Northvolt [link] – News media and globalization

Northvolt [link]


EU/EIB uses sek 6bn to invest in battery startup Northvolt in northern Sweden. 14 months after factory opening of production lines there is still no certain evidence that any batteries are produced and sold. At this time the factory allegedly has about 1500 workers.

Before opening (Jan 1, 2022) news media reported frenetically about the project. After opening, the reporting has abated considerably. CEO Carlsson occasionally appeas in media with political messages. Around Christmas 2022 he demands more subsidies or a factory he says he will construct in Germany will be moved to the US. (But that factory is only a non binding letter of intent signed with one German local government. And what the German government would say about the factory moving to the US is not known.)

Large companies increasingly threaten countries and the EU by moving elsewhere (to the US or sparsely regulated development countries) unless they get more subsides from taxpayers. Governments protect super wealthy people by, e.g. like in Sweden, abolishing tax on wealth. The motive is that the super wealthy would move elsewhere if their wealth were taxed. So the only ones left paying taxes are ordinary people for whom it is not so easy just to move somewhere else due to high taxes.

In February 2023, in television, Carlsson again demands more immigration to Sweden, a country already accepting among the most immigrants per inhabitant in Europe.

Northvolt has not yet proved any production and has so far only been used to promote political messages. In EU, large enterprise have formed a socialist state and waste money for political purposes.

EU/EIB, Goldman Sachs, VW, svenska pensionsfonderna skall driva sin gröna agenda och smäller på mångmiljarder vaporware som gör att lokala inititiv inte ens vågar tänka sig att starta. Sedan ser allt ut att gå i putten. Vad hade inte lokal industri kunnat göra med de pengarna om krav hade ställts på ungefär samma nivå som banklån. Nu skulle Sverige försöka slå ut världsledande asiatisk produktionsindustri!

EU har samma struktur som Sovjet. Miljardärerna är woke idag, inte bara Soros och Persson. De har så mycket pengar att det enda de bryr sig om är att bygga katedraler till sin gröna religion. Pengar konverteras i makt. Globalism is the new socialism.

wwr: 83792549

EU/EIB, Goldman Sachs, VW och pensionsfonderna byggde en katedral till den gröna religionen. Planen var att konvertera pengar i inflytande. De har för mycket pengar och saknar konkurrens. Att driva agenda blir allt. Ingen bryr sig om lönsamhet. Globalismen är den nya socialismen.

Summary March 2023

2023 01 12b Earlier: Northvolt coincidences
2023 01 12 Earlier: Northvolt production
2023 01 10c Earlier: Northvolt smears countries
2022 12 28 Earlier: Suppressive moderation (Northvolt)
2022 12 18 Earlier: Will PM be the fall guy? (Northvolt)
2022 11 18 Earlier: Ernst & Young financial services – a political actor?
2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update
2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.
2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess
2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?

There is more on Northvolt in the blog, please use the search function.







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