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Summary 05
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[ snowleopard.info, on the web since 2017 ]
1.6.1 Komplettering: Medieägande
A few of the less woke media are
Sky Australia
Sidan redogör för vem som äger olika medier.
Medium/ägare, Sverige
Aftonbladet | Schibsted: 91%, LO: 9% |
Dagens Nyheter | Bonnier |
Expressen, GT, Kvällsposten | Bonnier |
Metro | Custos |
Svenska Dagbladet | Schibsted |
Stampen (äger 23 tidn. varav en är GP) | Hjörne (44%) |
Bonnier, Hjörne är båda familjer av judisk börd.
Gällande Dagens Nyheter (DN) se också detta .
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Nedan följer några spridda observationer om medieägande, främst nedtecknade dec 2017. De har ännu inte sammanfattats och behövs ej för sammanhanget i bloggen.
Custos (Metro) kontrolleras av finansmannen Mats Qviberg (Hagströmer & Qviberg fonder) och vd:n Christen Ager-Hanssen. Qviberg har angivit Ayn Rand som inspiration för sin etik, vanligt för globalister.
Många inflytelserika personer av judisk börd eller med judiska kopplingar påverkar samordnat händelser och nyhetsflöde såsom t.ex Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Page, Sergei Brin (Google). Angela Merkels farfar kom från Polen (Poznań), liksom den judiskättade chefredaktören för DN, Peter Wolodarskis far.
Carl-Johan Bonnier, Sveriges mäktigaste man
60% av Hollywoods chefer är av judisk börd, liksom chefen för CNN, Jeff Zucker, etc. Hollywood, Disney skildras mer här.
Ägare till amerikanska media
ABC | Disney |
Amazon, The Washington Post | Jeff Bezos |
CBS, Viacom, Paramount | National Amusements (Sumner Redstone), (Leslie Moonves, CBS) |
CNN | Jeff Zucker (pres.), Time Warner |
Disney | Bob Iger, Michael Eisenberg (pres.), 84-94; Jeffrey Katzenberg (chairman) 84-05 |
Zuckerberg | |
Fox | Rupert Murdoch |
Sergei Brin, Larry Page | |
Huffington Post (Oath Inc.), Verizon | Ivan Seidenberg |
CNBC, MSNBC | NBCUniversal |
NBC, NBCUniversal | Comcast (Brian Roberts) |
The New York Times | Ochs Sulzberger |
Time Warner | Jeff Bewkes |
Zucker, Ochs Sultzberger, Zuckerberg, Brin, Page, Redstone, Roberts, Seidenberg, Iger, Eisenberg, Katzenberg är samtliga av judisk börd. Bewkes är gift med en judinna.
Ofta försöker judiska medieägare hålla en låg profil. Många i Sverige känner inte ens till vem som äger våra medier. Brin och Page kallas oftast bara “the Google guys” i media. Första satsningen i företaget, $100k, gjordes av Andy Bechtolsheim 1998, en tysk immigrant. Det förefaller som om även han hade judisk bakgrund. Att spåra vilka investerare som hjälpt Google till sin dominerande roll är inte lätt. När Google önskar hålla en låg profil går det ju t.ex inte att “Googla”.
In 1998 Page and Brin used their credit cards to obtain $15.000 to start up the business. 2004 (efter only 6 yrs) Google’s IPO raised $1.7 billion. Who invested what in the years inbetween is difficult to assess.
It is likely that much capital, probably from globalist sources was channelled into the business.
Page and Brin are sometimes hailed as geniuses on the internet. On occasion their use of backlinks to rank pages is presented as a reason for their success. Backlinks are, however, a pretty obvious tool for anyone crawling the net, wishing to determine the popularity of pages.
Page and Brin are definitely intelligent, like most Stanford students. But to have the success Google has had, they have probably had support from much influx of capital.
The search engine Duckduckgo is sometimes presented as an alternative to Google since it “does not track its users and creates no filter bubble”. It seems to contain the same material as Google, though. It is not clear how it is financed. Maybe it is only a part of Google indoctrination, constructed to give us a false image of choice.
Google adapts its search results according to globalist principles.Even Swedish media have made Google introduce a certain version with politically correct search results
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is married to a pediatrician of Vietnamese descent. An ideal spouse for a globalist front figure.
It must be asked how much persons like Page, Brin and Zuckerberg are used as fronts for globalist capital.
The Guardian, The New York Times och The Washington Post förefaller ofta ha en agendasättande roll för svenska medier. De hamnar även högt vid Googlesökningar. Dessa tre tidningar är bland de hårdast vinklade medier som existerar. The New York Times har bl.a haft avgörande betydelse vid marknadsföringen av de falska uppgifter som ledde till Irakkriget samt även i Rodchenkov-härvan.
Sign. arbetet, Flashback:
Media, i synnerhet den liberala östkustpressen hatar Trump och skulle helst gärna se att han misslyckas. Svensk press kör NYT- & WaPo-artiklar genom Google Translate och publicerar dem rakt av.
The Straits Times is a leading Singaporean newspaper. It also ranks high in Google searches and conveyes an agenda similar to the other high ranking papers. It was co-founded by the Armenian Catchick Moses. He seems to be of Jewish origin.
The Times of India has the same tendencies.
Ad 2022:
motherjones.com verkar vara en kritisk site som inte helt fallit in bland “konspirationsteorier”
theverge.com verkar intressant, men ännu inte bedömd av denna blog
politico, express har inte alltid mainstream politiskt innehåll
Även The Guardian verkar falla in i detta mönster. The Guardian hamnar ofta högt vid Googlesökningar. Den juridiska processen mot Assange är mycket tveksam och förefaller ha politiska motiv. Assange har kommenterat judiska kopplingar rörande The Guardians medarbetare David Leigh, editor Alan Rusbridger och John Kampfner. (Rusbridger är inte av judisk börd men svåger till Leigh).
Guardian Media Group plc (GMG) owns various media operations including The Guardian and The Observer. The group is wholly owned by Scott Trust Limited
The current chair of the Scott Trust Board is Alex Graham, who replaced Liz Forgan in 2016. Other board members include the current editor-in-chief Katharine Viner, Guardian finance editor Nils Pratley who is the journalist director of the board, and one member of the Scott family.
SCOTT, CHARLES PRESTWICH° (generally known as C.P. Scott; 1846–1932), British editor and supporter of the Zionist cause.
Vid Googlesökningar i politiska frågor begränsas ofta resultaten till ett fåtal medier:
Dessa medier kan “förklara” (dvs vinkla) nyheten för oss:
A Russia Today op-ed is highly critical to UK and calls its policy a dancing bear. It also comments on The Guardian.
The Independent, NBCnews och BBC hamnar också ofta oväntat högt i Googlesökningar, liksom Disneyägda ABC samt Al Jazeera. Man måste alltså betrakta dessa medier med sund skepsis.
Al Jazeera finansieras av Qatars kungahus. Många journalister kommer från BBC eller australiska SBS. Al Jazeera är utan tvekan ett globalistiskt medium.
AT&T är på gång att köpa Time Warner nov 2017.
Hur mycket egentliga konkurrenter Comcast och AT&T är, är svårt att bedöma. 2001 köpte Comcast AT&T:s kabeldivision för $52 mdr.
Time Warner har alltid stött Hillary Clinton. CNN uttalade t.ex att hon vunnit en debatt mot Bernie Sanders trots att deras egen undersökning visade motsatsen.
I Sverige och andra länder verkar det som om media försöker ge CNN en viktigare position än kanalen i verkligheten innehar. Dess högst rankade nyhetsprogram (Andersson Cooper 360°) låg under plats 20 vad gäller tittarsiffror, 2017.
Fox, kontrollerad av icke-juden, australisk-födde, numera US-medborgaren Rupert Murdoch ger en mer objektiv skildring av t.ex Trump eller kriget mot IS. Fox var t.ex. det enda TV-bolag som ifrågasatte äktheten av de s.k. avrättningsvideorna, åtminstone vad författaren till denna blogg känner till.
Fox can probably be accurately labeled as “controlled opposition”. The US also uses another Australian – Julian Assange for the same purpose.
Fox News Live feed
It seems Trump is doing do well that the controlled opposition (Fox) is told to lay low.
‘They’re putting more Democrats on than Republicans,’ president says as crowd boos
Donald Trump turned his fire on Fox News, threatened to have his attorney general investigate Democrats and FBI for treason and joked about serving five terms as president during a typically rambling rally speech in Pennsylvania.
The president was in the northeastern state to campaign for Republican congressional candidate Fred Keller, ahead of a special election on Tuesday.
“What’s going on with Fox, by the way?” Mr Trump asked the crowd.
“They’re putting more Democrats on than Republicans. Something strange is going on at Fox, folks! Something very strange!”
His remarks caused the crowd to loudly boo the right-wing television network, which has previously shown staunch support to the president.
Brittisk press förefaller något mer objektiv än genomsnittet.
Vox verkar mer objektiv än genomsnittet.
Det förefaller troligt att avrättningsvideorna är förfalskningar producerade av SITE-institutet. SITE-institutets chef, Rita Katz, är judinna.
Reuters levererar mycket information till placerare och har en vinkling av nyheterna mot globalism/storfinans. (Dess grundare Paul Julius, baron von Reuter vars ursprungliga namn var Israel Beer Josaphat, föddes av judiska föräldrar.)
AP, apnews förefaller ge en något mer objektiv bild än Reuters.
Två tidningar man kan betrakta som kraftigt oseriösa är Daily Mail och USA Today.
Daily Mail används ibland av mediamonopolet för att ge valda nyheter en oseriös framtoning. Daily Mail stödde enligt uppgifter en hård Brexit. Detta för att sammankoppla en hård Brexit med oseriöst agerande. Bilder från DM som refereras i Google news feed ges sämre upplösning än andra tidningar.
The Sun förefaller något mindre oseriös än Daily Mail. Även The Sun verkar stöda Brexit.
Express stöder Brexit.
