the US) was stripped of his Ukrainian citizenship by Petro Poroshenko, and became a stateless person.[21][22] He reentered Ukraine with a group of supporters through Poland but was arrested in February 2018 and deported. Saakashvili moved to the Netherlands, where he was granted permanent residency.
Saakashvili entered the country secretly in the container of a sea cargo ship, in violation of the law.[28] He was placed in the No. 12 penitentiary facility in Rustavi. President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili stated that she will “never” pardon Saakashvili. Later Zourabichvili confirmed her first statement again, while Saakashvili announced a hunger strike that was joined by other members of his party.
The 2008 Russo-Georgian War was a war between Georgia, on one side, and Russia and the Russian-backed self-proclaimed republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, on the other.
Date 7–12 August 2008
Result: Russian, South Ossetian and Abkhaz victory
Ja. Senator McCain uppviglade ju demonstranterna på Maidan, han sade bl.a.
this is about the future you deserve, a future in Europe, a future of peace(!), good relations with all of your neighbors. The free world is with you, America is with you
Det kan gå som i Georgien. En amerikansk nickedocka stormade in på presidentens arbetsrum i bästa Trump-stil och skrek avgå till presidenten och tog över makten.
Kosovo är väl ett bra exempel på att USA och västvärlden tillåter separatism och utbrytning om det gynnar dem själva. Boven i dramat är inte de separatistiska albanerna som vill skapa ett eget land utan serberna som vill behålla landet.
I Ukraina är det precis tvärtom. Den ryska minoriteten i östra Ukraina får INTE bryta sig loss. De ska acceptera ett Natomedlemskap där västvapen kommer placeras vid gränsen till Ryssland.
By not dividing according to ethnicity, conflicts necessary for global take over are created.
Jag följde inte detta då. Men går det att kort förklara varför man inte bara delade efter etnisk majoritet? Då hade man väl sluppit dessa problem? Måste man kriga om allt? Var Bildt inblandad? 😀 (FN-medlaren Bildt: “Ukrainakriget kommer att avgöras på slagfältet.” :no: )
Man borde ha delat Ryssland och Ukraina efter etnicitet också och sluppit problemen i Donbas. (Men där stöder västmakterna nu centralstyret från Kiev, som redan påpekats i tråden.)
Om du pratar om efter kriget så hade inte serbien gått med på det. Om du pratar om nu, så går det inte. Att dela upp gränser efter etniska linjer är inte förenat med europeiska värderingar.
Det hade varit betydligt enklare att lösa vattenförsörjning än etniska motsättningar. Våra ledare väljer alltid det alternativ som ger mest konflikt för att ledarna inte skall hotas av ett enat folk.
Gällande “Kurdistan” gör man tvärtom och stöder etnisk uppdelning, för att försöka skapa konflikter i Iran/Irak/Turkiet/Syrien. Här avlägger Löfven praktiskt taget statsbesök i ett icke-existerande “land”.
Serberna i norra Kosovo vill att Serbien skall sköta området och Serbien är villiga att göra det. Då är det bara att dra om gränsen eller ha krig och konflikt. Det är bara globala politiker som vill ha krig och konflikt. Dessutom har politikerna mage att samtidigt prata om att vi lever i en gränslös värld utan murar. – Rena idioter. Vanligt folk skulle kunna besluta detta mycket bättre. (Och annars hyllar politikerna Kurdistan, baserat på etnicitet.)
Den frågan kan bli aktuell i framtiden (men inte bara språkligt). Vi bjöd in muslimer och vi har motverkat integration. Det kan skapa en muslimsk enklav i Malmö etc. Värmland kräver att få tillhöra Norge om vi fortsätter att missköta de västra delarna av landet. Samerna kräver sitt, Tornedalen …
Våra ledare vill att folket inte skall enas så att vi kan ställa gemensamma krav på dem. Men vi kan inte annat göra än att låta de som utgör majoriteten i Malmö sköta staden.
Man får göra som Musk föreslog om Donbas: Områdets invånare avgör sin framtid genom FN-övervakade omröstningar.
Efter krigen på 90-talet skulle man dra en gräns mellan Kosovo och Serbien. Kosovo ville vara självständigt. I Serbien bor naturligvis serber. Men någon idiot verkar ha dragit gränsen så att en del serber (kristna) hamnade i Kosovo (muslimskt) med åtföljande uppenbara problem. Jag följde inte detta då så kan någon svara på vem som är ansvarig för den feldragna gränsen. (Det skulle inte förvåna mig om det är Bildt.)
