In the 2010’s international networks threw Europe into a series of crises: financial, pandemic, climate, refugees, terrorism, energy, inflation, war … The European countries are small enough for democracy to still prevail. So to come under global control the countries had to be weakened to be subjugated to the European Union and the multinational corporations that control the EU.
Cold war with Russia made the countries support the EU. Mass immigration and intentionally creating division between immigrants and host populations will split up the populations so that no common demands can be raised on the politicians. Feminism and age apartheid are other means to split up the population. Supporting the attack on Europe is0 an uncontrolled population explosion in the third world. If a climate crisis was real, it would need controlling the population explosion and further construction of nuclear power, neither of which surprisingly is not done. An environmental crisis has been a pretext for global control without environmental action for many years:
This blog studies how Europe is broken down to be overtaken by global networks. The mechanisms are similar in all parts of the world and examples from other continents are also given.
… stress, poverty, overpopulation to put pressure on people to make them susceptible to propaganda
Any activity where people meet, make friends and enjoy themselves is attacked
Courts are now controlled by political agenda. Climate activists are aquitted of destroying property “due to the urgency of climate change”. Assange is kept in custody for revealing US war crimes whereas the war criminals are never prosecuted.
Science is used as a political tool. No effective action is taken to “stop climate change” since no threat seems to be real. But “scientists” constantly publish reports “proving” the severity of climate change.
The political system has become completely controlled by high finance and large corporations. In Europe EU is issuing decrees from Brussels. EU parlamentarians on board posts, executing the wish of large enterprise. In the US, large corporations together focusing control to even larger unities, as symbolized by e.g. Musk’s companies SpaceX and Tesla. SpaceX now so powerful that Musk can support the Russians through Starlink even though his country, the US, is supporting Ukraine in a war against Russia. Musk has regular contacts with Putin.
// Elon Musk, the world’s richest man and a linchpin of U.S. space efforts, has been in regular contact with Russian President Vladimir Putin since late 2022. //
Global control has been concentrated to high finance through large corporations that enter countries through breakdown of borders. Large corporations collaborate and kill local competition and raise prices, which is blamed on “inflation”. High finance controls governments through high sovereign debt. Families were tricked into debt by taking loans using zero interest rates starting 2008 but suddenly increased 2022, combined with price hikes (in particular energy) and their properties also fell in value. FED does not stabilize the markets but instead increases volatility by holding meetings long apart, creating tension before the meetings. In this way the markets are destabilized to facilitate insider trade and long time manipulation like first promoting debt (zero interest rates) but later making debt costly (early 2020’s).
Cross ownership abolishes competition. EU sees the Nordic countries as a posiibility of a competing union and they are attacked hard. Business leaders sold out to the global system long ago and Volvo Cars were sold and finally owned be Geely. Scania owned by VW. Competitors thus own Volvo and Scania and make them “go green” with company Northvolt which has never produced any batteries. The result is weakening Volvo and Scania. Geely has attacked other brands in the same way. SSAB is attacked in a sinilar way of green transition.
Cross ownership in auto, energy, media, banking, insurance abolishes competition and make companies pawns in a global game where they are sacrificed if ecessary.
Boeing, much owned by institutions like Vanguard and BlackRock is sacrificed to promote Musk monopoly. Airbus also a winner to promote France as a leader of Europe.
Other ways to promote monopolies and oligopolies are buy up of start ups. Covid lockdown and self damaging EU sanctions “against Russia” (energy price hike) damaged small business.
The attitude to a free market varies all the time. usually all is for sale. But when EU pulls up carbon dioxide tariffs, no one protests. When US and Europe bought up the best golf players it was OK, but when Saudi Arabian LIV golf, having even more money, took over, the former free market advocates started talking about regulations.
France wishes to ban cheap air tickets!
Macron tries to keep up food prices in Europe by opposing Mercosur treaty.