Netflix exhibits a strong political agenda. The terrorist connected White Helmets in Syria are depicted as heroes in one film and and the empty accusations against Russian doping originated in the Netflix film Icarus.
Obama adviser joining Netflix sparks voices of boycott.
The Assange campaign has asked if MSNBC is the most dangerous warmonger network.
MSNBC is dangerous, but consortiumnews.com and the Assange campaign are also trolls.
Consortiumnews follow Assange closely.
Exaggerated and strange criticism of Mueller reveals
consortiumnews as trolls:
Ruptly is connected to RT and broadcast from “The Assange Show”.
May 2019: The blog now considers consortiumnews a false flag media, often trying to make WikiLeaks and Assange seem more significant than they are.
Newsweek: Revenue declines prompted an August 2010 sale by owner The Washington Post Company to audio pioneer Sidney Harman—for a purchase price of one dollar and an assumption of the magazine’s liabilities. Harman is of Jewish origin. (The Washington post company is now named The Graham holdings company).
Later the control of Newsweek seems to have been influenced by complex ties to evangelical pastor David Jang and Olivet university, founded by Jang. Another organization, IBT media is also involved.
Reddit is owned by Advance Publications that is controlled by descendants of S.I. Newhouse, whose grandparents were Russian Jewish immigrants. S.I. Newhouse was also the chairman of Condé Nast, originating from the newspaper empire of Condé Montrose Nast started in 1909. Famous publications include Vogue, Vanity Fair and The New Yorker. Nast tried to target readers from specific social groups (interested in fashion, interior design etc) producing so called “class publications”. Gentlemen’s Quarterly also seems to be under Condé Nast.
Reddit has a voting system which probably makes politically correct posts more common. Flashback
Reddit is PC, SJW.
A former reporter for Conde Nast-owned Ars Technica was convicted of trying to engage in sex with minors and faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison.
Peter Bright, 39, a tech reporter and editor for Ars Technica, was arrested in a public park during a sting operation in May 2019 after reaching out to an FBI agent posing as the mother of a 7-year-old girl and 9-year-old boy.
The New Yorker is about culture. It has a globalist profile. E.g. it endorsed Kerry over GW Bush, Obama over McCain and Romney, H. Clinton over Trump.
Joseph Pulitzer, behind the Pulitzer prize, was a media baron of Jewish descent.
En site som verkar presentera konspirationsteorier som tjänar globalistiska syften är voltairenet.org
Samma gäller siten off-Guardian som presenterar extrema konspirationsteorier. Syftet verkar vara att missleda de som kritiserar globaliseringen samt blanda in äkta tecken på globalisering bland falska för att få de äkta tecken att även de verka falska. Man skapar i vilket fall en röra som förhindrar en tillfällig betraktare från att kunna avgöra vad som är äkta och vad som är falskt.
Någon helt korrekt sammanfattning av området är svår att göra. Det förefaller dock som om judisk kontroll över amerikanska media är mycket stark. Endast mycket få amerikanska media förefaller kontrolleras av icke judiska intressen, främst Fox. AP verkar också skilja sig från mängden, men Reuters förefaller dominera nyhetsförmedlingen, i alla fall vad denna blogg kan se. Man ser inte heller uppenbar judisk kontroll av AT&T. Företaget är dock mer inriktat mot teknisk överföring av information än mot dess innehåll. Det håller dock på att köpa Time Warner.
Trump har gjort framsteg och möjligen har detta gjort att Fox backat i stödet för Trump (juni 2019) och därmed avslöjat sig som controlled opposition.
För att försöka finna redogörelser på området med annan vinkling kan man söka på termer som “zog”, “nwo” eller helt enkelt “medieägande”, men mycket material är vinklat, naturligtvis.
[ -1- , -2- , -3- , -4- , -5- ]
ABC, CBS och NBC kallas ibland “the big three”.
Följande har utnämnts till “the big six” 2011; Comcast, Newscorp (Fox), Disney (Fox, ESPN), Viacom (MTV, Paramount), Time Warner (CNN, HBO), CBS (60 minutes).
( businessinsider accepts poor ads as editorial content )
De tre största medieföretagen just nu (2018) verkar vara, i ordning: 1. Comcast 2. Disney 3. Time Warner
Det korsvisa ägandet försvårar dock bedömningen.
The largest German daily, Bild, is owned by Springer. The founder, Axel Springer was very pro Jewish. One reason may be his Jewish wife. He divorced her in 1938. This may have been due to the aspirations of making a better career, not having a Jewish wife, at that time in Germany.Axel Springer visited Israel every year. This photo was taken on the Mt of Olives.
Die Welt, claims to be liberal, some say conservative, Springer
The two Wikipedia founders are not Jewish. But Jimmy Wales has visited Israel at least 10 times and received a $1 million award from the University of Tel Aviv [The Times of Israel: Jimmy-Wales-likes-Israel] Many connections and employees link Wikipedia to Jewish culture.
Wikipedia reporter David Shankbone with Israeli P.M. Shimon Peres
Wikipedia covers up fatal crashes of self driving cars by removing a page about it. This is done since golbalist Tesla is using self driving cars to develop systems for mass surveillance. The camera system is the only if its kind. Other makers use Lidar.
The London Evening Standard verkar ha en något annan vinkling än de övriga brittiska globalistiska media. Den ägs av oligarken Lebedev. Oligarker brukar ju samarbeta mot Putin för att försöka destabilisera Ryssland. Riktigt vilken inställning Lebedev har ännu inte kunnat klargöras i denna blogg.
Wall Street Journal förefaller kunna använda extrem vinkling/fake news. WSJ was owned by Boston socialite family Bancroft until 2007, when Murdoch bought the newspaper through Dow Jones & Company owned by News Corp.
Colin Jensen, COO at Garteiser Honea, wrote this about “The Hill” (owned by News Communications, Inc, chaired and owned by Jimmy Finkelstein son of Jerry Finkelstein, a Jewish family.)
The Hill is a magazine for DC people, a soap opera digest for Hill-people.
DC people believe in big government.
So it’s not that The Hill advocates Democrat policies; it’s that it sees the world through a statist progressivist lens. That view dominates both sides in DC, but in the rest of America is called ‘leftist,’ while the Right is more libertarian.
It’s kinda’ like the circular cliche of “95% of people who majored in climate change science believe in climate change!” People who majored in PoliSci, then got a combined JD/MPA before moving to DC to work for a lobbyist before running for office before becoming a lobbyist—it’s no surprise they see government as the solution and subscribe to The Hill.
Exempel på ett mindre globalistiskt medium är Vice, vilket ägs av Fox.
… Komplettering 2020: Vice verkar ofta producera falska och ounderbyggda anti-globalistiska nyheter. När man läser nyheterna utsätts man instället för förtäckt glibakistpropaganda. Även Fox verkar vara konrrollerad opposition. Se Tucker Carlson.
Breitbart tillhör samma grupp. Wikipedia anser att B. publicerat “konspirationsteorier”. Fast vad som är en konspirationsteori beror naturligtvis på betraktaren. Wikipedia anser att Breitbart tillhör “alt-right” vilket Wikipedia kopplar ihop med “nazister” och “hatgrupper”. Man kan inte använda den globalistiska Wikipedias kategorisering här. Just objektiviteten hos Breitbart har dock denna blogg inte kunnat bedöma ännu.
Politico and Axios are not considered to have an obvious bias, at least not in the Rep-Dem spectrum, according to Wikipedia. Politico has been criticized by a Jewish organization:
In April 2017, Politico Magazine published an article purporting to show long-term links between U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Jewish outreach organization Chabad-Lubavitch. The article was widely condemned, with the head of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt saying that it “evokes age-old myths about Jews”.
Some Politico articles are critical of the EU in a constructive way. (2020)
During 2020 it seems, according to a few articles seen by this blog, Politico is pretty much standard news media left agenda, but with a more hidden message, sometimes false flag.
Göteborgs-Posten, GP är något mindre likriktad än övrig svensk press, vilken som helhet är betydligt mindre diversifierad än den brittiska.
Rolling Stone is a typical left journal aimed at putting young into conflict with older.
Haaretz är en israelisk tidning med vänsterprofil. Den förefaller inte vara en säker källa. Jerusalem Post är mer pålitlig. Haaretz ägs till majoriteten av Schocken-familjen som även ägde varuhus i Tyskland mellan krigen.
Express (Daily Express, Sunday Express) seems to be the only British newspaper supporting Trump and Brexit. It has lamented immigration and dismantling of the nuclear family. Some have compared it to the rag Daily Mail. It has recently (Feb 2018) been bought (from Richard Desmond) by The Mirror. Is Express a false flag right wing paper??? More study needed.
2019 01 28: Express.co.uk is a war mongering paper, specializing in worry and alerts.
[ worry ]
World War 3: Russia and Iran UNITE against US over Venezuela crisis, warn Trump ‘STAY OUT’
Express stöder även Trump. De brukar dra på med olika ALERTS! i versaler. Hetsar till oro.
Min tro är att tok-blaskor som Express och DM vill förknippa sin oro och stirrighet med Trump, Brexit och annat sunt. De är därför egentligen mot Trump och Brexit. Men det är bara en teori.
possibly conservative: Chicago Tribune, the New York Post, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Dallas Morning News, and the Wall Street Journal
liberal: New York Times, Boston Globe, and Washington Post
Ad. May 2020: NY Post is controlled opposition.
Criticizes e.g. Obama in emotional terms
Say this about Obama: He knows how to play dirty.
The few newspapers that sometimes go a little against the agenda are controlled and often criticize in soft, circumvent manner. New York Post, Fox are a few of these.
The Atlantic
Jewish editor in chief Jeffery Goldberg
The Atlantic does not seem to be a typical left wing liberal paper, but the blog has not followed this site in detail.