Men de områden som utgör problem just nu hamnade uppenbarligen fel. Naturligtvis skulle man lagt områden med serbisk majoritet i Serbien. Då hade problemen varit lösta eller i alla fall mycket mindre.
Man skall dela av Kosovo från Serbien och lägger då områden med serbisk majoritet i Kosovo :whoco5:
Den serbiska regeringen kan uppenbarligen få 96.5% av de röstberättigade att stanna hemma vid valet, genom att uppmana till bojkott. Det är en röst för serbisk tillhörighet.
I daytonavtalet tillfäll Kosovo Serbien eftersom det alltid tillhört Serbien.
Då verkar muslimska områden som vill vara självständiga eller under muslimsk regering ha “tillfallit” en kristen regering. Det är precis lika dumt som att kristna gränsområden nu verkar har “tillfallit” en muslimsk regering.
Det är avsiktligt feldragna gränser för att skapa konflikter som gör att USA och andra kan styra regeringarna och folken bara slåss inbördes.
Daytonavtal, Minskavtal … Det fungerar inte när frågorna avgörs över folks huvuden.
Nagorno Karabach/Artsakh
In the future Artsakh could develop into a new Ukraine. Russia supports Armenia and could enter a conflictz with Azerbaijan over Artsakh. Gas deliveries from Azerbaijan to EU could suffer and muslim refugees from Azerbaijan could enter Europe.
Nagorno-Karabakh, also referred to as Artsakh by Armenians,
Nagorno-Karabakh is a disputed territory, internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan,[4][5] but most of it is governed by the unrecognised Republic of Artsakh
On 27 September 2020, a new war erupted in Nagorno-Karabakh … Azerbaijan made significant gains during the war, regaining most of the occupied territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh and large parts of Nagorno-Karabakh, including the culturally significant city of Shusha. The war ended on 10 November 2020, when a trilateral ceasefire agreement was signed between Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia, which forced Armenia to return all the remaining occupied territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh.
Post-Communist Russia seems to be following the same pattern of “protecting” Armenians from their neighbours – Turkic-speaking ex-Soviet Azerbaijan and its closest ally, Turkey.
And when the festering, decades-old conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, a mountainous breakaway region of Azerbaijan dominated by ethnic Armenians since the early 1990s, reopened in late September [2020], it was Russia that stepped in as a peacemaker.
Armenian leaders still think that their best hopes lie with Moscow.
With Russian support to Armenia a new war similar to Ukraine can develop. Gas shortage and muslim refugees from Azerbaijan.
Same story as Georgia, Ukraine. Creating war out of dismantled USSR.
The Transnistria War (Romanian: Războiul din Transnistria; Russian: Война в Приднестровье, romanized: Voyna v Pridnestrovye) was an armed conflict that broke out on 2 November 1990 in Dubăsari (Russian: Дубосса́ры, romanized: Dubossary) between pro-Transnistria (Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic [PMR]) forces, including the Transnistrian Republican Guard, militia and neo-Cossack units (which were supported by elements of the Russian 14th Army), and pro-Moldovan forces, including Moldovan troops and police.
Transnistria becomes a de facto independent state, but remains internationally recognized as part of Moldova
During the last years of the 1980s, the political landscape of the Soviet Union was changing due to Mikhail Gorbachev’s policies of perestroika and glasnost, which allowed political pluralism at the regional (republican) level. In the Moldavian SSR, as in many other parts of the Soviet Union, national movements became the leading political force.[35] As these movements exhibited increasingly nationalist sentiments and expressed intent to leave the USSR in favor of uniting with Romania, they encountered growing opposition from among the primarily Russian-speaking ethnic minorities living in the republic.[36] This opposition to the new trends and potential future policies was manifested in a more visible way in Transnistria, where, unlike the rest of the MSSR, ethnic Moldovans (39.9%) were outnumbered by the combined figure of Russians and Ukrainians (53.8%) as per the 1989 Census in Transnistria, largely due to higher immigration during the Soviet era.
War is a main method for EU to continue its invasion and colonialism eastwards. The global regime creates war in Georgia to tie the country closer to the West. Russia is ordered to attack Ukraine which is carved up between Russia and the US. EU countries are kept down by Brussels through self damaging energy sanctions. A similar situation can develop in Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh if Russia supports the area through Armenia. Azerbajiani muslim refugees may be sent to Europe and Azerbaijan gas supply could be cut.