To bring down countries, their cultures are effaced and their systems, including everything from medicare to economy are made dysfunctional. (Bringing down public service media.) The members of the population are taught to disrespect themselves and their country so that they will not try to build something, since the EU will consider any constructive process a threat to Brussels. Chaos makes it possible for networks to control society and democratic processes are suppressed. Chaos also makes it possible to interpret rules at random, increase conflicts and make promotions based on political merits, not on skill. Ruleless societies are formed and people are treated according to which group they belong and not their merits and actions. Decisions are based on political merits and not on actual results of actions.
In order to stop people from forming common opinions, conflicts between populations, groups and individuals are created. An additional measure to oppose unity is to isolate people.
In a globally ruled world culture and sports are being destroyed. Culture and sports build groups that form common values. This will develop and improve the local societies. The global masters consider this a threat and therefore destroy culture and sports.
The opposite is decentralized governing where different, local cultures are allowed to develop and exchange ideas between different areas.
This is the main problem with globalization. In order not to threaten the global dictators, countries, communities, cultures and any activities must dysfunction.
The same for global leaders. They will fall after having served their task. Greta Thunberg was allowed “15 minutes of fame” but was removed when it was obvious the climate agenda only consisted of political manipulations. New crises will be created and used until their false nature has become apparent. Everyone understands Russia and Ukraine will not let hundreds of thousands people die over two ordinary border provinces and the war may soon come to an end. (written Oct. 2024).
The system will teach hatred. The muslims that come to Europe are taught to create friction with the native populations. The Jews will teach you to hate Jews. The bosses will create friction between men and women. The Pride parades will only create adversity towards gays etc. Fake gays will appear in gimp suites and try to make you dislike gays (if there are any who are gay for other erasons than division of society).
These rifts in society make the network stay in power.
Splitting the population into groups is pivotal to creating conflicts that weaken a country and makes it possible to overtake. The immigrants seem very aware of this. They stick to their groups and do not seek contact with the host population, which is unexpected. In a new country you would expect immigrants to try to contact the howt population. On the contrary, in many areas where immigrants dominate, like in some suburban shoppping centers, they try to create problems and distance towards the host population.
The politicians of the host country spoke much about integration when mass immigration started, but no action was taken. After a few years, when mass immigration was established, the politicians stopped talking about integration and society splits in parts. The immigrants themselves sometimes talk about the division in groups among themselves. The Kurds describe how hated they are by other muslims and other groups describe how they dislike Kurds. Christians do not mix with muslims and sometimes relate problems they have had with immigrant groups but the Church as a whole supports mass immigration.
The Swedish government and media support Kurds who wish to establish their own state in an area that covers four other countries (Iraq, Iran, Tuukey, and Syria). This inevitably leads to conflicts. But in Ukraine the Swedish government and Western actors all argue for the absolute control of Donbas by the government in Kiev and elections held in Dopnbas are considered illegal. Tens of thousands of people have died in a conflict based on Kievs absolute demands on control of an aree that repeatedly has voted for independence. [ref.]
Vad hände med de afghanska kvinnorna? En flyktingström består av kvinnor och barn, samt några pensionärer. … Tok-Frans
Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq, The Swedish PM treats Kurdistan as a recognized country which inevitably will lead to more conflicts that can be used for creating further wars.
Greta promotes rapper 1.cuz although he has been convicted for the possession of automatic weapons. This is intended to promote conflict between immigrant groups and the native population.
Kurdish activist hanging an effigy of Turkey president Erdogan, resembling the execution of Italian dictator Mussolini. No arrest for threat or incitation against Turkey or muslims. Positive articles in Swedish media. [ref.]
Sanctions against Russia mostly weakening European countries, making them easier for EU to control and Russia also getting richer due to increased prices of commodities.
Andersson: Om flyktingkris uppstår får andra ta ansvar
Om Ryssland går in militärt i Ukraina kan Sverige inte ta emot en lika stor andel flyktingar som man gjorde i samband med flyktingkrisen 2015. Det säger statsminister Magdalena Andersson (S) till DN.