Vivek Saxena Quora:
The Atlantic has a less pronounced left tilt (more akin to Slate, New York Magazine, New Yorker) than others (such as Salon, New York Times or even the The Daily Beast). The truly on center publication maybe be the self professed libertarian ‘newspaper’ ‘The Economist’. However, even they seem often exasperated by the US right and the right seems rankled by them in turn.
somewhat bi-polar Wall Street Journal, which splits neatly between anodyne business content and rant-like editorials. But, pretty soon you are in The Weekly Standard and National Review territory. The real puzzle is why are there no conservatives doing quality writing about science, art, food or living?
Currently, the most popular article on The Atlantic is Graeme Woods superbly written, well researched long-read analysis of ISIS . It takes a position that is not left of center partisan or pro Obama administration
Se även bloggens sida “andra aktörer“.
Det är svårt att finna seriösa redogörelser gällande medieägarna och dess effekter. Seriös kritik av judiskt medieoligopol drar snabbt till sig flase-flag-troll. Dessa försöker styra diskussionen mot Palestinakonflikten, nazism etc. De försöker få kritik av media att framstå som generellt judehat. Troll försöker missleda diskussionen om medieägande till att handla om den person som framför argumenten – klassiska personargument.
Att medieägande är centralt framgår tydligt av att medieägarna är tämligen anonyma för befolkningen i stort. Medieägarna kritiseras t.ex. inte i media.
SvT styrs av regeringen. Text-TV [SvT Text] med stark globalistisk agenda tar dessutom bort sina sidor när de ej längre är aktuella. Jag vet inte vilka “oskrivna regler” som tillämpas. Men medier med stort genomslag brukar väl ha sina sidor kvar. (Men Google skyddar oss från skadligt innehåll genom att snabbt stoppa det i nedersta skrivbordslådan, om det alls finns kvar.)
Det är mycket oansvarigt av SvT att inte behålla gamla sidor av Text-TV på nätet.
The Local är en webtidning som förefaller ha stark globalistisk agenda
Judiska nätverk
Att gifta in sig i de judiska nätverken kan bidra till politisk framgång. Båda presidentkandidaterna (Trump/Clinton) i USA-valet 2016 hade judiska svärsöner . (Clintons motståndare i de demokratiska primärvalen var Bernie Sanders, av judisk börd.)
Den filippinske presidenten Dutertes tidigare giftermål med en judinna har t.ex gjort att media kunnat överse med klavertramp han gjort.
Nyheter Idag, påstått nationalistisk tidning. Ilan Sadé, ägare och Chang Frick, grundare är av judisk börd.
Webbsajten nyheteridag.se drivs genom aktiebolaget Publicism NITEK AB, ett bolag som ägs av judiskättade och homosexuelle Ilan Sadé, partiordförande i MED; så man kan numera utgå från att de är MED:s propagandakanal, även om Chang Frick (tidigare ordf. SDU syd) av judisk och romsk ätt en gång var dess skapare tillsammans med Jakob Bergman, då Chang var aktiv inom SD. Med Kasselstrand och Hahne (AfS) i tillägg undrar man om SDU var kraftigt infiltrerat.
Tumidanda [AfS supporter]:
Nyheter Idag som ägs av bögjuden Ilan Sade och drivs av zigenarjuden Chang Frick var ju direkt fientliga till AFS. Fria Tider och delvis även Nya Tider står dock nära AFS.
(Bloggen tar avstånd från användandet av dessa termer, noterar bara AfS-supporterns kommentar.)
Nyheter Idag presenterade “bomben” att Iraks försvarsminister fick socialbidrag i Sverige. Kanske tidningen fått i uppgift att läcka detta. Frick t.o.m. försvarade att MSM var sena.
Nya Tider förefaller infiltrerad/extremisrisk. Presenterar mindre seriöst bildmaterial.
Men intressant montage av Greta Thunberg och Neubauer.
Några misstänkta false-flag-aktörer
Petterssons blog
Ingrid och Conrad
Timo Sanandaji
MED är ganska säkert ett false-flag-parti. Detta stöds av en YouTube-kanal som heter Den Arga Blatten.
Det här är vad Sverigedemokraterna (SD) anser som tillåtna källor, för deras medarbetare att länka till. Andra källor anses mer radikala men kanske mest är false-flag. [ OBS! Det är inte säkert att detta är ett autentiskt dokument från SD. Men det tas med för att försöka ge ett intryck av hur källorna “på högerkanten” betraktas. ]
Man noterar att åsikter hos Fria Tider och Motgift inte verkar delas av SD. Möjligen tillhör dessa källor vad SD kallar “extremism” och vad som i praktiken kan utgöras av infiltration av vänsterelement under förment täckmantel av högerpolitiker. Även Svegot hör dit. Podden Ingrid och Conrad har flyttat till Radio Svegot och torde även den utgöra infiltration av vänsterelement.
Motgift samt Ingrid & Conrad har tillsammans bildat Det Fria Sverige (DFS).
Det [Fria Tider] är ingen tidning, det är vedervärdig smörja som göder hatet mot nysvenskar.
Kasselstrand (AfS) är med stor säkerhet ett vänstertroll som försöker framträda som narionalistisk politiker. Han länkar ofta till Fria Tider. Även detta tyder alltså på att Fria Tider är falsk vänsterinformation unfer högertäckmantel.
volvo 240:
[efter det svenska riksdags-valet 2018 där AfS gjorde ett sämre resultat än förväntat]
Har Fria Tider helt tagit sin hand från AFS nu. Inte ett ord om de sedan tidigt på valdagen. Fria Tider har iofs rätt konstiga proryska åsikter så deras splittringsjobb är väl avklarat
Fria Tider är nästan som AfS’ inofficiella nättidning,
[AfS målgrupp är] Högerfalangen i SD, NMR, Nordisk Ungdom, gruppen runt motgift, Fria Tider, Nya Tider.
AfS blev ihjälkramade av nästan samtlig alternativmedia inklusive poddare som Ingrid Carlqvist, Conrad Daniel Frändelöv, Svegot-gänget, nyliberalerna i Radio Bubbla, Sanna Hill och hennes tidning, Björn Börkkvist fd nazist, Stefan Jacobsson fd svenskarnas parti osv
På detta kom hela gänget från alt-right med Christoffer Dulny, The Golden One, Jonas Nilsson och Daniel Friberg.
Om AfS inte ens kunde vinna med detta stöd, hur ska dom klara det i framtiden?
– Med så’na vänner behöver man inga fiender.
Mattias Karlsson kontaktade vänsterextrema Expo för att bekämpa Fria Tider och Motpol. Detta tyder på att dessa är i infiltratörer, vilket är svårt att bevisa och därför kallas neofascister, extremister och liknande.
den 37-årige SD-profilen har en teori som går ut på att nättidningen Fria Tider har tagit emot pengar från “den paleokonservativa rörelsen i USA” och gått samman med den nationalistiska bloggportalen Motpol för att försöka ta över makten från den nuvarande SD-ledningen. Fria Tiders chefredaktör Widar Nord avfärdade igår teorin som “ett skämt”.
Enligt Karlsson är Motpol en “neofascistisk” sajt – men så sent som i förra veckan skrev Fria Tider om att SD-toppen själv skickat in material till bloggportalen under pseudonymen “Anders Lundgren”. Neofascism är ett begrepp som annars brukar användas av DN-skribenten Henrik Arnstad för att beskriva Mattias Karlssons och den övriga SD-ledningens ideologi.
Fria Tider sprider falsk information.
Det presenteras en dansk politiker som påstås vara en av de utsända experterna från OSSE, och denna politiker uttrycker ”chock över hur valet har gått till”.
En av de alternativmedier som deltagit i spridandet av desinformationen är FriaTider. I artikeln kallas Michael Aastrup Jensen för “valobservatör” vilket han inte är utan politiker för danska Venstre.
Liknande rubriker förekommer på både Nyheter Idags och Samnytts (f.d. avpixlat) webbsajter.
Nyheter Idag ägs av MED och är därmed tämligen säkert false-flag.
Tino Sanandaji förefaller vara ett vänstertroll i högerkläder.
Samtiden är en webtidning som ägs av Sverigedemokraterna.
Skall man försöka sammanfatta så är Twitter kanske det minst förvrängda och vinklade mediet. Ingen modererar Twitter. Alla har rätt att skriva. Många tror att utan Twitter hade Trump inte vunnit presidentvalet.
RT och Sputnik oåstås vara grundade av ryska regeringen. (Vid något tillfälle har bloggen noterar att Sputnik ev. kan ha influerats av västmedias agenda. Om detta sker generellt för Sputnik, kan inte bloggen uttala sig om.)
Både medierna har glidit kraftigt mot väst. Båda anges dock vara kontrollerade av ryska regeringen, enligt Wikipedia. Man kan ifrågasätta om detta är korrwkt information. Medierna förefaller vara false-flag, dvs i detta fall västmedia som utgwr sig för att vara kontrollerade av ryska regeringen. Två exempel från Sputnik News:
Sky News
The blog has not yet been able to fully determine the ownership. Comcast and Fox/Rupert Murdoch seem to trade stock.
Sky News Australia is fake right with e.g. attacks on Greta Thunberg in a less constructive way.
In a quote from the above New Yorker article they summarize the political stance of the blog, which Lokey told Bloomberg is: “Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry= dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft.”
Zero Hedge’s content has been classified as “alt-right” and has been criticized for presenting conspiracy theories.
In review, Zero Hedge publishes pro-right wing/Trump articles such as Pat Buchanan: “Trump Calls Off Cold War II.” As well as fake news stories regarding liberals: Anti-Trump Protesters Bused Into Austin, Chicago.
Editorial content is written under the pseudonym Tyler Durden and usually focuses on conspiracies related to economic collapse. Zero Hedge sources to factually mixed think tanks such as the The Mises Institute, which promotes Austrian (Anarcho-Capitalism) economics.
A factual search reveals a terrible track record with IFCN fact checkers. There are too many failed checks to list here.
Overall, we rate Zero Hedge an extreme right biased conspiracy website. mediabiasfactcheck
It seems Zerohedge publishes fake news. This attack never took place -1- -2-
Bloggen instämmer i denna bedömning. Bloggen anser dock att information av typen
Zerohedge, Craig Murray, Alex Jones/Infowars etc skrivs av vänstertroll som låtsas vara högerdebattörer.
