Greta, an EU operative with fake mental disorder [link] – News media and globalization

Greta, an EU operative with fake mental disorder [link]

Greta wants to polarize. Her talk about unity is false.

15 y.o. Greta Thunberg sat down outside parliament Aug 20, 2018 and started her manifestation for lowering CO2. Major media must have known beforehand since they started reporting the same day. Greta allegedly had Asperger syndrome (autism spectrum disorder) and anorexia. She became a media mega star world wide and went on tour to scold policitians everywhere for not “doing enough” to lower CO2. Media also consdered her an expert in various fields like Covid prevention. She attended a CNN panel on virus handling.

After Covid, around 2021, EU made a U-turn and stopped promoting reduced consumption and instead collected euro 750bn from the member countries (5 yearly budgets!) to stimulate enterprise and industry. No green demands were attached to the money. Aboout the same time Greta got well from her “severe diagnoses”, started behaving like any youngster, singing, laughing on stage, having boyfriend, having normal body weight etc.

The most likely explanation is the following:
Greta has actor training and comes from a family of actors/artists. She has probably faked the symptoms. A person with true mental disorder would not get well that quickly. She allegedly spent two years in special schools for her Asperger syndrome. But this is contradicted by wikipedia that says she spent grade 1-8 in elite school French School in Stockholm city. One of her teachers at French School claims in media that she quit her job at the elite school for two years and followed to teach Greta in a school for kids with mental disorder in a suburb (at another level than the teacher usually taught at). It is even possible Gretas extremely skinny appearance during her “climate saint career” was caused by drug intake. If amphetamine was used to keep her thin it would explain why she ended up much shorter than her younger sister.

Fake tics. A young girl with this kind of problems would not be put on international TV making speech from UN. Greta Thunberg attends Fridays For Future Strike on December 13, 2019 in Turin, Italy.

Greta’s agenda was completely staged from start. It was a way to promote the European Union. Greta practically never spoke to Swedish politicians, but went straight to Merkel or Macron. Held speech in EU but not to Swedish politicians. Greta considered the trees in Sweden an environmental threat due to forestry mismanagement but never cirticized the oil industry! She accepted euro 1M from the Gulbenkian fund getting its money from oil exploitation. She spread hatred between the nOrdic countries by calling the Norwegians hypocrites for using oil money to becom the world’s #1 country in EV usage. She refused a prize from the Nordic Council because “Nordic countries have poor environmental policies”.

The purpose of Greta’s act was to motivate more climate spending through the EU and thereby more EU power.

Her diagnoses were a way to promote an image that people who protest against the system are mentally disturbed. This is just a variant of how the USSR psychiatrists called dissidents “slow schizofrenia” and sent them to mental hospital.

Vaccination promotion: Greta Thunberg promotes rapper 1.cuz in spite of his jail sentence for handling automatic weapons.

Greta is an actress controlled by global directors. Therefore her actions have become contradictory

* She promotes train travel for environmental reasons, but went public about problems with the German train company for not getting a seat in the Christmas rush. Even the train company argued against her publicly. She also had problems travelling to a demonstration in south Europe, due to train connections. She is really arguing against public ownership and in favor of privatization.

* She supports Sami minority even though it is racism.

* She demonstrates against wind turbines (the most environmentally friendly according to her energy agenda) onlhy because it supports Samis.

* She supports Samis and ethnicities like Kurds because it breaks up countries. When she meets American indians the news media do not report her saying anything about their demands for land. She says nothing about Russian ethnicities demands in Donbas where referencum could end the war, but Kurds and Samis land ownership is touted.

* She supports Samis so strongly that she even assist in meat production even though she is a vegan

wwr: 83785221
AcchiaHe: 83784607
Visst var det Greta som sa “the change is coming, whether you like it or not”?
Undras vad det är för “change” Greta avsåg mot bakgrund av det vi sett på senare tid: ökad köttproduktion med ICE som bas – eller avveckling av vindkraftverk som inkräktar på särintressen av olika slag?

Är hon klimataktivist, miljö- och klimataktivist eller urbefolkningsaktivist?

När jag försöker lägga samman pusselbitarna så passar de bara på ett sätt:

Greta är en aktivist mot de nordiska folken:

klimatbudskapet ger oss mindre energi

den nyliga protesten i Norge kritiserar vindkraft vilket minskar energiproduktionen

vi skall stödja samerna, men Gretas stöd för Sapmi/Sameland är så extremt att det kan komma att splittra de nordiska länderna

Greta vill att vi bara skall äta grönsaker så vi får mindre kroppslig energi. Samerna får äta renkött så att de blir starka och kan göra uppror medan hon gnällde över metanpruttande kor ända borta på Nya Zealand

Greta tackade nej till Noridska Rådets pris och förolämpade våra länder

Greta kritiserade skogsindustrin som är stor i Sverige och Finland

Greta har haft många negativa åsikter om Norge, en del är extrema som när hon kallade norrmännen hycklare eftersom de säljer olja, trots att de är världens mest elbils-täta land, Gretas supportrar säger att den norska Nobelkommittén borde ge henne priset, nu protesterade hon mot norska energidepartementet, hon är impopulär i Norge, någon norsk minister har uttalat sig negativt om henne

Greta skällde på ett danskt reningsverk trots att de bara gjorde helt normala utsläpp vid ombyggnad

Greta talar nästan aldrig med nordiska politiker utan föredrog att vända sig till Merkel och Macron.

Greta stödde samhällets överdrivna reaktion på Covid. Covid tog ned samhällets aktiviteter maximalt och Sverige betalade hundratals miljarder till “recovery funds” men fick bara 50 miljarder tillbaka. Italien fick 1900 miljarder och Spanien 1400.

Vi får inte resa (flygskam), så vi som befinner oss i Europas utkanter blir avsågade. Greta ogillar ju t.o.m. tåg och har haft konflikt med tyska SJ en gång och problem med tågtransporter vid et annat tillfälle.

Hon går givetvis i Franska Skolan och Globalgymnasiet vilket i sig inte behöver vara fel, men det pekar inte mot intresse för Sverige. Hennes favoritlärarinna är hennes privatlärarinna i franska på Östermalm.

Greta är en anti-Norden-aktivist, det är det enda sätt som pusselbitarna passar, anser jag

Greta got well and will hopfully have a good life ahead. She got away from the jaws of the global directors. That is the only comfort in this story.

A lot of information on Greta in the blog, please use search







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