Hon säger att EU-länderna måste ha en rimligare fördelning än 2015, och att Sverige då tog ett större ansvar är något annat land. Nu måste andra länder ”vara med och stötta”, säger hon till tidningen.
Statsministern: Ukrainska flyktingar får bli andra länders ansvar
DN Debatt. ”Vi måste ta bättre hand om våra ukrainska flyktingar”
Fler ukrainska flyktingar får rätt till svenskundervisning
De ukrainska flyktingar som kommer till Sverige via massflyktsdirektivet har inte rätt till svenska för invandrare, SFI.
Kriget i Ukraina har satt miljoner människor på flykt. Drygt ett hundratal har kommit till Kungsbacka hittills, men ingen av dem har rätt till SFI-undervisning
Hela världen i ett klassrum – ukrainska flyktingar saknas
Men inte alla människor får tillgång till SFI lika lätt som jag. De som flytt från det pågående kriget i Ukraina får uppehållstillstånd i Sverige men inte rätt till SFI. Det beror på att de räknas som massflyktingar enligt EU-lagen.
The system will try to stop anything fun that people do together and can make them enjoy life and form common values. To protect the global dictstorship people should be dull, listless, downhearted and discouraged. They should be in conflict with others and take pleasure in others failure.
Activities that people enjoy together are demoted:
motorcycles, motor sports in general, air sports, parachuting, horse riding.
The system demotes sport in general. If undertaken it could be going to play paddle with work mates during lunch break.
Entertainment is demoted. City planning with vibrant city centers is demoted. Stockholm city lobg looked luke a construction site. Travel is demoted and Arlanda flyglats is unfortunately the same.
In order not to threaten the global networks, every project and every person must fail. Only projects directed by the networks are allowed positive publicity in the media, but they usually also fail due to lack of serious foundation, like the green transition. A few can be carried out using strong oppression, like Corona restrictions.
This blog studies how Europe is broken down to be overtaken by global networks. The mechanisms are similar in all parts of the world and examples from other continents are also given.
Global take over through conflicts, crises, chaos, lack of competition, debt, dysfunction, isolation, self-hatred …
… stress, poverty, overpopulation to put pressure on people to make them susceptible to propaganda
… and lies
wwr: 90159513
En otäck sida av globaliseringen är att man försöker få folk att acceptera fusk och lögner. Eftersom EU lurar oss hela tiden så skall vi trubbas av och inte reagera.
1. Carlsson sålde aktier för flera hundra miljoner och påstod på den tiden att Northvolt producerade batterier, vilket inte var sant. Sannolikt har inte en enda cell lämnat fabriken.
2. Northvolt försökte sälja fabriksområdet i Borlänge med vinst efter att själva ha fått köpa det med rabatt för att gynna bygden. Men då sade kommunalrådet ifrån och området köptes tillbaka för ett skäligt pris.
3. Nu blåser stora aktörer som EU och Goldman Sachs småföretag som litat på att dessa stora aktörer skulle göra rätt för sig. De stora aktörerna har skapat ett målvaktsbolag som konkas och de norrländska småföretagen får stå med lång näsa. Lycka till i domstol önskar i alla fall jag.
Det är bluff och snabba pengar det gäller att få in. Se på Musks “nästa år fungerar självkörningen” som han ljugit om varje år sedan 2014 och kunnat kvittera ut 500 miljarder i bonus.
wwr: 90581925
Självklart skall läkarutbildningen, vår sjukvård, vårt utbildningssystem och vår kultur förstöras. Hela idén med EU är att vi skall hata våra egna länder så mycket att vi inte bryr oss om att en ockupationsmakt styr landet från Bryssel.
Skulle vår sjukvård börja fungera igen, korta väntelistorna och ha många duktiga, svenska läkare skulle det leda till att vi uppskattade vårt land. Detta uppfattar EU som ett stort hot. EU påverkar därför våra beslutsfattare att förstöra landet och lägga in sig själva på enstaka svindyra privatkliniker.
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