Ibland kommer de med intressanta fakta. Man måste dock vara extremt försiktig med deras information. Ibland är den helt felaktig liksom deras tolkningar. I undantagsfall använder bloggen dessa siter på det sättet att de sätter fokus på intressanta fenomen. Alla fakta från dem måste dock kollas om och om igen.
Ad Aug 2020:
Zerohedge verkar vara ett av få media som går mot globala aktörer. Men man måste kolla deras fakta.
radio free Europe, radio liberty
extremely pro EU, globalistic
Bellingcat (bell¿ngcat)
Founded by Eliot Higgins. Not a serious news outlet. Seems to plant information for the British gov’t.
The White Helmets
Not a serious news outlet. Plants anti-Assad information.
Rappler The Philippines
President Duterte has threatened to revoke Rappler’s license claiming it is US owned. The Philippines’ constitution only allows Philippino ownership of media.
Kinnevik grundades av familjen Stenbeck på 30-talet.
Kinnevik holds significant stakes in about 30 companies operating across five continents in more than 80 countries, with a particular focus on growth markets. The largest holdings are Zalando, Millicom, Tele2, Global Fashion Group, MTG and Com Hem.
Norskt medieägande, Norwegian media ownership
David Jay Pecker[3] (born September 24, 1951) is the chairman and CEO of American Media. He is the publisher of National Enquirer, Star, Sun, Weekly World News, Globe, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Fit Pregnancy, and Shape.
Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh
Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter has put a final nail into the coffin of her long-since cooled political romance with Donald Trump, calling him an “idiot” and an “emergency” after he said that he “hardly” knows her.
Coulter, an early and once-fervent supporter of Donald Trump’s presidency, has ramped up her criticism of the commander-in-chief in the weeks following the shutdown as it became clear that Trump would be unable to negotiate a border wall deal with House Democrats.
Coulter, who, along with another conservative host, Rush Limbaugh, was blamed by some in the liberal media for goading Trump into the shutdown in the first place, has accused Trump of chickening out of the fight for his key campaign promise when he agreed to sign a spending bill that provided only $1.3 billion for a barrier along the US-Mexico border instead of the requested $5.7 billion, calling it a “Yellow New Deal.”
Asked to what extent outside conservative voices influence his decisions, Trump praised talk show hosts Sean Hannity and Limbaugh, before saying that while media “likes to bring up” Coulter’s name, he doesn’t speak to her and hardly knows her at all.
oilprice.com seem to have a strong globalist agenda, it seems very slanted
2019 May
Sputnik News has become less objective and sometimes only repeats the Western media network agenda. Maybe RT also has followed this trend to some extent.
The Guardian – ägarstruktur och innehåll/politisk inriktning
Tidningen The Guardian ägs av en stiftelse:
Scott Trust Ltd äger Guardian Media Group vilken äger tidningen.
Tidningen har haft systemet länge och motivet anges vara att undvika arvsskatt och behålla dess liberala inriktning.
The Trust was established in 1936 by John Scott, owner of the Manchester Guardian (as it then was) and the Manchester Evening News. After the deaths in quick succession of his father C. P. Scott and brother Edward, and consequent threat of death duties, John Scott wished to prevent future death duties forcing the closure or sale of the newspapers, and to protect the liberal editorial line of the Guardian from interference by future proprietors. The first and only Chairman of the first Trust was John Scott.
Stiftelsen har avgörande inflytande:
To appoint and ‘in extreme circumstances’ to dismiss the editors of The Guardian
Jag skulle tro att stiftelsen väljer in sina egna ledamöter/medlemmar?
The current chair of the Scott Trust Board is Alex Graham,[1] who replaced Liz Forgan in 2016. Other board members include the current editor-in-chief Katharine Viner, Guardian finance editor Nils Pratley who is the journalist director of the board, and one member of the Scott family.
Frågan gäller vem som på lång sikt bestämmer tidningens innehåll. Ett av de ursprungliga motiven att bilda en stiftelse var att behålla tidningens liberala inriktning. Sker detta endast genom att liberala siftelseledamöter väljer in andra liberala ledamöter och de utser en liberal chefredaktör? Eller hur behålls tidningens politiska inriktning.
Familjen Scott är fortfarande med i bilden. De har en representant i stiftelsen. Är detta deras enda inflytande?
Är stiftelsen en fasad? Finns det personer i bakgrunden som styr? När t.ex en ny chefredaktör utses, vem har störst inflytande över beslutet?
Har tidningens ursprungliga ägare helt lämnat över till stiftelsen och hoppas att detta system skall garantera att den politiska inriktning de stöder kommer att fortleva i tidningen. Eller har någon enskild person en “nödbroms” om stiftelsen inte sköter sig som väntat?
Allt som har att göra med The Guardians ägarstruktur och hur denna påverkar innehållet i tidningen.
När The Guardian själva beskriver tillsättningar i styrelsen ger det inte så många ledtrådar.
Jag kan inte bedöma värdet av källan Wikispooks:
Edit 2020: sannolikt är Wikispooks inte en tillförlitlig källa
The original Scott Trust, established in 1936, was wound up in 2008 and replaced by a limited company using the same name. The new commercially-oriented Scott Trust Ltd appoints a board to run the show – the composition of which might startle those who still regard The Guardian as a left-leaning newspaper.
Scott Trust Ltd appoints the editor, sets the commercial direction of the newspapers and has total responsibility for the overall development of the The Guardian and The Observer. Scott Trust Ltd is controlled by people predominantly from banking, venture capital and marketing … the abrupt dismissal of dissenting voices such as its ex-reporter Nafeez Ahmed and, of course, its own supposedly neutral coverage of the Labour leadership elections and the ongoing demonisation of Jeremy Corbyn.
The few truly radical voices it allows space for are merely fig leaves for a right-wing bias disguised as ‘balanced’ journalism.[1]
jonathan-cook.net: HSBC and the sham of The Guardian’s Scott Trust
The Guardian functions under the same sort of corporate structure as any other major media company.
Nafeez Ahmed, an investigative reporter fired by the Guardian for his work exposing the connection between Israel’s attacks on Gaza and its interests in Gaza’s natural resources, exposes the sham of the Guardian’s Scott Trust.
In the first 12 mins of the video below, he talks to RT’s Going Underground
Ahmed details that the Scott Trust board members have deep ties to HSBC. Consider, for example, board member Anthony Salz’s CV, care of Ahmed:
a senior investment banker and executive vice chairman of Rothschild, and a director at NM Rothschild and Sons. He was a key legal adviser to Guinness during the notorious share-rigging scandal, helped Rupert Murdoch form BSkyB, and was vice chair of the BBC’s Board of Governors before it was replaced by the BBC Trust.
He [Salz] was also lead non-executive director of the board at the Department for Education under arch-neoconservative Michael Gove. Until 2006, Salz led a highly successful 30 year career as a corporate lawyer at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, where he was head and senior managing partner since 1996.
One of Freshfield’s most prominent long-term clients is HSBC. In 2012, Salz’s former firm was appointed to advise HSBC on its record $1.9 billion fine from US authorities for money-laundering, regarding its UK law implications.
Although that occurred well after Salz’s time, HSBC’s relationship with Freshfields had been consolidated under Salz’s tenure shortly before he left, establishing an advisory monopoly on much of HSBC’s corporate work in Asia, and displacing the rival firm Norton Rose a
Seems less mainstream:
Eli Lake is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering national security and foreign policy. He was the senior national security correspondent for the Daily Beast and covered national security and intelligence for the Washington Times, the New York Sun and UPI.
Mic is an American internet and media company based in New York City that caters to millennials.[3][4] Originally known as PolicyMic, it rose to prominence after its on the ground coverage of the Tunisian Revolution.[5][6]
In April 2014, the company reached 19 million unique monthly visitors.[7] On November 29, 2018, Mic laid off the majority of their staff—60-70 people[8]—after Facebook canceled a deal to publish a news video series.[9]
Le Monde is owned by Le Monde Group which is controlled by
la société Le Monde libre qui possède 64 % du capital[10]. Cette société est détenue elle-même à 85 % par le duo (anciennement trio BNP avec Pierre Bergé, décédé en 2017) Xavier Niel et Matthieu Pigasse et à 15 % par le groupe de presse espagnol Prisa.
Xavier Niel Catholic/Jewish parents. Self made man.
Matthieu Pigasse boss of Lazard bank, supported Dominique Strauss-Kahn. Comes from a family of journalists.
Le Figaro is owned by Dassault group (also aircraft) – family of Jewish descent
LATimes seems extremely left/liberal.
National Public Radio USA
definitely interesting
Mohn, positive portrait by The Guardian
German media giant Bertelsmann has admitted it lied about its Nazi past and that it made big profits during Adolf Hitler’s reign in Germany using Jewish slave labour.
Penguin Random House (PRH) is an American multinational conglomerate publishing company formed in 2013 from the merger of Random House (owned by German media conglomerate Bertelsmann) and Penguin Group (owned by British publishing company Pearson plc).[1][2]
Deutsche Welle ägs av ARD, German public service.
globalresearch.ca seems glibalist and these quotes are possibly distorted youtube
Nyhetsflödet koordineras genom ett globalt nätverk av oligarker, ofta av judiskt ursprung. Genom att anställa stora mängder internettroll har de även lagt sociala medier under sig. Vi får bara se en sida av ett skeende. Vissa skeenden mörkläggs helt.
Genom Internets tillkomst har detta nätverk stärkt sin kraft oerhört. Genom bl.a vinkling, mörkläggning och hatstormar kan nätverket nu styra opinionen på tidigare okända nivåer.
De skeenden som presenteras är ofta riggade från början och har ett förutbestämt slut. Många nyheter är konstruerade av reklammakare (Greta Thunberg), eller säkethetsorganisationer (Skripal, Kamphuis, Assange, USA/Iran-konflikten).