US armed “moderate”(!) islamic rebels against Syria and directed the IS in the direction of Syria. Assad had to call the Russians that finished off the IS and Russia got more control over Syria.
US orchestrated color revolution in Kazakhstan, January 2023. The leader had to bring in Russia to control the riots and Russia got more hold over the coutntry. Bitcoin rigs were used in the attack to crash Kazakhstan power grid. The “stan”-countries are preippherally located and have kept their independence more than others but are attacked now to open “Belt and Road” to connect the EU with China.
The Shan people of Shan State in eastern Myanmar / Burma are at war with Yangon government. Shan people have relations to Thai with respect to culture and language. This could be used to create a wider conflict between Burma and Thailand. Other minorities in eastern Burma (like Karen) could also be used to create conflict.
The Wa are supported by China and at present in better relation with the Yangon government. Beijing-Yangon relations also better but can be manipulatted into anything in the future.
Som det sett ut på sistone så kan Burma komma att tappa Shan State till Thailand, gissar jag i alla fall.
The military-installed president of Myanmar has warned that the country is in danger of breaking apart if the government cannot control fighting which has broken out in Shan State.
Jag har inte rört mig i dessa områden på några år. Men grovt sett uppfattar jag de som att t.ex Kokang och Wa-bang vill ha bra relationer med Kina och kanske bli kineser. Längre söderut vill Shanfolken och Kachin ha bra relationer med Thailand och kanske bli thailändare vad gäller deras pass. Sin etniska särart vill de säkert behålla.
Dessa omstruktureringar mörkläggs i den västerländska pressen. Detta eftersom det är rena paralleller till vad som sker I Ukraina. Åtminstone krigen i Asien är inte så intensiva som ibland görs gällande.
Man delar upp Burma och låter folk ha de internationella förbindelser de önskar. Det borde man göra i Donbas också. Folket där vill ha bra relationer med Ryssland och helst bli ryssar. Precis som på Krim.
Låt dem bli det då, naturligtvis. Så fungerar ett globalt samhälle. Men I Donbas har globala krafter skapat ett storkrig som används för att manipulera de europeiska länderna till ekonomisk förstörelse och beroende av EU.
Ett modernt globalt samhälle har inte orubbliga gränser hugga i sten. “Mitt Europa bygger inte murar, vi hjälps åt.” sade Löfven. Men mär det gäller Donbas skildras situationen som att Putin och Zelensky, två testosteronöverladdade gubbar, kivas om en tårtbit, över folkets huvuden, istället för att låta folket bestämma vart de vill höra.
FN-övervakad omröstning i området, är i alla fall något vettigt som Musk kommit med.
Falkland islands, Islas Malvinas
2013, with a 92% turnout of the electorate, under international observation, 99.8% of voters in the Falkland Islands chose to remain an overseas territory of the United Kingdom.
A media ploy to try to convince people central authority is always right.
%%%%% Catalunya
%%%%% Katalonien
The ethnic region of Kurdistan in Irak, Iran, Turkey and Syria. Conflicts against all these countries. Also strong Kurdish diaspora, in f.rx. Sweden and France.
Swedish PM Löfven visits the “capital” of non-recognized country Kurdistan, in the middle of war against IS. Sweden has supplied troops to defend Kurdistan.
Stefan Löfven har landat i Erbil
Statsminister Stefan Löfven (S) fortsätter sin rundresa i Mellanöstern.
På måndagskvällen landade han i Ebil i norra Irak, rapporterar den kurdiska nyhetsbyrån Rudaw.
Nyhetsbyrån Rudaw har under kvällen lagt upp en videosekvens på Twitter där Stefan Löfven ses skaka hand med Nechirvan Barzani, kurdisk politiker och nuvarande premiärminister i irakiska Kurdistan, strax efter landning.
Kurdistan also demands a share of oil produced there, from Baghdad government.
Iran’s protesters find inspiration in a Kurdish revolutionary slogan
For 41 days, thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets in anger over the death of a young Kurdish woman in police custody, even as authorities continue their violent crackdown against them. The demonstrations — honoring the memory of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, whose Kurdish first name was Jina — have become the largest women’s rights movement in Iran’s recent history.
One resounding slogan has become the movement’s rallying cry: “Jin, jiyan, azadi!” — or “Woman, life, freedom!”
Thousands of Kurds protested on Sunday in the Syrian city of Qamishli against days of deadly Turkish cross-border strikes targeting Kurdish groups in the country’s northeast.
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