En av nätverkets främsta arbetsmetoder är att skapa och underhålla konflikter. Kaos och motsättningar inom och mellan länder riskerar att öka dramatiskt.
ABC Australia Murdoch Fox
Honest Government parody
preppad: 73481007
Om vi kollar på t.ex. USA så finns det i princip sex storägare som tillsammans äger så gott som alla viktiga nyhets-, film och mediekanaler:
https://www.webfx.com/blog/internet/the-6-companies-that-own-almost-all-media-infographic/De bestämmer givetvis vad som kan/får publiceras utifrån sin egen agenda och pushar sedan detta i samtliga sina kanaler, från indoktrinering av småbarn via barnprogram, till nyheter för vuxna, till dokumentärer och “avslöjanden” osv. som gynnar deras egna intressen.
Ingenting slipper igenom som inte har godkänts.
På precis samma sätt fungerar det i sverige också med ex. familjen Bonnier som äger både expressen (“högermedia”), DN (“oberoende”) och DI (med sina ständigt “opartiska” investeringstips.. )för att nämna några tidningar, eller aftonbladet som ägs av schibstedt som i sin tur delägs av ett antal tunga investerare: JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank AG m.fl.
Schibsted, ownership
Schibsted ASA ägdes år 2015 bland annat av:
Blommenholm Industrier AS (25,1 %) – (äger 60,1 % av Stiftelsen Tinius grundat av Tinius Nagell-Erichsen)
Folketrygdfondet (6,1 %)
Deutsche Bank AG (3,8 %)
JP Morgan Chase (3,5 %)
Goldman Sachs (2,7 %)
UBS AG (2,6 %)
The Northern Trust Company (2,5 %)
State Street Bank and Trust Company (2,0 %)
JP Morgan Chase (1,6 %)
Morgan Stanley & Co (1,4 %)
State Street Bank and Trust Company (1,3 %)
UBS AG (1,2 %)
Clearstream Banking (1,2 %)
The Northern Trust Company (1,1 %)
The Bank of New York Mellon (1,1 %)
Morgan Stanley & Co International (1,0 %)
State Street Bank and Trust Company (0,9 %)
holmium: 77284593
Schibsteds har amerikansk-judiska bankintressen i majoritet…………
Sen frontar utåt med ett norskt bulvanföretag, men det är något helt annat än den verkliga kontrollen över bolagets olika verksamheter.
Tror du aftonbladet skulle skriva något negativt förknippat med the great reset, eller ifrågasätta agendan överhuvudtaget, när de som deläger tidningen är samma gubbar som är en del av den?
Eller kommer de skriva idel positiva saker om hur fantastiskt allt kommer bli?
Du undrar också varför man inte ifrågasätter coronan i media och det är i stort sett samma svar på det. Gubbarna som äger mediekanalerna är kompisar med varandra. De är också kompis med t.ex. Bill gates som har investerat 100-tals miljoner i coronavaccin. Inte för att tjäna pengar givetvis, utan för att han är så godhjärtad :whistle: Bill är även en av de största donatörerna till WHO, som alltså utlyste “pandemin” och pushar stenhårt för att alla ska ta vaccinet när det kommer, vaccinet som Bill alltså investerat stort i, och hans mediakompisar fortsätter skriva en massa positiva saker om hur bra det blir snart, när alla är vaccinerade.
True material, false author
One way of manipulating sources is to write true material and give a false author:
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has many true points e.g. about the manipulations by the press. But the source is not accurate.
A report 2022 falsely acredited to Rand Institute explained the Ukraine war as US manipulations to take over Europe. The content is largely true but it was not composed by the Rand Corporation
In this way proponents of the globla agenda can falsely claim that critics of globalization are misled.
Nästa sida: Israels koppling till globaliseringen
front page
Table of Contents, in English
reasons, decoys, targets, untouchables
opposite/misleading, contradictions
national perspective
signs of nwo, democracy lost , -2-
acquire wealth
ok, not ok
exaggerations cause hatred
effects of the EU
conflicts, sanctions, border conflicts, uprisings, refugees
EU Soviet Union comparison
Summary 05
Summary (in Swedish)
All posts
(can also use orange tab – zoom out page)
A few earlier posts: (scroll down list)
2024 08 10 Earlier: SpaceX
2024 08 04 Earlier: H2 Green Steel, Stegra
2024 08 02 Earlier: Northvolt
2024 07 10 Earlier: Ukraine war 1984
2024 07 06 Earlier: Olympics uses faulty gender test to create conflicts
2024 07 04 Earlier: Boeing takes blame for SpaceX
2024 07 02 Earlier: Musk buys Trump
2024 06 30 Earlier: Vance catholicism, fake, infiltration
2024 06 28 Earlier: diagnoses
2024 06 26 Earlier: Sweden, no EU support
2024 06 22 Earlier: Musk to Texas spreading chaos
2024 06 12 Earlier: Sweden Democrats Sverigedemokraterna – fake nationalists, controlled opposition
2024 06 02 Earlier: Normalizing lies
2024 05 30 Earlier: Iran saudi war trump eu energy starvation
2024 05 24 Earlier: Electric Vehicles are dying
2024 05 22 Earlier: Musk union karma
2024 05 20 Earlier: Global cleanup
2024 05 18 Earlier: Is Boeing doomed?
2024 05 16 Earlier: EU-Soviet
2024 05 12 Earlier: Malmö, Sweden’s Gaza
2024 05 10 Earlier: EU 2024
2024 02 27 Earlier: European Union EU price levels, CAP
2024 02 25 Earlier: Northvolt – too big to fail
2024 02 23 Earlier: space privatization
2024 02 22 Earlier: Northvolt – the enemy within
2024 01 01 Earlier: turn the global trend
2023 12 28 Earlier: EU supports failing Northvolt
2023 12 23 Earlier: Northvolt, no production revealed, media chaos
2023 12 09 Earlier: Fear of cryptocurrencies
2023 12 08 Earlier: Northvolt unions disabled?
2023 12 06 Earlier: No veto in EU
2023 12 02 Earlier: EU grabs power
2023 10 30 Earlier: Subsidies or third world
2023 10 28 Earlier: Northvolt – destruction & excuses
2023 10 22 Earlier: Musk/X take over
2023 10 24 Earlier: Global excuses
2023 10 20 Earlier: Fake nationalists
2023 10 17 Earlier: Failed privatization of trains
2023 10 08 Earlier: Green agenda kills Nordic countries. Demise of Scania.
2023 10 07 Earlier: EU’s imaginary enemies
2023 10 06 Earlier: Space privatization disaster
2023 10 05 Earlier: High speed trains
2023 10 04 Earlier: US scammed Europe, deportations and wall
2023 10 02 Earlier: No vote
2023 09 30 Earlier: Hamas attacks Israel
2023 09 21 Earlier: Global fall back?
2023 09 19 Earlier: Who commands NATO?
2023 09 17 Earlier: EU blocks Ukraine
2023 08 12 Earlier: Northvolt agenda
2023 08 10 Earlier: Libya, Ghadaffi
2023 07 30 Earlier: Wealth, control
2023 07 26 Earlier: Niger under global attack
2023 07 24 Earlier: Trump, creating a rebel, Europe’s downfall
2023 07 20 Earlier: Brics vs EU
2023 07 16 Earlier: F16 to Ukraine
2023 07 15 Earlier: Steel price
2023 07 10 Earlier: dawn of a muslim era
2023 07 09 Earlier: H2GS shows that EU=Soviet
2023 07 05 Earlier: LIV-golf, muslims now taking the role of the jews, financial dominance
2023 07 01Earlier: Thailand lost to neoliberals
2023 06 08 Earlier: Titan submersible
2023 06 05 Earlier: reactor size
2023 05 28 Earlier: steel price
2023 05 27 Earlier: NASA/H2GS global take over
2023 05 25 Earlier: LIV golf: attitude to free market chages rapidly
2023 05 24 Earlier: Hydrogen for global coordination
2023 05 23 Earlier: Elite gets away
2023 05 22 Earlier: Separate after ethnicity
2023 05 21 Earlier: Another Trump investigation
2023 05 20 Earlier: The green sting
2023 05 19 Earlier: Green whining
2023 05 18 Earlier: LIV golf polarization
2023 05 17 Earlier: No one celebrates national day (June 6)
2023 05 15 Earlier: Clinton-Lewinsky scandal
2023 05 14 Earlier: Iran, MEK, court case, possible war
2023 05 13 Earlier: Sweden falling
2023 05 11 Earlier: Northvolt battery hysteria
2023 05 10 Earlier: Turkey, stock rally, Erdogan
2023 05 09 Earlier: Trump – the scapegoat
2023 05 07 Earlier: Ron DeSantis – fake conservative
2023 05 06 Earlier: EU customs reform
2023 05 05 Earlier: Modern slavery?
2023 05 03 Earlier: Create scandal, shift blame on state for EU electricity price hikes – Historical revisionism
2023 04 30 Earlier: Escape for low tax and subsidies.
2023 04 28 Earlier: Energy, EU, ICA let’s decoys and fall guys take the blame.
2023 04 25 Earlier: Green transition = socialist revolution = religion
2023 04 23 Earlier: Too high grades in high school due to privatization.
2023 04 22 Earlier: Will China and Russia take the lead in the space race.
2023 04 21 Earlier: The Great Depression and The New Deal … again
2023 04 19 Earlier: German energy starvation: Morgenthau plan
2023 04 17 Earlier: Russians dodge sanctions by going to Thailand.
2023 04 15 Earlier: Democracies broken, dictatorships going forward.
2023 04 05 Earlier: H2MED, pink hydrogen pipelines, Macron, nuclear
2023 04 04 Earlier: France dictatorship, nuclear, agriculture, CAP
2023 04 03 Earlier: Above criticism: China, EU, France
2023 04 02 Earlier: Blackmail your country
2023 04 01 Earlier: Privatized space development
2023 03 31 Earlier: Council of Europe “solves” crisis and war by kicking out Russia.
2023 03 30 Earlier: EU, France, energy, control.
2023 03 29 Earlier: Unit size, sanctions
2023 03 28 Earlier: Amazon oligopoly
2023 03 27 Earlier: Nike ads
2023 03 26 Earlier: Another Trump investigation
2023 03 25 Earlier: EU pretends to ban combustion engine
2023 03 24 Earlier: Swedish nationalist party breakdown
2023 03 23 Earlier: US cowards does not dare war with Russia.
2023 03 22 Earlier: Lapland, the hydroelectric power and battery republic?
2023 03 21 Earlier: US on the sideline
2023 03 20 Earlier: Iran situation coming up
2023 03 19 Earlier: Kalergi exchange, genocide of Ukrainian people
2023 03 18 Earlier: Europe under attack
2023 03 17 Earlier: EU energy and trade starvation agenda
2023 03 16 Earlier: USA drives the Ukraine war
2023 03 15 Earlier: Putin – child abductor
2023 03 14 Earlier: system change to dictatorship
2023 03 13 Earlier: market volatility is part of system change
2023 03 12 Earlier: UK joins US
2023 03 11 Earlier: Philippines – a vision of Sweden in the future?
2023 03 11 Earlier: Northvolt summary
2023 03 10 Earlier: EU depleting Europe of energy
2023 03 09 Earlier: stock market levels and crash fabricated
2023 03 08 Earlier: crisis is the new normal
2023 03 04 Earlier: Oil producing countries moving in
2023 03 03 Earlier: ILO convention, native peoples
2023 02 26 Earlier: support for Russia regarding Ukraine, Russia not alone
2023 02 05 Earlier: Also Sweden Democrats a completely fake, false flag nationalist party
2023 01 31 Earlier: Sweden: Criminal gangs taking over local government
2023 01 30 Earlier: The fall of Rome due to Goth immigrants
2023 01 15 Earlier: follow the money
2023 01 14 Earlier: secret collaboration
2023 01 13 Earlier: Turkey, Erdogan
2023 01 12d Earlier: Värmland, a future Donbas
2023 01 12c Earlier: Greta, climate agenda collapse?
2023 01 12b Earlier: Northvolt coincidences
2023 01 12 Earlier: Northvolt production
2023 01 10c Earlier: Northvolt smears countries
2023 01 10b Earlier: Northvolt political message
2023 01 10 Earlier: Northvolt Virtual Reality, Poland assembly, Chinese stock?
2023 01 09 Earlier: EU-Putin collusion
2023 01 08c Earlier: manipulations
2023 01 08b Earlier: Own nothing, be happy (WEF)
2023 01 08 Earlier: World going backwards
2023 01 07 Earlier: Why run businesses at a loss
2023 01 06 Earlier: Virtual Reality
2023 01 05 Earlier: Battery production is located in Asia and Meta – Tesla, Northvolt, Virtual Reality
2023 01 04 Earlier: Anti-Russian sanctions starve Europe
2023 01 03 Earlier: Artemis woke
2023 01 02 Earlier: The crypto weapon
2023 01 01 Earlier: Sanctions are often useless
2022 12 31 Earlier: Trump summary
2022 12 30 Earlier: In practice a one-party system
2022 12 29 Earlier: The “green transition” is virtual
2022 12 28 Earlier: Suppressive moderation (Northvolt)
2022 12 27 Earlier: Northvolt may go to delapidated California
2022 12 26 Earlier: Northvolt questions
2022 12 25 Earlier: Greta Kurdistan
2022 12 24 Earlier: Forum agenda
2022 12 23 Earlier: US borrowing: In Fink We Trust
2022 12 22 Earlier: Green delay tactics
2022 12 21 Earlier: Biden-Zelensky bonding
2022 12 20 Earlier: Large corporations threaten to leave Europe
2022 12 19 Earlier: Security-, Corona- & CO2-rules lead to de-industrialization
2022 12 18 Earlier: Will PM be the fall guy? (Northvolt)
2022 12 17 Earlier: Gaslighting older
2022 12 15 Earlier: robots, AI
2022 12 13 Earlier: too complex solutions, energy chaos, creating a crisis
2022 12 12 Earlier: another EU fund
2022 12 10 Earlier: forums closing
2022 12 09 Earlier: More people, more batteries (Northvolt)
2022 12 08 Earlier: Northvolt, climate predictions
2022 12 07 Earlier: EU corruption, divert anger
2022 12 06 Earlier: Blame the victim
2022 12 05 Earlier: Harry & Meghan – on races
2022 12 04 Earlier: Democratic Republican cooperation – a different US policy for export. Twitter Files
2022 12 02 Earlier: EU energy
2022 12 01 Earlier: Enron (2)
2022 11 05 Earlier: Energy unions, France
2022 11 29 Earlier: France will control EU energy. Norway good politics.
2022 11 28 Earlier: Stress over energy prices
2022 11 27 Earlier: Inflation is really price hikes
2022 11 26 Earlier: The military – a financial tool
2022 11 25 Earlier: Is the left manipulated (“useful idiots”)
2022 11 24 Earlier: Air show crash
2022 11 23 Earlier: Chess smear campaign
2022 11 21 Earlier: Traditional advent calendary ridiculing prince
2022 11 20 Earlier: Greta, kurds,old folks
2022 11 19 Earlier: Israel builds Noah’s ark on the moon, tardigrade crash
2022 11 18 Earlier: Ernst & Young financial services – a political actor?
2022 11 17 Earlier: Does the left believe in its teachings?
2022 11 16 Earlier: National daily AB: How to sell your car.
2022 11 15 Earlier: Businesses have gone green to gain influence.
2022 11 13 Earlier: neolib
2022 11 12 Earlier: Privatization means impoverished space research
2022 11 10 Earlier: Sami activists cropped out of Greta picture
2022 11 08 Earlier: Artemis 1 – time for SpaceX to deliver
2022 11 07 Earlier: Sunak stares at Lavrov
2022 11 05 Earlier: NASA smears itself
2022 11 04 Earlier: Sweden elections 2022 (2): New gov’t, same policies
2022 11 03 Earlier: Google admits Crimea is Russian
2022 11 02 Earlier: “Crisis” is really price increase; centralization
2022 10 31 Earlier: Big Mac index
2022 10 30 Earlier: False flag rightist government; Sweden elections 2022 (1)
2022 10 28 Earlier: Turkey
2022 10 27 Earlier: Twitter buy. Musk-Trump oligarch empire forming?
2022 10 26 Earlier: World Economic Forum, WEF, is a decoy (2)
2022 10 25 Earlier: Sunak appointment means divide and conquer
2022 10 24 Earlier: Oil producers are “axis of evil”
2022 10 23 Earlier: The decline of the West
2022 10 22 Earlier: India, networks
2022 10 21 Earlier: Politicians main objective: stop votes from having effect
2022 10 20 Earlier: Politicians (Johnson) manipulate the system.
2022 10 19 Earlier: Globalization intensifies
2022 10 18 Earlier: EU lack ofdemocracy
2022 10 17 Earlier: acting loser
2022 10 16 Earlier: Leader vs MP:s
2022 10 15 Earlier: Secretive courts protect the oil industry – Energy Charter Treaty
2022 10 14 Earlier: Destructive investments
2022 10 13 Earlier: Macronism
2022 10 12 Earlier: Women vs men
2022 10 11 Earlier: Terrorists in Sweden?
2022 10 10 Earlier: Energy privatization
2022 10 09 Earlier: Divide and conquer, common enemy
2022 10 07 Earlier: Election fine print
2022 10 06 Earlier: Sweden 2022 elections undemocratic
2022 10 05 Earlier: iran: Hijab unrest; Swedish courts obey The People’s Mujahedin
2022 10 03 Earlier: Entrepreneurs counteracted
2022 10 01 Earlier: “stan”-countries run over, sports for globalization
2022 09 29 Earlier: Asssange actor
2022 09 28 Earlier: Forming government, Sweden 2022
2022 09 26 Earlier: Tricking the people into believeing SD won
2022 09 25 Earlier: EU isolates the Nordic countries by slow trains
2022 09 24 Earlier: Sweden elections – same s… new wrap
2022 09 23 Earlier: Ransomware – privacy laws
2022 09 22 Earlier: EU loser mentality
2022 09 20 Earlier: Unwashed, stench, filth, dirt – trend
2022 09 19 Earlier: Forming government in Sweden 2014-2022, all delays, on EU orders.
2022 09 18 Earlier: So called “extreme right”
2022 09 17 Earlier: Iranian PR – #1
2022 09 16 Earlier: Media “extreme right” is just normal
2022 09 15 Earlier: Germany supports EU irreversible federalization
2022 09 14 Earlier: EU meddling in elctions
2022 09 13 Earlier: EU’s self destructive sanctions against Russia, over Ukraine
2022 09 12 Earlier: Europe heading for a new Stone Age
2022 09 11 Earlier: US attack on Europe.
2022 09 10 Earlier: FED creates chaos.
2022 09 09 Earlier: Nationalist SD does not demand influence, SD opposes itself
2022 09 08 Earlier: Liberals switch sides.
2022 09 07 Earlier: Inflation is an excuse for increasing prices due to lack of competition.
2022 08 27 Earlier: Sweden elections: Parties split up to promote EU
2022 08 26 Earlier: The political system is broken.
2022 08 25 Earlier: EU oil starvation
2022 08 24 Earlier: Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh – a new Ukraine?
2022 08 23 Earlier: Money transfer to corporations
2022 08 04 Earlier: NASA can not fill propellent
2022 08 03 Earlier: Privatization is only good when you benefit (LIV golf)
2022 08 02 Earlier: Left and right united against the people
2022 08 01 Earlier: The community must regulate energy
2022 07 28 Earlier: NASA racism
2022 07 31 Earlier: Northvolt update
2022 07 26 Earlier: EU orchestrated energy chaos
2022 07 25 Earlier: Energy divide and conquer stragtegy
2022 07 24 Earlier: Save POW:s, not drug smugglers
2022 07 23 Earlier: Northvolt, EU battery frenzy
2022 07 22 Earlier: Delay tactics
2022 07 21 Earlier: Superpowers use cold war to dominate.
2022 07 20 Earlier: Is LIV golf an object to hate for future sanctions against Saudi.
2022 07 19 Earlier: EU energy crisis like California (2), Enron
2022 07 18 Earlier: LGBT – one piece in the fall of Rome
2022 07 17 Earlier: Energy crisis, like California (1)
2022 07 12 Earlier: Media focus on personal details when in fact SpaceX and Tesla are in trouble.
2022 07 11 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (2)
2022 07 10 Earlier: EU Covid package
2022 07 04 Earlier: EU kamikaze crash (1)
2022 06 03 Earlier: Logging companies avoid being scrutinized.
2022 06 02 Earlier: Super powers vs people
2022 06 01 Earlier: Northvolt smearing Sweden.
2022 05 31 Earlier: Sweden going down
2022 05 30 Earlier: US renders president powerless
2022 05 29 Earlier: US doesn’t want to stop shootings
2022 05 28 Earlier: Cancel indians and other native/indigenous peoples
2022 05 27 Earlier: Russian deserters sue army
2022 05 26 Earlier: Nazi smearing
2022 05 25 Earlier: Why Greta is not in Swedish media.
2022 05 24 Earlier: Greta review
2022 05 23 Earlier: EU – Sovietcomparison
2022 05 22 Earlier: Ukraine, a new Korea (2)
2022 05 21 Earlier: War inflation attacks common people
2022 05 22 Earlier: False flag
2022 05 21 Earlier: Oil net import
2022 05 20 Earlier: Turkey in NATO supported IS. In NATO Sweden can end up in war with parctically any country.
2022 05 18 Earlier: US defends Taiwan, but not Ukraine. Joining NATO can mean war with China
2022 05 17 Earlier: 1. West employs cancel culture. 2. Jewish influence 3. Nordic systems were better.
2022 05 16 Earlier: A new Korea in Europe (1)
2022 05 15 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (2)
2022 05 13 Earlier: Use blockade to blame foreign powers.
2022 05 11 Earlier: Burn quran is like burn kippah
2022 05 10 Earlier: Team USA-Russia vs Syria, Iraq, Kazakhstan …
2022 05 09 Earlier: Bombing independent countries
2022 05 08 Earlier: Why Europe is crashing (1)
2022 05 06 Earlier: Tesla – modern slavery
2022 05 02 Earlier: Join NATO in panic
2022 04 26 Earlier: Superpower take-over
2022 04 25 Earlier: Europe under attack
2022 04 23 Earlier: War destroys Europe
2022 04 21 Earlier: Musk SolarCity trial
2022 04 20 Earlier: Superppowers lose war.
2022 04 18 Earlier: Superpowers starve Europe of energy.
2022 04 15 Earlier: EU sanctions euro and blames Russia.
2022 04 14 Earlier: Ukraine war means energy depletion
2022 04 11 Earlier: It’s about war, not which side you’re on.
2022 04 09 Earlier: Ukraine war, global aspects
2022 04 10 Earlier: War will end when Europe is broken.
2022 04 08 Earlier: Ukraine war is not Putin’s war. It is EU:s war.
2022 04 06 Earlier: The war in Ukraine is orchestrated by globalists
2022 04 02 Earlier: No Russian bots (2)
2022 04 01 Earlier: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies self destruct.
2022 03 28 Earlier: Greta starvation, agenda controlled
2022 03 27 Earlier: There were no Russian bots (1)
2022 03 26 Earlier: Tesla sells conflicts, like in Texas
2022 03 25 Earlier: Zelensky chooses war
2022 03 24 Earlier: war and stock are globally directed
2022 03 22 Earlier: Reasons for war in Ukraine
2022 03 20 Earlier: EU decides fuel tax
2022 03 22 Earlier: must stop killing (2)
2022 03 21 Earlier: BlackRock’s Fink letter says gas and oil are good “transition fuels”
2022 03 20 Earlier: must stop killing in Ukraine (1)
2022 03 19 Earlier: International community must protect all
2022 03 18 Earlier: national socialism is very different from international socialism or nazism
2022 03 17 Earlier: Ukraine war is the superpowers attacking the European peoples.
2022 02 25 Earlier: Oligarch Kolomoisky runs Ukraine, president Zelensky, Azov batallion and Ukrainian air, allegedly shot down in Iran conflict.
2022 02 24 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; Europe is run from Brussels/EU like Congo was run from Brussels.
2022 02 19 Earlier: finance crises, scandals; finance timeline
2022 02 18 Earlier: EU rules send Swedish electricity to Germany
2022 02 17 Earlier: Ukraine war 2022
2022 02 16 Earlier: Racism is back
2022 02 06 Earlier: Kamila Valieva doping case rigged
2022 02 05 Earlier: Norwegian public service attacking Russia [Nordic sports /2]
2022 02 04 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (2)
2022 02 01 Earlier: indigenous peoples are only used for conflict. They will also be conformed.
2022 01 31 Earlier: nazi & other smearing of [Nordic sports /1]
2022 01 30 Earlier: Greta, criticism
2022 01 27 Earlier: Nobel prize to stop sexual violence, not wars.
2022 01 26 Earlier: Catalán Sharp murder media coverage cover up multi-nationals’ control. Belgium made a mess of Congo and now of Europe.
2022 01 25 Earlier: Catalán, Sharp, coltan, Congo, conflict; Assange, Manning, Bini, Kamphuis, Snowden, Kashoggi
2022 01 24 Earlier: Greta Thunberg’s backers, dangerously trying to recreate the Chinese cultural revolution
2022 01 23 Earlier: Northvolt global mess
2022 01 22 Earlier: Next crisis
2022 01 21 Earlier: Greta demonstrations rigged, express apartheid
2022 01 20 Earlier: Media covers up WEF 2022
2022 01 18 Earlier: Turkey
2022 01 17 Earlier: EU energy stavation agenda, cable refused
2022 01 16 Earlier: Energy crisis in Europe
2022 01 15 Earlier: Northvolt, EU – green socialism
2022 01 14 Earlier: Tesla, EU – socialism
2022 01 13 Earlier: Assange revealed US war crimes.
2022 01 12 Earlier: Going virtual
2022 01 11 Earlier: EU lets eastern European nuclear crisis grow
2022 01 07 Earlier: Ukraine Jewish president doesn’t fight nazis [-2-]
2022 01 05 Earlier: EU single candidate system
2022 01 04 Earlier: EU self destructive gas boycott
2022 01 03 Earlier: Hong Kong democracy clamp down
2022 01 02 Earlier: Silk Road, China is becoming part of the global agenda.
2021 12 31 Earlier: Global takeover
2021 12 27 Earlier: Biden acts senile not to have to fulfill his promises.
2021 12 26 Earlier: US and EU construct energy crisis in Europe. (press spoiler button at link target)
2021 12 23 Earlier: Christmas feeling
2021 12 22 Earlier: Privatization down sides, illustrated by Elon Musk
2021 12 21 Earlier: Kamala Harris – the fall guy?
2021 12 20 Earlier: nuclear delay
2021 12 19 Earlier: Northvolt – just a green delusion?
2021 12 17 Earlier: Reasons for the energy crisis
2021 12 14 Earlier: The crises are constructed
2021 12 08 Earlier: USA/EU democracy failure
2021 12 04 Earlier: EU uses psychological warfare against the European peoples.
2021 12 01 Earlier: Greta covers up four things
2021 11 30 Earlier: Greta is too white
2021 11 28 Earlier: Market economy, energy crisis
2021 11 27 Earlier: Musk and Tesla go for feodalism
2021 11 26 Earlier: EU exploits Ukraine
2021 11 10 Earlier: Climate refugees
2021 11 08 Earlier: Musk vs authorities
2021 11 04 Earlier: Refugees from EU
2021 11 03 Earlier: EU energy scam helps the EU
2021 10 28 Earlier: Putin helps the EU
2021 10 27 Earlier: EU constructs energy crisis
2021 10 28Earlier: shirking responsibility
2021 10 27 Earlier: Biden no climate action
2021 10 26 Earlier: origins of climate theory
2021 10 25 Earlier: Greta Thunberg builds generation gap
2021 10 24 Earlier: climate predictions
2021 10 23 Earlier: child shaming
2021 10 22 Earlier: Greta Thunberg discriminates (1 )
2021 10 21 Earlier: big oil not at COP26. Greta anonymous in Sweden.
2021 10 20 Earlier: European energy crisis
2021 10 17 Earlier: Weapons of mass migration
2021 10 16 Earlier: Streisand effect, muslims
2021 10 15 Earlier: information shifts
2021 10 08 Earlier: The cold war is back
2021 10 05 Earlier: The climate weapon
2021 09 25 Earlier: Banks, big corporations
2021 09 19 Earlier: Aukus
2021 09 09 Earlier: The Fall of Rome
2021 09 07 Earlier: Greta – the witch doctor.
2021 09 03 Earlier: Construct problems to split the population.
2021 08 30 Earlier: Energy consumption stops crypto.
2021 08 15 Earlier: Big corps
2021 08 10 Earlier: Argumentation against the person
2021 08 08 Earlier: Climate models exaggerated.
2021 08 06 Earlier: Olympic gold sprinter Jacobs’ nutritionist under police investigation for distribution of anabolic steroids. Attacking the messenger/person.
2021 07 23 Earlier: Controlled opposition
2021 07 20 Earlier: Globalization is dysfunctional.
2021 06 30 Earlier: EU demands elicit government crisis in Sweden.
2021 06 29 Earlier: EU climate tariffs
2021 06 25 Earlier: EU m.o. is crisis. Crisis timeline
2021 06 24 Earlier: Is Greta Thunberg bluffing about her education? [ -1-, -2- ]
2021 06 23 Earlier: Greta Thunberg uses parliament for dancing not debate.
2021 06 22 Earlier: The privatization of space activities is at the expense of research and development.
2021 06 21 Earlier: Greta accuses Nordic countries vaguely, without presenting evidence.
2021 06 20 Earlier: Fake government crisis
2021 06 19 Earlier: EU ramps up CO2. Media twists refugees from US warfare to be “climate refugees”.
2021 06 18 Earlier: US keeps up the oil price.
2021 06 16 Earlier: EU supports regime that encourages death squads.
2021 06 14 Earlier: EU creates cold war
2021 06 12 Earlier: US out of lockdown but not Europe
2021 05 27 Earlier: EU puppet regime, Belarus
2021 05 26 Earlier: EU fakes hi-jack to buy Belarus.”
2021 05 24 Earlier: climate “science”
2021 05 22 Earlier: nwo m.o.
2021 04 24 Earlier: Cryptocurrencies hype yet another way to deprive country through reduced tax base. Bitcoin “mining” is really transfer fee. Ethereum hacker became lawful owner of loot.
2021 04 22 Earlier: Tesla crash used to hide lack of sales
2021 04 19 Earlier: climate attack on Nordic countries
2021 04 14 Earlier: US – taliban win-win
2021 04 13 Earlier: Resistance to EU/global control is connected to nazis, terrorists etc.
2021 04 10 Earlier: Media and politicians attack white men.
2021 04 03 Earlier: National states vaccinate more efficiently
2021 04 02 Earlier: Covid is used to form airline monopoly
2021 04 01 Earlier: Airlines don’t want you to travel!
2021 03 31 Earlier: Biden attacks Europe using the climate agenda.
2021 03 20 Earlier: EU-Covid
2021 03 18 Earlier: Georgia
2021 03 12 Earlier: Holodomór terror famine
2021 03 09 Earlier: Biden chosen by Dems meant manipulating democracy to promote Harris.
2021 02 21 Earlier: Archeology on Mars is psychological warfare.
2021 02 06 Earlier: Will agriculture and food supply be the next crises?
2021 02 02 Earlier: Tesla stock is inflated to support green take over by f.ex EU.
2021 01 31 Earlier: Bill Gates knew society would respond to Covid with disproportionate strength.
2021 01 30 Earlier: The World Economic Forum (WEF) is a decoy (1)
2021 01 29 Earlier: The true nature of The (not so) Great Reset
2021 01 12 Earlier: starvation
2021 01 08 Earlier: Trump-Assange agenda
2021 01 06 Earlier: Global lockdown
2020 12 26 Earlier: Maggie Thatcher on EU.
2020 12 26 Earlier: Brexit – a complete success for UK.
2020 12 12 Earlier: Covid mostly affects politicians media dislike.
2020 12 01 Earlier: European Union 7 year budget negotiations 2020.
2020 11 30 Earlier: Belarus 2020 – “revolution” is only newspaper feminist agenda and likely EU influencing
2020 11 26 Earlier: Greta – the modern Don Quixote
2020 11 25 Earlier: EU-satellite deals are better than EU membership.
2020 11 23 Earlier: Future of globalization
2020 11 22 Earlier: Climate doom
2020 11 22 Earlier: Dictatorship: Sweden ban meetings.
2020 11 10 Earlier: Internet communication has led to globalists going for broke.
2020 11 06 Earlier: Diet and body shape are abused to divide the population
2020 11 01 Earlier: Globalism will bring chaos until units of control are shrunk.
2020 10 16 Earlier: Authorities still havn’t published recommendations for those w/symtoms, positive test or anyone really.
2020 10 15 Earlier: Corona restrictions will demand rewriting the constitution.
2020 10 13 Earlier: Greta is not environmental, she is EU and Hong Kong activist.
2020 10 12 Earlier: Greta turns to Macron, not Swedish politicians.
2020 10 08 Earlier: The climate issue is political.
2020 10 02 Earlier: Is the Estonia ferry disaster fake?
2020 09 20 Earlier: Assange trial
2020 09 08 Earlier: Globalists incite subversion and rebellion against the national government
2020 09 05 Earlier: Soros, Nixon, FED
2020 08 31 Earlier: Activism creates tthe problems it claims to counteract.
2020 08 28 Earlier: European Union
2020 08 18 Earlier: EV-charging
2020 08 15 Earlier: Sweden pays Italian Olympics.
2020 08 14 Earlier: Media spread mental problems.
2020 08 11 Earlier: Soros is a decoy.
2020 08 09 Earlier: When Soros crashed Sweden.
2020 08 07 Earlier: Brexit will increase EU power.
2020 08 05 Earlier: Controlling Europe through debt
2020 08 03 Earlier: polarization
2020 08 02 Earlier: “Covid rescue” illegal in two ways
2020 07 26 Earlier: “Covid rescue” is really euro bailout
2020 07 25 Earlier: False idols look appealing
2020 07 23 Earlier: PM Löfven tricked out of EU rebate.
2020 07 20 Earlier: Macron & Merkel dictate the EU agenda
2020 07 12 Earlier: Immigrants ridiculed in headline for not recieving information
2020 07 10 Earlier: white males – slandered in media
2020 07 05 Earlier: US elections – a show for foreign countries
2020 07 03 Earlier: Cross-country skiing champion Marit Bjorgen – a product of the globalist agenda
2020 06 20 Earlier: Swedish PM splits Nordic unity for no reason. – He must be under globalist control.
2020 06 18 Earlier: Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter [BLM]
2020 06 16 Earlier: The Brexit dilemma (1)
2020 06 12 Earlier: Why the media hate Latin America
2020 06 11 Earlier: Why the UK can not get a deal with the EU.
2020 06 10 Earlier: Why SpaceX recovers boosters.
2020 05 27 Earlier: Send Greta to the European Union to stop Corona recovery. We in Northern Europe are paying for it.
2020 05 22 Earlier: Blackmail the European Union
2020 05 02 Earlier: Norwegian police never tries to find the missing person
2020 05 06 Earlier: Fairy tales newspapers compose
2020 05 02 Earlier: Elon Musk plays the fool
2020 04 30 Earlier: Brexit, current status
2020 04 12 Earlier: fake rebels
2020 04 06 Earlier: The government/press/elite are less likely to use espionage against other states, but would rather use it against their own people.
2020 03 25 Earlier: Corona & climate – full panic but no real action taken.
2020 03 12 Earlier: US elections 2020 are rigged.
2020 03 08 Earlier: US liberal chaos is only for export.
2020 02 29 Earlier: Assange extradition trial
2020 01 27 Earlier: Is Mars rover “Curiosity” fake??
2020 01 25 Earlier: Climate gender conflicts
2020 01 22 Earlier: The scare factor
2020 01 20 Earlier: The European Union threatens w/ bank blockade to make United Kingdom to follow EU rules.
2019 12 19 Earlier: Neil Farage: Parties like SverigeDemokraterna (SD) become corrupt in the European Union.
2019 12 14 Earlier: Elon Musk is intentionally a poor role model, to destroy youth values.
2020 01 26 Earlier: Are Starlink spy satellites?
2019 12 08 Earlier: Obama tries to break US self confidence by cutting the space program.
2019 12 01 Earlier: Are the Iranian ayatollahs CIA-agents?
2019 11 26 Earlier: Arjen Kamphuis‘ disappearance
2019 10 10 Earlier: Greta Thunberg‘s true, dark motives
2019 08 10 Earlier: Edward Snowden – US operative
2019 04 14 Earlier: Wikileaks, Julian Assange and Ola Bini are likely American agents.
2019 04 12 Earlier: Ola Bini, Arjen Kamphuis connection
2019 02 01 Earlier: Elections 2018: Globalist parties pretended to have different opinions. Collaborate to favor large corporations at the expense of workers.
2019 02 01 Earlier: Bilderberg calling the shots: Center party is hi-jacked and Liberal party is ordered to self-exterminate.
2018 09 10 Earlier: News media gives birth to a political party – Ny Demokrati
2018 09 09 Earlier: All parties unite to refuse party SD posts as chairman according to election results.
2018 09 08 Earlier: The media monopoly sells outdated technology to the Swedish gov’t @ SEK 10 bn.
2018 09 07 Earlier: Feeding frenzy, the media monopoly disposes of politicians that do not follow the agenda
2018 09 06 Earlier: Quotes
2018 09 05 Earlier: Control of the Internet, Google, troll farms
2018 08 30 Earlier: Soros’ funds used to influence Swedish politics
2018 05 30 Earlier: Fake news
2018 05 22 Earlier: False flag awards
2018 05 10 Earlier: Who owns the news media
2018 05 01 Earlier: Journalist wounded by IS ?
2018 04 27 Earlier: The Cold War and other anti-Russian activities. The image of conflict; The useful enemy
2018 04 25 Earlier: Why only few air crash investigations are accurate. – Passengers lives are at an unnecessary risk.
2018 04 22 Earlier: The Iraq war 2003 was built on fake evidence. / So far, no accusations of chemical warfare have been proven true. / Also the war on IS was built on fake evidence.
2018 04 10 Earlier: Bjärred-case. Politically correct psychiatry exterminates a whole family?
2018 04 02 Earlier: UN obstructs murder investigation – UN supports an illegal regime. The true reason why Catalán and Sharp were killed.
2018 03 10 Earlier: The terrorists’ objectives
2018 03 01 Earlier: Tesla, Ubuntu/Linux – self destructive moles & Google, Facebook – political control mechanisms
2017 12 25 Earlier: Geopolitisk krigföring – Media/USA attackerar Europa med flyktingar. The enemy within. Weapons of Mass Migration
2017 12 18 Earlier: Destabilisering genom feminism och HBTQ
2017 12 15 Earlier: Destabilisering genom invandring
2017 12 12 Earlier: IOK saknar bevis – Internationella Olympiska Kommittén stänger av Ryssland utan bevis
2017 12 09 Earlier: Trump om Jerusalem – den verkliga orsaken till Trumps uttalande funnen
Table of Contents (in English)
Summary 04
Massmedia och demokratin
News media and the democracy]
First page after these pages on media ownership;
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